Nutanix Database Service vs VMware Tanzu Data Solutions comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Nutanix Database Service
Ranking in Database Development and Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
VMware Tanzu Data Solutions
Ranking in Database Development and Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Warehouse (5th), Message Queue (MQ) Software (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Database Development and Management category, the mindshare of Nutanix Database Service is 2.0%, down from 2.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VMware Tanzu Data Solutions is 3.0%, down from 3.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Database Development and Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Data Warehouse

Featured Reviews

May 21, 2024
It makes scaling and deployment simpler and more agile for our customers
We are a service provider for Nutanix using a cloud platform to deliver Database as a Service to our customers to compete with AWS and RDS We deliver databases as a service, so the Nutanix Database Service makes scaling and deployment simpler and more agile for our customers. It has reduced the…
Jun 21, 2023
Uses a memory desk processor very efficiently and performs well while maintaining a low cost
The solution is a fine product. However, to make it perfect, in some cases, there might be a need to traverse the queue. RabbitMQ currently lacks the capability for archiving the queue, which essentially turns it into a log. For such requirements, you may need to explore other options like Kafka or custom drivers that allow traversing the entire queue. In RabbitMQ, while you can traverse the entire queue, you need to devise a workaround to handle the messages. For example, you can read a message from one queue, publish it to another queue or keep it in some other way to retain the desired entries, and then stop at that point. Additionally, the need for support may vary depending on the usage and potential heavy loads on the system. The support feature could benefit from some improvement in terms of accessibility and responsiveness. I don't encounter significant challenges or areas that require improvement while using the solution. Everything works smoothly, and I find it well thought out. It's got excellent compliance with MQP 9.0. Overall, I have had a positive experience with the solution.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has wizards that are very helpful in the installation, and it handles automation as well as virtualization once deployed."
"The solution enables us to speed up the creation of new instances."
"We use the solution to save costs and simplify operations."
"The most valuable feature is its robust infrastructure management tools."
"The patching is the most valuable feature. We spent a lot of time and effort on the patching of our SQL instances after hours. With Nutanix Era, you can schedule and automate them during your normal operational hours (during the day). You schedule all the patching, then everything happens automatically with minor tickets from the engineer. So, our patching, which took four hours, went down to an hour for the engineer. This is much better for us from a return on investment perspective."
"It has some very good features. It really works with multiple silos in terms of infrastructure, database updates, and migration. So many things are easy with Era."
"It is also a single platform, all in one place, and that is a reason we went for this solution. Earlier, we had multiple platforms, the database and the OS, but this is a single platform that helps us with what we are doing."
"The solution provides easy deployment of databases, easy snapshots, and easy disaster recovery."
"Very sophisticated routing control and priority messaging capabilities"
"Companies can scale the solution, so long as they have server room."
"A very good, open-source platform."
"The solution has really cool features to use. Its management console is excellent. You can utilize plugins to view the performance of the whole service on one network."
"The solution improved our site reliability."
"It is easy to use. The addition of more queues and more services can be managed very easily."
"The most valuable feature for me is that it is open source. The licensing costs are really low and they are transparent."
"The message routing is the most valuable feature. It is effective and flexible."


"The patching should be a one-button function. Also, it works about 80 percent of the time, but 20 percent of the time it requires manual intervention. And sometimes, until you understand the technical underpinnings of that process, you can't fix it. I thought we would move past that. In the last version, they broke a big chunk of that for me, and that's why I'm waiting for the new release because they promised me it would fix the problem."
"We have a regular license program because it's really expensive."
"The updating of the database engine is something that can be improved. For example, assume that we are using PostgreSQL out of the box, and it is version 10. If we want to migrate to version 11, 12, or 13, then it is not very easy to do that using Nutanix Era."
"I would like to see the SQL compatibility enhanced."
"We faced some performance issues with Nutanix."
"There is room for improvement in the pricing structure."
"The downside of this solution is that it's more expensive than its competitors."
"It would be helpful if Nutanix added a billing system for databases. We need to automate this with a separate solution. We are service providers, so it would be easier for our customers if there were a built-in system that we could use for billing."
"The availability could be better."
"There are some security concerns that have been raised with this product."
"they need to interact more with customers. They need to explain the features, especially when there are new releases of Greenplum. I know just from information I've found that it has other features, it can be used to for analytics, for integration with Big Data, Hadoop. They need to focus on this part with the customer."
"Initial setup is a little complex. It took around two weeks to deploy."
"I saw some limitation with respect to the column store, and removing this would be an improvement."
"The product needs to focus on offering more use case documentation because browsing the internet to find it can be a process filled with struggles."
"Some integration with other platforms like design tools, and ETL development tools, that will enable some advanced functionality, like fully down processing, etc."
"I would like to see the performance of the administration portal improved and additional messaging protocols."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Not everyone can afford it. It's a bit expensive, so the price has to be improved."
"It's priced fairly... It's a good value. When you go looking for something from Oracle that automates things and makes your life easier, it's always going to be a minimum of $500,000. Era's nothing like that."
"The tool is expensive."
"The pricing is competitive."
"Licensing costs will be the main scalability problem."
"The price of the solution is expensive."
"The licensed-based pricing is confusing and too high."
"There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"It is an open-source product."
"On a scale of one to five, with five being the most competitive pricing, I would rate this solution as a four."
"It’s an open-source solution."
"Tanzu Greenplum's pricing is really competitive and gives excellent value for money."
"The product is available for free use since it is an open-source technology."
"We are using the open-source version of this solution."
"It is the best product with best fit for price/performance customer objectives."
"Pricing is good compared to other products. It's fine."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Nutanix Database Service?
The most valuable feature is its robust infrastructure management tools.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Nutanix Database Service?
Nutanix Database Service is an expensive solution. On a scale from one to ten, where one is expensive and ten is cheap, I rate the solution's pricing a five out of ten.
What needs improvement with Nutanix Database Service?
Sometimes, the solution requires a deep knowledge of the IT infrastructure, which makes it difficult.
How does IBM MQ compare with VMware RabbitMQ?
IBM MQ has a great reputation behind it, and this solution is very robust with great stability. It is easy to use, simple to configure and integrates well with our enterprise ecosystem and protocol...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for VMware Tanzu Greenplum?
It’s an open-source solution. There are no expenses for using it.

Also Known As

Nutanix Era
Greenplum, Pivotal Greenplum, VMware RabbitMQ, VMware Tanzu GemFire, VMware Postgres

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Sample Customers

JetBlue, International Speedway Corporation, SAIC Volkswagen
General Electric, Conversant, China CITIC Bank, Aridhia, Purdue University
Find out what your peers are saying about Nutanix Database Service vs. VMware Tanzu Data Solutions and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.