Google App Engine vs Red Hat OpenShift comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Google App Engine
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Red Hat OpenShift
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the PaaS Clouds category, the mindshare of Google App Engine is 4.1%, up from 2.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Red Hat OpenShift is 10.9%, down from 14.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
PaaS Clouds
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Darasimi Ajewole - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 26, 2022
Has very intuitive dashboards and it scales very well; documentation needs a lot of improvement
I think the major difference between Google App Engine and every other similar product is its management. It's easier to manage App Engine than many of the other platforms that I've used. Google did a good job in terms of building a user interface so you can easily explain it to a non-technical person. It's just that the use case is very, very limited. Apart from web apps, you can't run other specialized applications on App Engine. If you're building a multi-threaded application on App Engine it's very tricky. For multi-threaded applications, I would go for something much more robust like Cloud Run or Cloud GKE, not App Engine.
Jan 29, 2024
Significantly enhanced and streamlined our organization's application development and deployment processes
OpenShift has significantly enhanced and streamlined our organization's application development and deployment processes. It offers more than just Kubernetes clusters, providing additional features like the Dashboard, which greatly simplifies tasks for developers. Moreover, OpenShift adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that applications run securely with features like hashing upgrades. It offers a vast repository of images and tools tailored for deployment and application development. This rich ecosystem makes deployment and performance optimization much easier compared to our previous methods. Additionally, by opting for OpenShift, we gain access to comprehensive support from their expert team. It streamlines our development and deployment processes through automation. From development to deployment, all processes are automated, providing efficiency and productivity gains. Developers can submit their changes for approval, and once approved, the deployment to production can proceed without requiring manual intervention. This streamlined workflow not only makes the process easier but also enhances productivity across the team. The integration capabilities of OpenShift with other platforms and services have greatly enhanced our workflow. When you opt for OpenShift, whether through a subscription or by installing it on your servers, you gain access to a comprehensive support system provided by Red Hat. OpenShift features a marketplace with a wide array of operators, facilitating seamless integration and deployment of various services. For instance, popular services like Elasticsearch can be easily integrated into the cluster directly from the user interface and dashboard, making the installation process much simpler and more user-friendly. The broad support for multiple languages and frameworks in OpenShift has positively impacted the productivity of our development teams. We've observed significant improvements in our tools and team collaboration since adopting this platform. As we continue to enhance our processes, it's evident that most of our development team members are actively engaged and contributing, particularly our dedicated engineers and architects. When comparing the efficiency of OpenShift Container Orchestration to other solutions we've considered, such as Kubernetes, we find that OpenShift aligns well with our existing architecture and team structure. Our approach resembles the architecture of OpenShift, with a team leader overseeing multiple workers.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I've found that all of the features are valuable, especially the shared drive and the ability for multiple people to use their documents at the same time."
"It is simple to use. It is much simpler than AWS. It is also very powerful."
"Google App Engine's most valuable feature is self-management. You do not have to manage the infrastructure underneath where all the functions are happening, such as load balancing deployment and version management, they are managed by the system itself."
"The initial setup is okay. It's not too complex. Deployment took about one day."
"The product's initial setup phase was straightforward, considering that there is good documentation explaining the implementation part of it."
"Seurity features - unauthorized individuals are unable to access certain applications."
"Administering App Engine is simple; it has intuitive UIs and a very scalable app engine."
"The solution is serverless, so we don't have to operate it."
"We are able to operate client’s platform without downtime during security patch management each month and provide a good SLA (as scalability for applications is processed during heavy client website load, automatically)."
"This solution is providing a platform with OOTB features that are difficult to build from scratch."
"The product's initial setup is very easy, especially compared to AWS."
"What I like best about OpenShift is that it can reduce some of the costs of having multiple applications because you can just move them into small container applications. For example, applications don't need to run for twenty days, only to be used up by Monday. Through OpenShift, you can move some of the small applications into any cloud. I also find the design of OpenShift good."
"The solution provides a lot of flexibility to the application team for running their applications in the container platform, without needing to monitor the entire infrastructure all the time. It automatically scales and automatically self-heals. There is also a mechanism to alert the team in case it is over-committing or overutilizing the application."
"I love to automate everything and OpenShift was been born for that. It takes care of the network layer itself and I don't need to dive into it; I can work on a top level. Our project has numerous services designed to run in Docker containers, and we have run almost all pieces in OpenShift."
"It's cloud agnostic and the containerization and security features are outstanding."
"Its interface is good. The other part is the seamless integration with the stack that I have. Because my stack is mostly of Red Hat, which is running on top of VMware virtualization, I have had no issues with integrating both of these and trying to install them. We had a seamless integration with the other non-Red Hat products as well."


"Data consumption of the device could be improved."
"The support for the Indian region is not as good as compared to the support that is offered to the regions in Europe."
"The product's price is an area of concern where improvements are required."
"Difficult to assess how pricing is managed."
"Some features of runtime don't work well in App Engine."
"I am limited to sending a photo to five people. I want to be able to send a photo to many people, not just five."
"The only concern is that there is a number of the offerings which are built on their own proprietary technologies. With some of the offerings in Google Cloud, it's difficult to have a path to migrate to other cloud providers."
"The documentation and community are lacking for this product."
"It could use auto-scaling based on criteria such as transaction volume, queue backlog, etc. Currently, it is limited to CPU and memory."
"OpenShift could improve by providing the ability to integrate with public cloud platforms. This way we can easily use the services that these platforms offer. For instance, Amazon AWS. However, all the three major hyper-scalers solutions offer excellent DevOps and CI/CD tooling. If there was an easy way to integrate with them it would be beneficial. We need a way to easily integrate with the monitoring and dashboard services that they provide."
"We need some kind of a multi-cluster management solution from the Red Hat site."
"The tool lacks some features to make it compliant with Kubernetes"
"One area for improvement is the documentation. They need to make it a little bit more user-friendly. Also, if you compare certain features and the installation process with Rancher, Rancher is simpler."
"One of the features that I've observed in Tanzu Mission Control is that I can manage multiple Kubernetes environments. For instance, one of my lines of business is using OpenShift OKD; another one wants to use Google Anthos, and somebody else wants to use VMware Tanzu. If I have to manage all these, Tanzu Mission Control is giving me the opportunity to completely manage all of my Kubernetes clusters, whereas, with OpenShift, I can only manage a particular area. I can't manage other Kubernetes clusters. I would like to have the option to manage all Kubernetes clusters with OpenShift."
"Room for improvement is around the offerings that come as a bundle with the container platform. The packaging of the platform should be done such that customers do not have to purchase additional licenses."
"I think that OpenShift has too many commands for running services from the CLI, and the configuration files are a little complicated."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I would like to have more free application with it. Some of the applications, I am paying more for them. I think that they must be free."
"We pay the license yearly. It's about $6 a month, which is $72 a year per person, so it's about $500."
"If we don't know how to work with the tool, we might have some spikes in price."
"My company makes payments towards the licensing costs attached to OpenShift."
"The cost is quite high."
"It's important to start small because the solution is scalable. We can build our cluster and look at the bundle option, not the external subscriptions. Talking to the people at Red Hat can save us money."
"OpenShift is really good when we need to start, but once we get to a certain scale, it becomes too expensive."
"We are currently using the open version, OKD. We plan to get the enterprise version in the future."
"I don't deal with the cost part, but I know that the cost is very high when compared to other products. They charge for CPU and memory, but we don't worry about it."
"The product has reasonable pricing."
"This solution is fairly expensive but comes at an average cost compared to other solutions in the market."
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Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Media Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Google App Engine?
The product's setup and deployment phases are easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Google App Engine?
If we don't know how to work with the tool, we might have some spikes in price. It will increase a lot of our bill. I rate the pricing a six out of ten.
What needs improvement with Google App Engine?
The product's price is an area of concern where improvements are required.
How does OpenShift compare with Amazon AWS?
Open Shift makes managing infrastructure easy because of self-healing and automatic scaling. There is also a wonderful dashboard mechanism to alert us in case the application is over-committing or ...
Which would you recommend - Pivotal Cloud Foundry or OpenShift?
Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a cloud-native application platform to simplify app delivery. It is efficient and effective. The best feature is how easy it is to handle external services such as database...
What do you like most about OpenShift?
OpenShift facilitates DevOps practices and improves CI/CD workflows in terms of stability compared to Jenkins.

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Sample Customers

Khan Academy, Best Buy, Gigya, MetOffice, Getaround, Mimiboard, NewsLimited, WebFilings, and CloudLock.
UPS, Cathay Pacific, Hilton
Find out what your peers are saying about Google App Engine vs. Red Hat OpenShift and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.