Cofense Intelligence ThreatHQ vs ESET Cloud Apps Protection comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Defender for Offi...
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (9th)
Cofense Intelligence ThreatHQ
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Threat Intelligence Platforms (41st)
ESET Cloud Apps Protection
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (30th), Patch Management (19th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Email Security category, the mindshare of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is 13.8%, down from 20.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cofense Intelligence ThreatHQ is 0.1%, up from 0.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ESET Cloud Apps Protection is 0.5%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Email Security
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Microsoft Security Suite
Threat Intelligence Platforms
Vulnerability Management

Featured Reviews

Nov 28, 2023
Comprehensive protection for email security with responsive support and valuable features like attack simulation offering robust threat detection, efficient automation, and excellent scalability
Threat Explorer is an invaluable tool for me, and it plays a crucial role in helping me discern the origins of various email campaigns, pinpointing where they emanate from, and identifying the individuals within our organization who are affected. The convenience of having a centralized location for extracting comprehensive data is particularly noteworthy. With Threat Explorer, I can efficiently manage and mitigate the impact of these campaigns by removing problematic emails from mailboxes, all in one centralized location, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple areas. Effectively prioritizing threats across our enterprise is crucial for us, given that the primary avenue of attack is often through phishing emails. By having robust protection in place, we're able to significantly mitigate this prevalent threat, essentially clearing a major portion of the cybersecurity landscape.
MohamedShaker - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 27, 2022
Secures the business for customers quickly and accurately
We are integrators. We sell and implement this solution to our customers. We have about 10,000 people using this solution. The solution is deployed on the cloud It secures the business for the customers. For instance, if any phishing emails come into the environment and employees see it, we…
Sep 16, 2022
Great protection, good privacy, and helpful support
The only thing I would like is a way to open the email that is going to quarantine. Based on the level of security, they cannot open the email to check the message. Even for the administrator, you have to create a security copy to be sent, which will lock the log support. It's not easy for an admin to check and decide if the email is good or not. That is the only thing that I'm seeing could be improved. Basically, ESET doesn't have the ability to let the administrator release an email showing the message on the email. It's not possible. If you want to have an email review, you have to select an option to send a copy. In the way that they designed the system, for security, they are not letting anyone even have the admin privileges to make this happen. Privacy is at a really high level.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It also gives the vulnerability status according to the versions you have selected. Let's say you have Google Chrome. It mentions the versions it has, and it updates. Within two hours of an update, it is reflected in the dashboard. That's really nice to have."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365's most valuable features are safe attachments and safe links."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365's most valuable feature is its performance."
"The most valuable feature of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is data backups that we can provide through ticket requests."
"Does a thorough job of examining email and URLs for malicious content."
"Our customers are satisfied with Defender for 365 because Microsoft products are easy to use and customize to meet the client's needs. Everything is in one place, so we can adjust policies as needed for phishing, DLP, ATP, or any other security features that our clients want to apply."
"The technical support is good and quick to resolve issues."
"The most valuable feature is the integration. It's a single console, so we don't have to switch around between multiple products. Another valuable feature is the ease of operations and maintenance."
"For instance, if any phishing emails come into the environment and employees see it, we direct the email to Triage. The Triage system will investigate it through AI technology to see if it's a phishing email or not. If it is a phishing email, it will quarantine it and erase it from the environment."
"We are close to having 99% or 98% detection."
"The most valuable features are the precision of detection and the level of customization of the policy."


"About eight months ago, we started to measure the quantity of phishing and spam that we have been receiving, and it has been increasing a lot. That means that protection for our email is not as good as we were expecting."
"We are always looking for others tools to increase automation on tasks. There can be better integration with other solutions, such as PowerPoint and email."
"The company should focus on adding threats that the solution is currently unable to detect."
"I'd like some additional features any product can give me to protect our environment in a better way."
"The XDR dashboard has room for improvement."
"The only thing they should improve is the licensing model. They should stop changing it. A year ago, the five features I mentioned were included in one product. Now, three of them are bundled into one product, and you have to pay extra for the other two. I don't mind paying extra, but I don't want them to change it every year or every six months. I need to know what I'm looking at and not worry about it next year."
"The pre-sales cost calculations could be more transparent."
"We noticed that from time to time, Microsoft's stability does have problems. Sometimes the service goes up and down. Sometimes they change without prior notice."
"If they continue improving and enhancing this solution, it could be even faster and more accurate."
"The specific domain file for Apache needs to be well-defined."
"It's not easy for an admin to check and decide if the email is good or not."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing has become expensive."
"The license is expensive because the cost is based on the number of users."
"The product is very expensive."
"For licensing, it's usually a yearly package for customers who are subscribed to Office 365, but they can also pay on a monthly basis."
"Defender is a little bit more expensive as compared to others. We are in the manufacturing environment. So, we don't have a high budget for all of our endpoint devices. Its cost is a major concern for us."
"The product is expensive."
"I was working in the government and it was too expensive for us to use our Microsoft products."
"While Microsoft Defender for Office 365 necessitates pricier E3 or E5 subscriptions, the extensive functionality offered by these licenses across various Microsoft products justifies the investment."
Information not available
"The solution provides affordable pricing for medium sized industries."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
No data available
Computer Software Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
Threat Explorer is an invaluable tool for me, and it plays a crucial role in helping me discern the origins of variou...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
While Microsoft Defender for Office 365 necessitates pricier E3 or E5 subscriptions, the extensive functionality offe...
What needs improvement with Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a very good solution that allows you to use a single port or tool to control eve...
Ask a question
Earn 20 points
What do you like most about ESET Mail Security?
The most valuable features are the precision of detection and the level of customization of the policy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ESET Mail Security?
The solution provides affordable pricing for medium sized industries.
What needs improvement with ESET Mail Security?
The specific domain file for Apache needs to be well-defined.

Also Known As

MS Defender for Office 365
Cofense Intelligence, PhishMe Intelligence
ESET Mail Security



Sample Customers

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is trusted by companies such as Ithaca College.
Jackson Health System
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Cisco, TitanHQ and others in Email Security. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.