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Azure Key Vault pros and cons

Vendor: Microsoft
4.3 out of 5
Badge Ranked 1
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Azure Key Vault Pros review quotes

Aug 17, 2021
All its features are really valuable. It's really well thought-out. It's a complete turnkey solution that has all the concerns taken care of, such as access control and management. You can use it in infrastructure as code to create key vaults, APIs, PowerShells, CLIs, even Terraform.
Piyush_Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2023
There is advanced data protection available. We're working in a highly regulated environment, and this is essential to us.
Mayur B N - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 26, 2024
The product's integration capabilities are good.
Learn what your peers think about Azure Key Vault. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 1, 2022
Among the features that have helped improve our security posture are storing secrets in a secure location to create a trusted situation, trusted resources, and incorporating identity access management so that we know who has access to what.
Oct 11, 2021
The best feature is the integrity of the .NET applications in our company.
AliMohiuddin - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 29, 2024
With Azure Key Vault, we can generate our own keys and then import them inside the system, which provides a higher level of security than provider-managed keys.
Prince Verma - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
The solution uses the encryption technique to store the secret information data that uses EPCE. There is also one feature that monitors Azure Key Vault.
Nov 11, 2022
The solution does an excellent job of storing and retrieving our stored keys.
Mar 20, 2021
The security on offer seems to be quite good.
Atal Upadhyay - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 28, 2024
The solution's technical support is good. My company received support from Microsoft whenever we needed it.

Azure Key Vault Cons review quotes

Aug 17, 2021
If you check the capabilities of other key management services across Amazon, HashiCorp, and Google, there are features that Key Vault doesn't have. It could be the case that when you use Key Vault, you might be forced to use a third-party solution to get certain services. If those services could be included in Key Vault, there would be diminished reasons to go for a third-party key management system.
Piyush_Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2023
There are additional charges for data transfers. However, the pricing is mostly reasonable for the licensing overall.
Mayur B N - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 26, 2024
Currently, our company has to add the secrets manually, one by one, in Azure Key Vault, which is a tedious process.
Learn what your peers think about Azure Key Vault. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 1, 2022
One of my previous clients was one of the big banks here in the Netherlands and the EU courts have stated that Microsoft Azure Key Vault is not, according to their perspective, secure due to the fact that Microsoft has access to Key Vault.
Oct 11, 2021
The big problem with Azure Key Vault is key rotation. We haven't found a good way to synchronize the credentials between the databases and Key Vault.
AliMohiuddin - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 29, 2024
It would be great if Azure allowed more third-party vendors into the ecosystem.
Prince Verma - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
They should improve its policies, which sometimes reapplied but don't sync properly between the Key vault and the role-based access. When I put some roles on the user side, it sometimes misses the end data to secure.
Nov 11, 2022
Better integration with other third-party cloud providers, such as AWS and GCP, should be there. That's something I expect from a Microsoft-built product.
Mar 20, 2021
While the solution already does a great job of managing keys, the solution could probably look at maybe expanding more into mobile devices and endpoints.
Atal Upadhyay - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 28, 2024
If I consider how some people complain that a solution to store information should be available at a low cost, I would say that Azure Key Vault's price should be made cheaper.