Contrast Security Assess vs GitHub comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Contrast Security Assess
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (23rd)
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Version Control (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Contrast Security Assess is 0.3%, down from 0.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GitHub is 0.9%, down from 1.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Version Control

Featured Reviews

May 2, 2023
A cost-effective solution that is easy to implement and detects vulnerabilities within minutes of launch
We use the tool to evaluate our customer-facing apps. We analyze the request, identify the weak parts of the code, and remediate them.  The product has helped us identify vulnerabilities.  I am impressed with the product's identification of alerts and vulnerabilities.  The product's retesting…
Jan 17, 2024
Enables developers to work as a team on a code
The solution is used by developers to work as a team on a code.  The control is the most valuable feature as developers can work on a single code.  The initial setup requires heavy documentation which can be challenging for new developers.  I have been using GitHub for more than a year.  The…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I am impressed with the product's identification of alerts and vulnerabilities."
"The accuracy of the solution in identifying vulnerabilities is better than any other product we've used, far and away. In our internal comparisons among different tools, Contrast consistently finds more impactful vulnerabilities, and also identifies vulnerabilities that are nearly guaranteed to be there, meaning that the chance of false positives is very low."
"We use the Contrast OSS feature that allows us to look at third-party, open-source software libraries, because it has a cool interface where you can look at all the different libraries. It has some really cool additional features where it gives us how many instances in which something has been used... It tells us it has been used 10 times out of 20 workloads, for example. Then we know for sure that OSS is being used."
"By far, the thing that was able to provide value was the immediate response while testing ahead of release, in real-time."
"When we access the application, it continuously monitors and detects vulnerabilities."
"This has changed the way that developers are looking at usage of third-party libraries, upfront. It's changing our model of development and our culture of development to ensure that there is more thought being put into the usage of third-party libraries."
"The solution is very accurate in identifying vulnerabilities. In cases where we are performing application assessment using Contrast Assess, and also using legacy application security testing tools, Contrast successfully identifies the same vulnerabilities that the other tools have identified but it also identifies significantly more. In addition, it has visibility into application components that other testing methodologies are unaware of."
"The most valuable feature is the continuous monitoring aspect: the fact that we don't have to wait for scans to complete for the tool to identify vulnerabilities. They're automatically identified through developers' business-as-usual processes."
"It's beneficial for managing multiple tasks and controlling versions of your product."
"The product has a very user-friendly interface and user-friendly security."
"GitHub is convenient and easy to use."
"The versioning of the code and the tracking of changes are definitely some of my top features."
"The tool also helps organize collaboration by allowing users to share a repository with other developers."
"GitHub's merging feature is much better than that of other products because merging is done daily."
"The most valuable features of GitHub are the ease of integration into Microsoft Azure DevOps. The process that you need to deploy into Microsoft Azure becomes fairly simple and the templates are already available, a lot of the engineers find it easier to use."
"The ease of use is valuable."


"Contrast Security Assess covers a wide range of applications like .NET Framework, Java, PSP, Node.js, etc. But there are some like Ubuntu and the .NET Core which are not covered. They have it in their roadmap to have these agents. If they have that, we will have complete coverage."
"The out-of-the-box reporting could be improved. We need to write our own APIs to make the reporting more robust."
"I would like to see them come up with more scanning rules."
"Personalization of the board and how to make it appealing to an organization is something that could be done on their end. The reports could be adaptable to the customer's preferences."
"Contrast's ability to support upgrades on the actual agents that get deployed is limited. Our environment is pretty much entirely Java. There are no updates associated with that. You have to actually download a new version of the .jar file and push that out to your servers where your app is hosted. That can be quite cumbersome from a change-management perspective."
"The solution needs to improve flexibility...The scalability of the product is a problem in the solution, especially from a commercial perspective."
"Regarding the solution's OSS feature, the one drawback that we do have is that it does not have client-side support. We'll be missing identification of libraries like jQuery or JavaScript, and such, that are client-side."
"The setup of the solution is different for each application. That's the one thing that has been a challenge for us. The deployment itself is simple, but it's tough to automate because each application is different, so each installation process for Contrast is different."
"This solution could be improved if migration was fully automated to make it easy, for example, to migrate repositories into GitHub."
"I would want to see some form of code security scanning implemented."
"I would like to see integration with Slack such that all of the changes made in GitHub are reflected there."
"While using the solution when merging two code branches the code becomes a bit messy. This should be improved in the future."
"GitHub needs to improve its UI."
"It is difficult to merge a code or restore it to an older version."
"The GUI design is poor, so I exclusively use the CLI, which is much easier to use and understand. It would be great to see the GUI updated to be more user-friendly."
"The only thing I see missing in GitHub is that it isn't very user friendly for key personnel who don't have in-depth, technical knowledge. In Jira, there are many functions to upload our test cases, and in GitHub we can only do it manually. There are functions which can be used to upload different files, but that still requires some technical knowledge. A layman cannot do it."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It's a tiered licensing model. The more you buy, as you cross certain quantity thresholds, the pricing changes. If you have a smaller environment, your licensing costs are going to be different than a larger environment... The licensing is primarily per application. An application can be as many agents as you need. If you've got 10 development servers and 20 production servers and 50 QA servers, all of those agents can be reporting as a single application that utilizes one license."
"I like the per-application licensing model... We just license the app and we look at different vulnerabilities on that app and we remediate within the app. It's simpler."
"The solution is expensive."
"The good news is that the agent itself comes in two different forms: the unlicensed form and the licensed form. Unlicensed gives use of that software composition analysis for free. Thereafter, if you apply a license to that same agent, that's when the instrumentation takes hold. So one of my suggestions is to do what we're doing: Deploy the agent to as many applications as possible, with just the SCA feature turned on with no license applied, and then you can be more choosy and pick which teams will get the license applied."
"You only get one license for an application. Ours are very big, monolithic applications with millions of lines of code. We were able to apply one license to one monolithic application, which is great. We are happy with the licensing. Pricing-wise, they are industry-standard, which is fine."
"For what it offers, it's a very reasonable cost. The way that it is priced is extremely straightforward. It works on the number of applications that you use, and you license a server. It is something that is extremely fair, because it doesn't take into consideration the number of requests, etc. It is only priced based on the number of onboarded applications. It suits our model as well, because we have huge traffic. Our number of applications is not that large, so the pricing works great for us."
"The product's pricing is low. I would rate it a two out of ten."
"GitHub is an open-source product, but when using the free-to-use version, anyone can see the code we're working on."
"If there are only 10 people using a particular repository, then GitHub is free. But if we increase the number of users, we need to pay the normal charge for GitHub."
"GitHub is an open-source application. It's free to use."
"The basic licensing model is free, and if you need to have technical support and such things, then it does cost something. You only need to pay extra if you need technical support."
"You don't have to pay for a license if you are using the free version."
"I am using the free version of the solution. However, there are some costs my organization pays."
"The price of this solution is reasonable."
"We are currently paying nothing for GitHub."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Contrast Security Assess?
When we access the application, it continuously monitors and detects vulnerabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Contrast Security Assess?
The product's pricing is low. I would rate it a two out of ten.
What needs improvement with Contrast Security Assess?
Technical support for the solution should be faster. We have to further analyze what kind of CVEs are in the reported libraries and what part of the code is affected. That analysis can be added to ...
What do you like most about GitHub?
The control is the most valuable feature as developers can work on a single code.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for GitHub?
There are several licensing models available for the product. The basic licensing model is free, and if you need to have technical support and such things, then it does cost something. You only nee...
What needs improvement with GitHub?
Speaking of what can be made better in a solution is a difficult topic to discuss because it is not just technology. The tool could improve in the area of artificial intelligence methods. Recently,...



Also Known As

Contrast Assess
No data available



Sample Customers

Williams-Sonoma, Autodesk, HUAWEI, Chromeriver, RingCentral, Demandware.
Dominion Enterprises, NASA, Braintree, SAP, CyberAgent
Find out what your peers are saying about Contrast Security Assess vs. GitHub and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.