LEAPWORK vs OpenText UFT Developer comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Test Automation Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
OpenText UFT Developer
Ranking in Test Automation Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Functional Testing Tools (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Test Automation Tools category, the mindshare of LEAPWORK is 1.6%, down from 1.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of OpenText UFT Developer is 2.3%, down from 3.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Test Automation Tools
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Functional Testing Tools

Featured Reviews

Jul 14, 2023
The product has a user-friendly UI, and it provides good support, but it is expensive and difficult to setup
We are partners with the product. We use it for end-to-end automation. We can automate server-based and web-based applications. We can also do continuous integration and continuous delivery It is a low-code/no-code automation tool. The UI is user-friendly. It supports web-based and browser-based…
Eitan Gold - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 9, 2023
Integrates well, has LeanFT library, and good object detection
We use Micro Focus UFT Developer to perform functional testing on both a desktop application and a web application One aspect that I like about Micro Focus UFT Developer is the ability to integrate it into a testing framework as a library. They have LeanFT Library. This is the reason we choose…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It provides automated testing. Instead of us doing manual testing, we can utilize Leapwork, and it tests most of our critical processes. In the next phase, we also plan to do some process work with it, such as using Leapwork to create reports or provide certain extracts of data."
"The most valuable of this solution is the no code option. It offers drag and drop when it comes to development and removes the need for a developer."
"The UI is user-friendly."
"The recording feature is quite good as it helps us to find out how things are working."
"The most valuable feature is the Object Model, where you can directly pull up the object as a global or a local."
"The most valuable feature for UFT is the ability to test a desktop application."
"The most valuable feature of Micro Focus UFT Developer is the flexibility to work with many different types of software."
"One of the important features, which speeds up the automation testing development with LeanFT, is its object repository functions. Object identification are the most time-consuming aspect of building automation tests. LeanFT gives that out of the box. It helps you identify the objects and after that, once you got the object in place, then it's just about building the test scripts. So it reduces your development time significantly."
"Integrates well with other products."
"The solution is very scalable."
"There are many good things. Like it is intuitive and scripting was easy. Plus the availability of experienced resources in India due to its market leadership."


"It is a very comprehensive tool, and there is a significant learning curve to being able to adopt the tool. Because it does so much, there is only so much that you can learn. You can, however, do some simpler things right away. They do have a kind of boot camp where some of their experts engage with you, and during that time, you can work on the top initiatives that you want to do, and that's a good process. After you start using the tool, there is a lot more that you would want to do."
"The initial setup is difficult."
"This solution could be improved by offering better reporting related to the integration into Azure DevOps."
"The only thing that I don't like about the product is the need to deploy agents on the laptops of people doing the testing. So, you have an agent on a server, then you have an agent on the laptop of the person who is doing the testing, and that seems like a lot of stuff and a kind of anti-cloud. Why do I have to deploy agents on people's machines in order to do something in the cloud? I'm sure they're doing that so they can monitor their licensing and all that stuff, but it is not necessarily a friendly process."
"UFT is like a flagship of testing tools, but it's too expensive and people are not using it so much. They should work on their pricing to make themselves more competitive."
"Easier connectivity and integration with SAP would be helpful."
"The price of the solution could improve."
"In the next release, I would like to see integration with different cloud-based tools such as Azure."
"I have to keep the remote machine open while the tests are running, otherwise, it leads to instability."
"With Smart Bear products generally, you can have only one instance of the tool running on a machine."
"The pricing could be improved."
"It's now too heavy and they should be making it faster. We do an attempt at automatic regression testing. We schedule a test to start at a certain time. It takes a lot of time to download the resources and start UFT. Competitors in this area have tools that start faster and run the test faster. For example, if the test at our side will take 10 minutes, another tool will do that in one minute."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product is not cheap."
"We got a deal on it for the first year. We're paying $8,000."
"It is cheap, but if you take the enterprise license, it is valid for both software items."
"The pricing is quite high compared to the competition."
"If I would rate it with one being inexpensive and ten being expensive, I would rate pricing an eight out of ten."
"The cost of this solution is a little bit high and we are considering moving to another solution."
"Its cost is a bit high. From the licensing perspective, I am using a concurrent license. It is not a seed license. It is something that I can use in our network. It can also be used by other users."
"When we compare in the market with other tools that have similar features, it may be a little bit extra, but the cost is ten times less."
"The licensing is very expensive, so often, we don't have enough VMs to run all of our tests."
"It is quite expensive and is priced per seat or in concurrent (or floating) licenses over a period of months."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend Leapwork? How is Leapwork pricing?
Do you recommend Leapwork? I absolutely recommend Leapwork. In fact, I consider it to be one of the best test automation tools. I like it because it provides many benefits. Some of the ones I fin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LEAPWORK?
Ten licenses cost around $100,000. The product is not cheap. I rate the pricing a seven out of ten.
What do you like most about Micro Focus UFT Developer?
There are many good things. Like it is intuitive and scripting was easy. Plus the availability of experienced resources in India due to its market leadership.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus UFT Developer?
Object definition and recognition need improvement, especially with calendar controls. I faced challenges with schedulers and calendars.

Also Known As

No data available
Micro Focus UFT Developer, UFT Pro (LeanFT), Micro Focus UFT Pro (LeanFT), LeanFT, HPE LeanFT

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Sample Customers

Walmart, Hitachi, American Airlines, PepsiCo, AT&T, Ericsson, United Airlines
Find out what your peers are saying about LEAPWORK vs. OpenText UFT Developer and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.