Kentik vs ThousandEyes comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Juniper Mist Premium Analytics
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection (22nd)
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Monitoring Software (20th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Monitoring Software category, the mindshare of Juniper Mist Premium Analytics is 0.5%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Kentik is 0.7%, up from 0.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ThousandEyes is 4.8%, up from 4.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Monitoring Software
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Cloud Monitoring Software

Featured Reviews

Shiva_Prasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2024
A cloud solution for warehousing with a troubleshooting feature
The initial setup is straightforward. It's based on user requirements. We also conduct heat mapping using a couple of tools. The only requirement is to understand the technical or configuration aspects from the user's end and then configure it. Mist takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes for a particular deployment. You need to understand the end user's environment and have a concrete plan on whether it's a greenfield installation or an existing one, considering the density and height. Based on that, we need to develop a passive heat map. Then, you need to discuss with the user to understand exactly what needs to be configured and what they require in their environment. Based on that, you can proceed with the installation. Additionally, you can perform post-installation heat mapping to ensure it matches the earlier heat map. I rate the initial setup an eight out of ten, where one is difficult, and ten is easy.
May 17, 2023
Flexibility for creating reports and gaining more visibility is a definite strength
Kentik is used to visualize Internet connectivity, particularly for network connections. It's an "as-a-service" solution. We have clients such as NTT and KDD, major telecom providers in Japan I believe the company is satisfied with the product, but there have been some changes and challenges.…
Jul 24, 2022
Reliable. simple to set up, and offers fast monitoring capabilities
We usually monitor for our public prefixes and propagations and if they are getting dropped or there is a route application. It is mainly on the public-facing side or the internet-facing use case. There are other use cases, however, for me, for the work that I do, that's what I'm using a…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points."
"The single dashboard is a valuable feature."
"The most valuable feature is being able to pull traffic patterns; to and from destinations. We're able to understand where our traffic is going, our top talkers from an AS set, as well as where our traffic's coming from."
"Having the API access allows us to do a great deal of automation around a lot of our reporting and management tools."
"It offers a simple yet powerful feature of classifying applications, going beyond basic statistics."
"The drill-down into detailed views of network activity helps to quickly pinpoint locations and causes. All the information is there."
"One of the valuable features is the intuitive nature of building out reports, and then triggering actions based on specific metrics from those reports. It has a really good UI and the ability to surface data through the reporting functions is pretty good. That's helped a lot in the security space."
"We're also using Kentik to ingest metrics. It's a useful feature, and its response time, whenever we're pulling back the data, is higher than our on-prem solution."
"I really love the Data Explorer. I use it all the time to go in and craft exactly what I need to see. I'm able to then take that story and explain it to the executives. I've done that a couple of times and it is helpful."
"We're pretty happy with the API functionality. It's web, and it's very simple to set up queries. It has served us well and you don't need to be an expert on the API or the product to set these things up."
"ThousandEyes gives companies better visibility."
"From our perspective, ThousandEyes stands out as an invaluable tool because of its deep and extensive capabilities."
"The authentication overall - including to the VPN and LAN - is excellent."
"The installation process is not hard at all."
"The most valuable feature of ThousandEyes is user-friendliness. It has been essential for us to have a solution that is easy to use."
"The most valuable features are integration and ease of use."
"The tool's most valuable feature is its scalability. It is a good tool for network admins."
"The solution's initial setup process was straightforward...In terms of ROI, the solution is worth the money."


"The technical support needs improvement."
"The Wi-Fi side needs improvement."
"We asked for a way, regarding the potential networks that exist, to hook Kentik up with external tools like peering DBs to correlate things together and see what we can do... This is all in the [next] beta now."
"They're moving more in a direction where they are saying, "Hey, here's information that you may be interested in or may a need," before the question has to explicitly be asked. Continuing to move in that direction would be a good thing."
"I consider the pricing model as an area for improvement."
"There is room for improvement around the usability of the API. It's a hugely complex task to call it and you need a lot of backing to be able to do it. I should say, as someone who's not in networking, maybe it's easier for people who are in networking, but for me that one part is not very user-friendly."
"I've checked out the V4 version of the interface and it's still a little bit clunky for me to use. I still go back to the old interface. That's definitely one that they still need to work on. It doesn't seem like everything that you get in the V3, the older interface, is there. For instance, I was trying to add a user or do the administrative tasks in V4, and I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to do that."
"The only downside to Kentik, something that I don't like, is that it's great that it shows you where these anomalies lie, but it's not actionable. Kentik is valuable, don't get me wrong, but if it had an actionable piece to it..."
"I believe they're already working on this, but I would love for them to create better integrations from network flow data to application performance — tracing — so that we could overlay that data more readily. With more companies going hybrid, flow logs and flow data, whether it be VPC or on-prem, matched with application performance and trace data, is pretty important."
"I would like to see them explore the area of cost analysis."
"The tool does not provide features for application-level monitoring."
"It would be nice if the solution covered other areas like server monitoring."
"ThousandEyes could improve the dashboards by adding more features."
"There is room for improvement in terms of customization and user-friendliness."
"It's an expensive solution."
"They only offer synthetic requests."
"I would like the product to offer more agility."
"We can show the traffic path in some cases, but it's almost impossible to do so in cloud networks like CDN, Akamai, or Microsoft."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"We have an annual contract with Kentik that we renew each year for a set number of licenses. We also have some burstable licenses which we can spin up and spin down, and those are paid as they are used."
"The solution is cheap."
"In our company, we incur a yearly expense in our company for the licensing part. I rate the solution's pricing a seven out of ten since it is expensive."
"The solution's pricing is cheap; I rate it a five out of ten."
"It is a quite expensive solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Juniper Mist Premium Analytics?
We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points.
What do you like most about Kentik?
It offers a simple yet powerful feature of classifying applications, going beyond basic statistics.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Kentik?
Hey Julia, Navigating Kentik's pricing can be a bit like wandering through a maze blindfolded, but don't worry. My ex...
What needs improvement with Kentik?
Customers usually need more information to effectively use this solution. So, simplifying it could be an area of impr...
What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
It actually depends on the exact purpose or requirements. Some tools are better for only network devices while others...
What needs improvement with ThousandEyes?
The solution's network and reporting could be improved.



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Pandora, Yelp, Neustar, Box, University of Washington, Zoom, Tata, and Cogent. 
Wayfair, GitHub, Craigslist, Comcast, SurveyMonkey, Lyft, Box, HP, Zendesk, IO Data Centers, Good Technology, NNTCommunications, Proofpoint, Schneider, Crowdstrike, Avera, Pitney Bowes, InstartLogic, Shutterfly, Shutterstock, Condé Nast, Roche, Jive, Actelion, Brocade, Infor, Okta, JLL, DigitalOcean, Zuora, NetSuite, CloudFlare, One, DemonWare, Quantcast, Carbonite, CareerBuilder, Prosper, Oscar, Slack
Find out what your peers are saying about Kentik vs. ThousandEyes and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.