Google Firebase vs Microsoft Azure comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Google Firebase
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Microsoft Azure
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
PaaS Clouds (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) category, the mindshare of Google Firebase is 9.7%, up from 8.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure is 22.2%, up from 17.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
PaaS Clouds

Q&A Highlights

Nov 21, 2021

Featured Reviews

Simon Buckingham - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 7, 2023
A stable solution with good database file storage
I use Google Firebase for its database file storage The most valuable features of Google Firebase are its database, noSQL database, file storage, authentication, and notifications. I had a problem deleting the user's files, and I had to move to the paid plan to do that. They have added a plugin…
Harmandeep Kaur - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 27, 2024
Offers integrated version control in building models which obviates the need to manage different versions of my models manually
We haven't actually needed to contact Azure support very often. However, the Databricks team, specifically our Service Account Manager, has been very helpful. They've reached out a couple of times to understand the types of projects we're working on and suggest additional functionalities that might be beneficial. There was also some communication with the GenAI team about potential use cases that could be integrated into our platform or future products. I've never had to directly contact an Azure support representative. The online documentation is very comprehensive, and there's a large, active community that we can leverage for troubleshooting. Basically, all the documentation we need is readily available to resolve any queries.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Google Firebase authentication and deployment."
"Google Firebase is one I like a lot because it gives us a little bit more power and accessibility when it comes to publishing apps a lot quicker and for the needs that we have."
"The user interface is very good and easy to navigate."
"If there's data added to the solution, there's a good record of it so it's easy to track everything."
"What I like most about Google Firebase is that it's one of the easier options to host a website or app quickly."
"I love Firebase's notifications, crash analytics, and bug tracking. It gives you detailed reporting about app usage and users."
"Its simplicity makes it quite handy for my needs in app development."
"The most valuable feature I like is about the realtime. Updates are also very fast."
"It's a flexible solution."
"The most efficient feature of Microsoft Azure is that we can use it to update a website with a few clicks."
"The portal makes it easier to work with the solution."
"I like the functionalities and the price. I'm very satisfied with Microsoft Azure."
"There are many different components such as SaaS, PaaS, and API so every month they are releasing a few hundred new features."
"I think the single sign-on functionality and the ease with which you can deposit things on the cloud have been valuable. Azure has very robust security functionalities and authentication features, which come with mobility, along with backup and credential checks."
"Everything is very good by way of performance."
"It's easy to use, and it's scalable. If we want to grow our product more, we can do it."


"We use Firebase for media processing and we are growing more. As we grow, the pricing goes high and it's high compared to competitors. The solution is expensive."
"I would prefer Google Firebase to focus more on its integration capabilities since it is an area in the solution with certain shortcomings."
"Google Cloud Functions (which is still a BETA version) needs to have more control over the uploaded functions. That is, it needs more options for controlling the functions itself."
"The solution could improve by providing an improved SDK tool and automatic indexing for databases."
"The solution's notification system could be much better."
"I would like to have a facility for testing possible scenarios by writing dummy data and then doing different queries."
"Their technical support needs to be enhanced with more support for customers."
"The cold start-up of the cloud function needs to speed up. For me personally, I'm not experienced in anything there, however, I've just read online it's a problem."
"Dashboards and reporting could be improved."
"At this point, the latency is too high to use Azure in our production environment."
"Something that could be added to the solution is the use of deep learning, which is going to grow in the near future."
"Microsoft should have one package for all their solutions in one place to be found."
"I would recommend some enhancement regarding integration features."
"The solution's email hosting pricing could be improved."
"The solution's initial setup was a bit complex in the beginning."
"We would like it to be cheaper. As a customer, we always want to pay less."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is not easy to calculate the cost per copy, use or if the load rose dramatically we did not know how that would impact the final price."
"The tool is affordable."
"They have a free tier that will cover most projects. For more intensive use, you pay as you use it, but the price is very cheap."
"The price is perfect and very clearly defined. The price during the trial setup is free and then you move to a paid service."
"My company makes very minimal payments toward the licensing costs of the solution."
"Google Firebase’s pricing needs improvement."
"The moment you go into volumes, then you work on a pay-per-volume basis."
"The pricing plans indicate it can get very expensive."
"I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive. For an SME, spending roughly 5,000 euros per month becomes interesting, indicating a significant infrastructure setup in the cloud."
"Microsoft Azure is expensive."
"The subscription models can be confusing and it would be beneficial for them to simplify them. We are on an annual subscription."
"Its price should be optimized so that we can use more features."
"If you are not aware of costs, pricing, etc., you can end up with a hefty bill. However, I found that the Azure price calculator is a valuable tool to use before starting to deploy VMs in Azure. This tool will give you an overview of the costs you should expect on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis."
"Its costing can be improved. Its licensing is monthly. In addition to the standard license fee, there is a transactional cost."
"It is affordable, but its subscription price could be cheaper."
"The price of the solution could be reduced. There should be a loyalty cost reduction model. If customers have been using the service year after year they should receive a discount."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Azure compare to Google Firebase?
I would recommend Google Firebase instead of Microsoft Azure, simply for the array of features that it has to offer. In particular, the Firebase library grants you access to a shared data structure...
Looking to compare Google Firebase, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure
We like Google Firebase hosting and authentication and also the excellent cloud functionality. Our team found the flexibility of handling and dealing with the database through EDL to be very useful...
What do you like most about Google Firebase?
Google Analytics for Firebase is the best feature of the solution.
Which is preferable - IBM Public Cloud or Microsoft Azure?
IBM Public Cloud is IBM’s Platform-as-a-Service. It aims to provide organizations with a secure cloud environment to manage data and applications. One of the features we like is the cloud activity ...
Which is better - SAP Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure?
One of the best features of SAP Cloud Platform is that it is web-based and you can log in from anywhere in the world. SAP Cloud Platform is suitable for companies of any size; it works well with bo...
How does Salesforce Platform compare with Azure?
Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform is not easy or intuitive to deploy. The difficulty will be impacted by the type of application that you are trying to use the platform to build. Organizations tha...

Also Known As

No data available
Windows Azure, Azure, MS Azure

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Sample Customers

Fabulous, Pic Collage, Shazam, SkyScanner
BMW, Toyota, easyJet, NBC Sports, HarperCollins, Aviva, TalkTalk Business, Avanade, and Telenor.
Find out what your peers are saying about Google Firebase vs. Microsoft Azure and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.