Darktrace vs Microsoft Defender for Office 365 comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (1st), Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) (1st), Network Detection and Response (NDR) (1st), AI-Powered Chatbots (3rd), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (14th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (11th), Attack Surface Management (ASM) (5th)
Microsoft Defender for Offi...
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (9th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Email Security category, the mindshare of Darktrace is 3.4%, up from 0.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is 13.8%, down from 20.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Email Security
Unique Categories:
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Microsoft Security Suite

Featured Reviews

Winston Lewis - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 30, 2023
We can integrate it with our firewall to automatically block things
We use Darktrace to monitor our network and block URLs from certain countries. Darktrace is integrated with our firewall, so the blocking is automatic.  We allow customers to access our Wi-Fi as guests, and some of them were going to restricted sites. Darktrace showed us what they were doing so we…
Nov 28, 2023
Stops evolving threats and offers peace of mind
We use the solution for wireless scanning, reporting, and monitoring.  The product is not resource-intensive.  The tool's most valuable feature is virus scanning, which has saved us from malware and ransomware.  We need to be able to whitelist data at the backend.  I have been using the product…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We liked their approach to identifying intrusions or network anomalies using AI."
"The most valuable feature is that it works autonomously."
"Darktrace is extremely stable."
"What I like about Darktrace, is that you can quickly identify threats."
"Its most valuable feature is its ability to identify malicious connected IPs from outside and the attacks that get through to the inside."
"It provides a comprehensive, detailed view of network activity and whatever is happening inside it."
"Provides great network protection."
"The solution is stable. We've never had any problems with it."
"Our customers are satisfied with Defender for 365 because Microsoft products are easy to use and customize to meet the client's needs. Everything is in one place, so we can adjust policies as needed for phishing, DLP, ATP, or any other security features that our clients want to apply."
"Microsoft Defender has a feature to protect each and every attachment. Even if it's an encrypted attachment, it will check for any potential threats."
"The risk level notifications are most valuable. We get to know what kind of intrusion or attack is there, and we can fix a problem on time."
"Defender is a SaaS platform, so it offers more flexibility. Managing the permissions is easier. The solution's automated detection and response features are scalable."
"The email protection is excellent, especially in terms of anti-phishing policies."
"The most valuable feature of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is data backups that we can provide through ticket requests."
"Threat Explorer is one of the features that I very much like because it is a real-time report that allows you to identify, analyze, and trace security attacks."
"The product's scalability is good."


"It would be helpful if they could recognize incidents and simplify the customer's challenge to identify what is happening."
"The solution can improve the reporting."
"They just need to work on their price. In terms of features, we are trying to understand all the features that we have. We're still exploring everything that we have so that we can fully utilize it. At this point in time, it is not about the features. It is more about utilization. We're just trying to utilize everything to full capacity."
"The level of tracking within the network from the transmission level up to the machine level can use improvement."
"I would like to see some additional enhancements."
"The user interface and the configuration are a bit complex and should be improved or simplified."
"I was under impression that Darktrace's automatic blocking would be an out-of-the-box feature, but we had to integrate it with our firewall to get it to block automatically. The salesperson should be upfront and explain that you need to integrate it with your network. I would also like to see more reporting on risk. Banks in my region want to see at a glance the risk level of various assets."
"I would like for the product to work on the endpoints as well. I would like to see enhanced visibility into the endpoints and network but this solution only sits on the network itself."
"Configuration requires going to a lot of places rather than just accessing one tab."
"There's room for improvement regarding the time frame for retrieving emails."
"Microsoft should provide more documentation for users so they can self-educate. I would like to see more documentation for advanced security features."
"We are always looking for others tools to increase automation on tasks. There can be better integration with other solutions, such as PowerPoint and email."
"We need a separate license and we don't know how to get the license that is required."
"You should be able to deploy Defender for every subscription without the need to add servers."
"There is room for improvement with the UI."
"There is room for improvement in terms of reporting."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is an annual license to use Darktrace."
"The pricing is a little high compared to the competition."
"The cost of the solution is expensive for smaller businesses. They will not be able to afford it or might not need this type of security solution."
"The product is expensive."
"If you consider the features and the cost of market leaders, we are satisfied with the pricing."
"Our customers feel that the price of Darktrace is quite high compared to other solutions."
"They are too expensive compared with other vendors."
"I am using a demo of Darktrace for deployment and testing which is free."
"While Microsoft Defender for Office 365 necessitates pricier E3 or E5 subscriptions, the extensive functionality offered by these licenses across various Microsoft products justifies the investment."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365 comes with Microsoft Windows. It is free with the operating system."
"The license is expensive because the cost is based on the number of users."
"The pricing is normal. Considering its popularity, it's not overpriced."
"Defender is a little bit more expensive as compared to others. We are in the manufacturing environment. So, we don't have a high budget for all of our endpoint devices. Its cost is a major concern for us."
"The solution could be better by simplifying the business model of their licensing. It was hard to figure out how to get the licensing done for the environment, initially."
"Compared to other brands, Microsoft Defender for Office 365's pricing is competitive."
"Defender for 365 comes in various plans and licenses, along with other Microsoft security solutions. Purchasing this kind of package or security bundle gives good value for money, and that's what I recommend."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Crowdstrike Falcon compare with Darktrace?
Both of these products perform similarly and have many outstanding attributes. CrowdStrike Falcon offers an amazing user interface that makes setup easy and seamless. CrowdStrike Falcon offers a cl...
Which is better - SentinelOne or Darktrace?
Which solution is better depends on which is more suitable specifically for your company. Darktrace, for example, is meant for smaller to medium-sized businesses. It is also a good option for organ...
What do you like most about Darktrace?
A very useful feature in Darktrace for real-time threat analysis is the packet inspection that analyzes the packet traffic in real time.
What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
Threat Explorer is an invaluable tool for me, and it plays a crucial role in helping me discern the origins of various email campaigns, pinpointing where they emanate from, and identifying the indi...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
While Microsoft Defender for Office 365 necessitates pricier E3 or E5 subscriptions, the extensive functionality offered by these licenses across various Microsoft products justifies the investment.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a very good solution that allows you to use a single port or tool to control everything happening with your organization's different cloud applications. Configu...

Also Known As

No data available
MS Defender for Office 365



Sample Customers

Irwin Mitchell, Open Energi, Wellcome Trust, FirstGroup plc, Virgin Trains, Drax, QUI! Group, DNK, CreaCard, Macrosynergy, Sisley, William Hill plc, Toyota Canada, Royal British Legion, Vitol, Allianz, KKR, AIRBUS, dpd, Billabong, Mclaren Group.
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is trusted by companies such as Ithaca College.
Find out what your peers are saying about Darktrace vs. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.