
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

IBM SPSS Statistics
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (3rd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (1st)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Predictive Analytics (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Science Platforms category, the mindshare of IBM SPSS Statistics is 3.0%, up from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of KNIME is 11.9%, up from 9.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of RapidMiner is 6.5%, up from 6.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Science Platforms
Unique Categories:
Data Mining
Predictive Analytics

Q&A Highlights

Nov 02, 2023

Featured Reviews

Nov 17, 2019
Good machine learning algorithms and statistical models, but technical support needs to be more responsive
The primary use case of this solution is for collecting business data and reporting to upper management. Also, I am creating some regulatory and ad-hoc reports Some of the most valuable features that we are using with some business models are machine learning algorithms, statistical models given…
Feb 24, 2021
Free to use, stable, and easy to install
Knime is used for data analytics It can handle an unlimited amount of data, which is the advantage of using Knime. It already has algorithms included. I haven't had a lot of time to explore Knime in detail, but when you compare it with Orange, I would like it to be able to find data and collect…
Aug 19, 2022
Effective no code design, reliable, and simple to use
I am a university professor in engineering and I am using RapidMiner for teaching. I use all the utilities of the software to illustrate some of the courses that I provide in data mining. I use the software everywhere I need it The most valuable feature of RapidMiner is that it is code free. It…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"SPSS can handle whatever you throw at it, whether your data set contains 10,000, 100,000, or a million objects. It's like the heavy artillery of analytical tools."
"Since we are using the software as a statistical tool, I would say the best aspects of it are the regression and segmentation capabilities. That said, I've used it for all sorts of things."
"It is a modeling tool with helpful automation."
"The most valuable features are the solution is easy to use, training new users is not difficult, and our usage is comprehensive because the whole service is beneficial."
"Most of the product features are good but I particularly like the linear regression analysis."
"You can quickly build models because it does the work for you."
"The best part is that they have an algorithm handbook, so you can open it up and understand how it works, and if it is useful, this is very important."
"The most valuable feature is the user interface because you don't need to write code."
"It allows for a user-friendly approach where you can simply drag and drop elements to create your model, which is a convenient and effective idea."
"The product is open-source and therefore free to use."
"The product is very easy to understand even for non-analytical stakeholders. Sometimes we provide them with KNIME workflows and teach them how to run it on their own machine."
"All of the features related to the ETL are fantastic. That includes the connectors to other programs, databases, and the meta node function."
"What I like most about KNIME is that it's user-friendly. It's a low-code, no-code tool, so students don't need coding knowledge. You can make use of different kinds of nodes. KNIME even has a good description of each node."
"We are able to automate several functions which were done manually. I can integrate several data sets quickly and easily, to support analytics."
"KNIME is fast and the visualization provides a lot of clarity. It clarifies your thinking because you can see what's going on with your data."
"We can deploy the solution in a cluster as well."
"The solution is very intuitive and powerful."
"What I like about RapidMiner is its all-in-one nature, which allows me to prepare, extract, transform, and load data within the same tool."
"The most valuable features are the Binary classification and Auto Model."
"It is easy to use and has a huge community that I can rely on for help. Moreover, it is interactive."
"The most valuable feature of RapidMiner is that it can read a large number of file formats including CSV, Excel, and in particular, SPSS."
"It's helpful if you want to make informed decisions using data. We can take the information, tease out the attributes, and label everything. It's suitable for profiling and forecasting in any industry."
"RapidMiner is a no-code machine learning tool. I can install it on my local machine and work with smaller datasets. It can also connect to databases, allowing me to build models directly on the data stored there. RapidMiner offers a wider range of operators than other tools like Dataiku, making it a better option for my needs."
"Using the GUI, I can have models and algorithms drag and drop nodes."


"It could allow adding color to data models to make them easier to interpret."
"Needs more statistical modelling functions."
"The reports could be better."
"I think the visualization and charting should be changed and made easier and more effective."
"There is a learning curve; it's not very steep, but there is one."
"The solution could improve by providing a visual network for predictions and a self-organizing map for clustering."
"If there is any self-generation data collection plan (DCP), it would be helpful in gathering data. It would also be useful if there is a function to scale it up to, let's say, UiPath and have it consolidate and integrate into a UiPath solution."
"The product should provide more ways to import data and export results that are user-friendly for high-level executives."
"It could be easier to use."
"KNIME could improve when it comes to large data markets."
"We do not have much documentation in Portuguese."
"I wish there were more video training resources for KNIME. The current videos are very short, and most learning is text-based. Longer training sessions would be helpful, especially for complex flowchart use cases. Webinars focusing on starting projects and analyzing data would also be beneficial."
"In my environment, I need to access a lot of servers with different characteristics and access methods. Some of my servers have to be accessed using proxy which is not supported by KNIME, so I still need to create the middleware to supply the source of my KNIME configurations."
"It's pretty straightforward to understand. So, if you understand what the pipeline is, you can use the drag-and-drop functionality without much training. Doing the same thing in Python requires so much more training. That's why I use KNIME."
"The pricing needs improvement."
"The graphic features of KNIME need improvement"
"RapidMiner isn't cheap. It's a complete solution, but it's costly."
"The server product has been getting updated and continues to be better each release. When I started using RapidMiner, it was solid but not easy to set up and upgrade."
"The biggest problem, not from a platform process, but from an avoidance process, is when you work in a heavily regulated environment, like banking and finance. Whenever you make a decision or there is an output, you need to bill it as an avoidance to the investigator or to the bank audit team. If you made decisions within this machine learning model, you need to explain why you did so. It would better if you could explain your decision in terms of delivery. However, this is an issue with all ML platforms. Many companies are working heavily in this area to help figure out how to make it more explainable to the business team or the regulator."
"I would appreciate improvements in automation and customization options to further streamline processes."
"About twenty-five percent of my problems involve image processing, and I found RapidMiner lacking in this domain. While we work on OCR and similar tasks, RapidMiner hasn't been as engaged in that field as other models. Some other models also support email processing, but RapidMiner doesn't offer this feature."
"In the Mexican or Latin American market, it's kind of pricey."
"A great product but confusing in some way with regard to the user interface and integration with other tools."
"I think that they should make deep learning models easier."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our licence is on a yearly renewal basis. While pricing is not the primary concern in our evaluation, as products are assessed by whether they can meet our user needs and expertise, the cost can be a limiting factor in the number of licences we procure."
"We think that IBM SPSS is expensive for this function."
"The pricing of the modeler is high and can reduce the utility of the product for those who can not afford to adopt it."
"SPSS is an expensive piece of software because it's incredibly complex and has been refined over decades, but I would say it's fairly priced."
"More affordable training for new staff members."
"If it requires lot of data processing, maybe switching to IBM SPSS Clementine would be better for the buyer."
"It's quite expensive, but they do a special deal for universities."
"While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment."
"The client versions are mostly free, and we pay only for the KNIME server version. It's not a cheap solution."
"I use the tool's free version."
"There is a Community Edition and paid versions available."
"KNIME is free and open source."
"With KNIME, you can use the desktop version free of charge as much as you like. I've yet to hit its limits. If I did, I'd have to go to the server version, and for that you have to pay. Fortunately, I don't have to at the moment."
"We're using the free academic license just locally. I went for KNIME because they have a free academic license."
"While there are certain limitations in functionality, you can still utilize it efficiently free of charge."
"KNIME Business Hub is expensive for small companies."
"For the university, the cost of the solution is free for the students and teachers."
"Although we don't pay licensing fees because it is being used within the university, my understanding is that the cost is between $5,000 and $10,000 USD per year."
"I used an educational license for this solution, which is available free of charge."
"The client only has to pay the licensing costs. There are not any maintenance or hidden costs in addition to the license."
"I'm not fully aware of RapidMiner's price because we had licenses provided, but from my analysis, it's moderately priced, not too high or too low. It's worth the investment."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Data Science Platforms solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Answers from the Community

Nov 2, 2023
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot, Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)
See 2 answers
Apr 15, 2023
I'd suggest checking out the new Actable AI as well. It has a better AutoML and a lot more advanced features like Causal ML.
AltanAtabarut - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot,  Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM SPSS Statistics?
The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM SPSS Statistics?
While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment. However...
What needs improvement with IBM SPSS Statistics?
In some cases, the product takes time to load a large dataset. They could improve this particular area.
What do you like most about KNIME?
Since KNIME is a no-code platform, it is easy to work with.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for KNIME?
KNIME offers a free version to use. KNIME also has a server version with almost the same price as competitors.
What needs improvement with KNIME?
The graphic features of KNIME need improvement, especially when working on dashboards.
What do you like most about RapidMiner?
RapidMiner is a no-code machine learning tool. I can install it on my local machine and work with smaller datasets. I...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for RapidMiner?
I'm not fully aware of RapidMiner's price because we had licenses provided, but from my analysis, it's moderately pri...
What needs improvement with RapidMiner?
The product must provide data-cleaning features. I could not use RapidMiner for data cleaning in one of my projects a...



Also Known As

SPSS Statistics
KNIME Analytics Platform
No data available

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Sample Customers

LDB Group, RightShip, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Capgemini Consulting, TEAC Corporation, Ironside, nViso SA, Razorsight, Si.mobil, University Hospitals of Leicester, CROOZ Inc., GFS Fundraising Solutions, Nedbank Ltd., IDS-TILDA
Infocom Corporation, Dymatrix Consulting Group, Soluzione Informatiche, MMI Agency, Estanislao Training and Solutions, Vialis AG
PayPal, Deloitte, eBay, Cisco, Miele, Volkswagen
Find out what your peers are saying about KNIME vs. RapidMiner and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.