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Immuta pros and cons

Vendor: Immuta
3.8 out of 5

Pros & Cons summary

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Prominent pros & cons


Auto-discovery capability identifies sensitive information
Good restriction features


Needs more enhanced monitoring capabilities
The implementation process is challenging
Needs more regular upgrades and software releases.
Challenges with support 

Immuta Pros review quotes

Vijayant Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 13, 2023
Instead of manually tagging data, Immuta’s auto-discovery capability identifies sensitive information, such as country labels, gender information, and other personal data.
Nov 29, 2023
All features available are good.
Vivek Sai - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 3, 2023
What I appreciate the most is its user-friendliness.
Find out what your peers are saying about Immuta, Privacera, Protegrity and others in Data Governance. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Saurav P - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 26, 2023
The tool's most valuable feature is restriction.

Immuta Cons review quotes

Vijayant Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 13, 2023
The implementation process with Immuta was quite challenging, primarily due to issues related to database handling and the syncing of user groups.
Nov 29, 2023
We have had some challenges with their support when we were migrating to the cloud version. We we had some issues, and it took us several attempts to get a proper responses as part of that migration.
Vivek Sai - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 3, 2023
There is room for improvement in enhancing the monitoring capabilities.
Find out what your peers are saying about Immuta, Privacera, Protegrity and others in Data Governance. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Saurav P - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 26, 2023
Immuta is behind in updating upgrades and software releases.