Azure Key Vault vs Delinea Secret Server comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Azure Key Vault
Ranking in Enterprise Password Managers
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Certificate Management Software (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (12th)
Delinea Secret Server
Ranking in Enterprise Password Managers
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Privileged Access Management (PAM) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Enterprise Password Managers category, the mindshare of Azure Key Vault is 26.3%, down from 28.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Delinea Secret Server is 5.2%, down from 5.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Enterprise Password Managers
Unique Categories:
Certificate Management Software
Microsoft Security Suite
Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Featured Reviews

Piyush_Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2023
Good features, advanced data protection, and reasonably priced
The features on offer are very good. We are using Key Vault as an optical store for the sensitive data and then retrieve the data and use access policies. So access to policies is quite valuable for us based on the regulations and compliance requirements that we are working with. There is advanced data protection available. We're working in a highly regulated environment, and this is essential to us. Perforamnce-wise, it's very good. We haven't had any issues in the past three years. There are no errors or downtime. It's always been available to us. Microsoft's Key Vault availability is around 99%. A lot of new features have been added, and it has nice regional availability as well. It is stable and scales well. Technical support has been fine overall.
Jan 15, 2024
Works for what we wanted but issues with upgrades
It works for us, and the administration part, while functional, seems less straightforward, especially during upgrades. That's what I've noticed.   We use Delinea Secret Server, but not to its full capacity. We are still exploring other products due to company policies. At this stage, we're not…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The platform has a valuable feature for seamless integration."
"It provides a secure and centralized location for managing and protecting sensitive information, making it an essential component for enhancing the security."
"The product's integration capabilities are good."
"It is a managed service in Azure, you do not have to worry about security other than managing your own identities."
"I find the simplicity of key management to be the most valuable feature. Key management has always been a difficult function to do, especially in the cloud premises. Azure Key Vault provides you with a mechanism for managing keys, without having to worry about protecting secrets is valuable."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is the search for secrets feature that we use to store our passwords and connection strings."
"One of the most valuable features of Microsoft Azure Key Vault is its ease of use."
"It stores sensitive information in an encrypted way. We don't have to worry about data loss or data theft because no one can see our information."
"The "App to App" feature has been most impactful. It allows secure communication between applications without requiring direct user access, which is crucial for several applications."
"The privileged access management module is the most reliable feature."
"It works for us."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is that it provides us with a secure way of managing passwords."
"I like that you can change the password remotely."
"Technical support is pretty good."
"I really like the zero trust piece."
"The privileged access management, which is the Safe Access Model is the most valuable feature."


"The integration with Thales HSM is complex and is not out-of-the-box. Uploading the keys was quite a tedious process."
"The solution's usage can be a little better from the user interface point of view."
"While the solution already does a great job of managing keys, the solution could probably look at maybe expanding more into mobile devices and endpoints."
"It is complicated to use different services and products along with Azure Key Vault."
"I can see that other people are doing the infrastructure as code, they are able to easily manage and cycle their passwords as needed using their own interface they created. It would be nice if Microsoft provided more guidance in that area."
"To make it a ten the setup should be more streamlined."
"If you check the capabilities of other key management services across Amazon, HashiCorp, and Google, there are features that Key Vault doesn't have. It could be the case that when you use Key Vault, you might be forced to use a third-party solution to get certain services. If those services could be included in Key Vault, there would be diminished reasons to go for a third-party key management system."
"Microsoft Azure Key Vault could improve by enhancing the security of credentials. Without the security or the use of key vaults, we would have to configure our credentials into the source code as plain text without the encryption or security."
"We find the documentation hard to understand."
"As I am partial to CyberArk, I rate Thycotic Password Reset Server as a nine out of ten, owing to the minor glitches I mentioned."
"Documentation could be improved if they were to include more about connectors. There is not enough documentation."
"What needs improvement? The product can be improved by reducing the number of updates provided."
"The setup for this solution is complex. I'm not going to lie, you need a specialized system security engineer to deploy it."
"One of the things that we want is to be able to do some of the management of it using APIs."
"There could be tweaks here and there. For example, instead of going to one main function to do this and another main function to do that, the solution could remap the user interface so that a person only has to go through one function. The way that function branches off should make a bit more sense."
"Installation can sometimes be difficult, depending on the environment."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Azure Key Vault is an affordable solution."
"Pricing is quite reasonable and support is included, although premium support is available for an additional fee."
"We use a pay-as-you-go license for the solution, which is not very expensive."
"Currently, the tool's monthly licensing costs are around 1,800 USD for all the environments combined, including the production and pre-production environments."
"The product has good pricing."
"It is a cheap option."
"The product is inexpensive."
"The product costs much less compared to other vendors."
"Its price is okay. We don't compete on pricing. We seldom use price to win over our competitors. We prefer it this way because if we can sustain the price, we make more margin as well. We don't want the price to go down to the bottom where despite the win, there's no margin at all."
"It is very expensive, and its price should be lower."
"Secret Server is expensive when compared to the cost to some alternatives."
"The price of this solution is good."
"It isn't terribly expensive."
"The solution is low-cost than other vendors."
"There are different plans and additional licensing costs that can be instituted for add-ons."
"In the Nigerian market, the adoption of Delinea depends largely on an organization's budget. If they have the financial capacity, they might consider Delinea as a viable option."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is better - Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager?
Azure Key Vault is a SaaS solution. You can easily store passwords and secrets securely and encrypt them. Azure Key Vault is a great solution to ensure you are compliant with security and governanc...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure Key Vault?
With Azure Key Vault, we can generate our own keys and then import them inside the system, which provides a higher level of security than provider-managed keys.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Azure Key Vault?
Azure Key Vault is a very, very expensive solution. Currently, the solution's pricing is based on the number of transactions, which is very high in some cases.
Looking for recommendations and a pros/cons template for software to detect insider threats
This is an inside-out --- outside-in --- inside-in question, as an insider can be an outsider as well. There is no short answer other than a blend of a PAM tool with Behavioral Analytics and Endpo...
What do you like most about Delinea Secret Server?
The privileged access management module is the most reliable feature.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Delinea Secret Server?
If you're requesting licenses or pricing, then you have to fill out a questionnaire that they try to gain insight into what your environment is like, what you're trying to discover, and what you're...

Also Known As

Microsoft Azure Key Vault, MS Azure Key Vault
Thycotic Secret Server, Delinea Password Reset Server

Learn More




Sample Customers

Adobe, DriveTime, Johnson Controls, HP, InterContinental Hotels Group, ASOS
Secure-24, University of San Diego, International Rescue Committee, San Francisco Ballet, Perkins Coie, University of San Diego, D.S.S. Limited, Turbo's Hoet, Eclipse Computing, Cathay Bank, Stellarise, J&R Consulting
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Key Vault vs. Delinea Secret Server and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.