Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention vs Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Forcepoint Data Loss Preven...
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Palo Alto Networks Enterpri...
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) category, the mindshare of Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is 16.7%, down from 17.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention is 2.6%, down from 2.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Nov 17, 2022
Good pricing, good coverage, and helpful technical support
It can be giving better insights. The footprint could be lower. We'd like fewer devices and components. We'd like to have something unified. Maybe they could reduce the number of servers or hardware that need to be implemented as part of the solution. The setup could be streamlined. Feature requests do take some time to implement. I'd like to have fewer workflows on-prem. Still, I'd like to ensure I get endpoint protection. Managing the resources and managing the hardware requires multiple people. I have to rely on my server and network administrators, and I have to rely on the DLP administrator, who is managing the solution. That's too many resources, I have to look into it. I want to have a SaaS-based solution to reduce my cost and administration effort in terms of server management, et cetera.
Kunal Chopra - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 4, 2023
Helps to control information flow in and out of networks but needs improvement on stability
Our clients primarily deploy Palo Alto Networks Enterprise DLP to control the flow of information in and out of their networks. The main use cases include monitoring and managing sensitive data such as credit card information and personally identifiable information.  The solution needs improvement…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is the OCR."
"The workflow remediation is quite good. That is a key feature because of which it has the upper hand over other DLP solutions."
"Regardless of the size of your company, this solution can be scaled accurately."
"With OCR and Risk Analysis, we are able to determine if anything sensitive is been shared. OCR helps us to safeguard those things and with risk ranking, we can determine which user is trying to violate policies multiple times even though they have been blocked to him or her."
"I did not experience any crashes. The solution has been stable in my usage."
"Some good features are basically its UAV Analytics engine. And even fingerprinting is really good in Forcepoint."
"The product is user-friendly."
"The Forcepoint tool is well developed. It is ranked in many evaluations at the top when it comes to enterprise DLP solutions. It has good artificial intelligence that enables our customers to focus on specific incidents, instead of having a complicated list of uncategorized incidents."
"Another important feature is that the solution doesn't require any additional infrastructure to implement. It's a software license that is compatible with our existing hardware. We were able to install and configure the product seamlessly and effortlessly."
"It is a stable solution with good support."
"Our clients primarily deploy Palo Alto Networks Enterprise DLP to control the flow of information in and out of their networks. The main use cases include monitoring and managing sensitive data such as credit card information and personally identifiable information."
"The setup is very easy as we just need to switch on and switch off."


"This solution has a tendency to provide false-positive results."
"The policy update size and agent size could be improved. We would also like to have a proper solution for Linux OS which Forcepoint does not offer."
"The price could be reduced to be more cost, effective."
"There's zero Forcepoint presence in West Africa. Customers typically like having these things close to them. It would help if they had a presence here. Right now, Forcepoint West Africa has been administered from South Africa. Because of this, customers can't access premium support in our region."
"Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention can improve by having an uninstall option for the client or restart of a client agent can be controlled from the server. This feature is missing which is available with other solutions."
"The main area of concern is the tool's technical support."
"I would like to see improvement in the reporting. We can only get one week's worth of data; we can't get more than that. Also, the reporting console is very slow, making it very frustrating to use."
"The user-friendliness of the interface in formulating DLP policies could be improved. An example would be managing policies. It's a little daunting at first, and can be confusing, at times, when it comes to how to set things up and how to add policies. They could improve on that."
"There is room for improvement in the documentation around the maintenance of the product, how the automatic updates work, and pushing out new policies. A little more detail and context in that area would be helpful."
"The solution needs improvement in stability. There has been feedback regarding the accuracy of file categorization."
"You need to have an external solution to backup everything. For example, you need to have Syslog installed on your server as well so that you can back it up to another place."
"Its scalability is not on par with the features of others."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The licensing of Forcepoint is quite straightforward. It's based on the number of users. The support fees are a separate cost."
"I prefer Forceoint because it is cheaper than Symantec."
"The price of the solution is expensive."
"I rate the tool's pricing a six out of ten."
"The pricing and licensing fees could be improved."
"Forcepoint has been very cost-effective because they gave us a good deal while procuring the DLP solution."
"I can't comment on the cost, as a different department handles that."
"The cost for the product for our use is less than $10 per user."
"Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention is expensive, and licensing costs are monthly."
"The licensing model is very fair-minded and it's a good value. It scales well... Its licensing model is more streamlined when compared to other DLP solutions."
"It's expensive."
"The pricing of the solution depends on the buyers. But, from my point of view, it is in line with the rest of the products and the price list of Palo Alto."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
The technical support for the solution is very good.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
I don't actually know about prices. I am the technical support engineer of the tool.
What needs improvement with Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
The main area of concern is the tool's technical support. I would suggest the technical engineers reply to users as soon as possible since it usually takes them some time to respond.
What do you like most about Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention?
Our clients primarily deploy Palo Alto Networks Enterprise DLP to control the flow of information in and out of their networks. The main use cases include monitoring and managing sensitive data suc...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention?
Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention is expensive, and licensing costs are monthly.
What needs improvement with Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention?
The solution needs improvement in stability. There has been feedback regarding the accuracy of file categorization.

Also Known As

Forcepoint DLP, Forcepoint Data Security Suite, Websense Data Security Suite
No data available



Sample Customers

Alphawest, Betsson, Cellcom Israel Ltd., Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Confartigianato Vicenza, EverBank, Finansbank, iGATE, Landa Digital Printing, Northern California Bank, Reliance Capital, Remosa, Toyota, Scavolini, Zim Integrated Shipping Services
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention vs. Palo Alto Networks Enterprise Data Loss Prevention and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.