Loadbalancer.org vs NetScaler comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) category, the mindshare of Loadbalancer.org is 2.6%, down from 2.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NetScaler is 13.5%, down from 15.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Sep 9, 2022
Scalable load balancing solution used to provide stability for users and reduces the impact of downtime
We use this solution when publishing Windows based applications and other custom based SQL applications. We are in the progress of migrating the on-premises data center to the cloud and continue to use Loadbalancer for this Loadbalancer has improved our organization. When we enable load balance…
Dec 11, 2022
Easy to manage and affordable with good security, performance, and high availability
It has many use cases. It is used for the high availability of the service and for connecting local sites or geolocation sites called GSNP.  We are selling all of its models. Citrix ADC can be deployed on the cloud or on-premises Citrix ADC has increased the productivity of the staff by keeping…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I found scalability in Loadbalancer.org valuable."
"We have about 30,000 connections going through at any one time and it's fine, it doesn't seem to sweat. It doesn't get overloaded."
"We now get notifications when pool members go down, and we eliminate our downtime by not sending traffic to downed pool members.​"
"Existing customers are trying to migrate from the physical F5 load balancer to the AVI load balancer because it is scalable and easily managed."
"Loadbalancer.org is less complex than Citrix."
"The performance is good."
"We can more easily set up a test environment, because you can easily configure your forms. It makes it more flexible for us, to convert our test environment to a production environment, without having to change DNSs on the outside. You just configure the forms on the inside. So without changing the actual endpoint for the end user, we can create completely different networks in the background."
"It does what it’s supposed to do which is balancing an important intranet site we are using, so if one server dies, the second becomes active straight away."
"I like the ease of use. It's easy to manage. I also like it's ease of use with virtualization technologies with applications."
"The flexibility in configuration options is impressive."
"It is a complete solution for those looking for an all-in-one."
"My customers have told me that the performance of this solution is good."
"I can turn on features without actually owning a license. I can test them out, I can use them for a while, and then I can be licensed up. That's awesome. I don't have to have a license immediately before I can start to deploy things rapidly, rapid deployment is a plus."
"The web application firewalling component is a powerful feature."
"The load balancing feature of this solution is very good."
"The most valuable feature is load balancing."


"The solution can be a bit pricey."
"Possibly a more graphical overview page (with colors) to give a two second overview to see if everything is working fine."
"They're mostly designed to balance a particular type of traffic. I wanted to load balance DNS, and they just don't do it the way that we wanted to. So they're not used as DNS load balancers."
"​I would like a notification when a new version of the software is available. They told me to sign up for their newsletter, but I have not received any notification for a newer software version.​"
"The configuration is somewhat complicated. Someone who does not know the solution may find this challenging."
"The interface from Loadbalancer.org should be improved."
"You can run into an issue when one engineer passes the case over to another engineer after their shift and they don't know what the first engineer worked on up to that point."
"It doesn't have the bonding capability feature."
"Too many bugs in the software and it's always difficult when you need to update."
"I will try to migrate all the tools to the cloud because there is more lab and more VPN scalability available in the cloud. It is not available on-premises."
"We had some bugs in the previous firmware. These were not big issues, but more testing on the firmware would be key to happier customers."
"In every release - and it doesn't matter if it's a minor release or a major release - they keep moving things around and they keep changing the mechanism. So certain things can work in one version one way, and everything works really well, then when you upgrade it to the next version, it breaks everything because they have a new way of doing it."
"Native integration needs to be improved. You cannot build ISE codes natively. For DevOps, integration would be very helpful because it would be a lot simpler from an operational standpoint."
"There is room for improvement regarding the pricing policy for Citrix offices."
"The licensing model and technical support of the solution could be improved."
"The main areas for improvement would be around documentation and support. If a feature can be used in two or three ways, show that feature being used in all of those ways. Documentation seems to only cover the primary use case and leaves you to either run through trial and error or consult the user community. In terms of support, I have never actually had them solve any of my issues. I have always solved them myself and then provided the resolution to support."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It was easy to upgrade the license for unlimited clusters and servers. Pricing is fair."
"Loadbalancer.org is based on open-source products, but it requires money for support and other activities."
"I love that they do not price on some arbitrary throughput rating where you are guessing at what the load balancer is going to handle."
"I’m not entirely sure about the rating since I'm not very technical. I haven't thoroughly compared the ratings. So, if you're asking for my impression so far, I would rate it around five out of 10."
"We've got an unlimited license, which doesn't costs that much compared to other vendors, and we don't have to buy it again."
"It's worth the cost. It's not cheap, but it's a good solution. If you're looking for a good solution, this is a good solution. Is it cheap? No. Is it worth the money? Yes, I think it is."
"The solution requires an annual support license of $2,780 for four systems or $695 a year per unit for support not including the units."
"Licensing fees are paid annually."
"I do not have any experience with the pricing of the product."
"For the specific use case that my customers primarily engage with, I would give the pricing a rating of seven out of ten."
"Costly product and complicated licensing."
"We get value for money. Its price is fair. I don't think it is overpriced."
"Citrix ADC could improve the price and make it less expensive, other competitors have a better prices. This would allow Citrix ADC to keep dominating the market."
"We have been evaluating F5, Citrix, and other ADC products. Citrix is the most expense of all of them."
"It's an expensive product but it works well."
"The price for Citrix ADC here in Mexico was good, when you compare it with F5 and Radware."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend Loadbalancer.org?
Since Loadbalancer.org is an open-source solution, I would recommend this solution for smaller businesses that don’t have major scaling requirements and don’t have the budget for a commercial solut...
What do you like most about Loadbalancer.org?
Existing customers are trying to migrate from the physical F5 load balancer to the AVI load balancer because it is scalable and easily managed.
What do you like most about Citrix ADC?
The most valuable feature for us is the application firewalling in Citrix NetScaler, ensuring only valid traffic enters our environment.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix ADC?
After deployment, Citrix Netscaler shifted to a subscription-based license scheme for support, which is slightly more expensive.
What needs improvement with Citrix ADC?
Citrix NetScaler is a robust product, but mastering it requires significant learning and training due to its complexity. While it could be easier to manage, it is like transitioning from driving a ...

Also Known As

No data available
Citrix ADC, Citrix NetScaler VPX

Learn More

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Sample Customers

Vodafone, NASA, Mercedes, NBC, Siemens, AT&T, Barclays, Zurich, Penn State University, Fiserv, Canon, Toyota, University of Cambridge, US Army, US Navy, Ocean Spray, ASOS, Pfizer, BBC, Bacardi, Monsoon, River Island, U.S Air Force, King's College London, NHS, Ricoh, Philips, Santander, TATA Communications, Ericcson, Ross Video, Evertz, TalkTalk TV, Giacom, Rapid Host.
ABB Schweiz, Aer Lingus, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Amnet Technology Solutions, Aramex International, Ascenty, Atos, Autodesk
Find out what your peers are saying about Loadbalancer.org vs. NetScaler and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.