BMC MainView vs OPS/MVS Automation Intelligence comparison


Categories and Ranking

BMC MainView
Ranking in Mainframe Management
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Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
OPS/MVS Automation Intellig...
Ranking in Mainframe Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (14th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Mainframe Management category, the mindshare of BMC MainView is 15.6%, down from 16.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of OPS/MVS Automation Intelligence is 3.1%, down from 8.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Mainframe Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Event Monitoring

Featured Reviews

it_user676302 - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 19, 2017
Enabled me to solve production problems faster or even avoid them preemptively with warnings
MainView is used as a central point of view to control and monitor systems on the mainframe like z/OS, CICS, MQSeries IMS, or DB2.  MainView has enabled me, in the past, to solve production problems faster, or even avoid them preemptively with warnings. The integration of IMS commands is very…
it_user351621 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 20, 2015
The ability to use command rules is great when our operators have repetitive tasks, but we'd like to automate off of different highlighted messages without actually knowing what the message is.
We used to us an IBM product, but OPS/MVS has a lot more flexibility in what we can do with it. We're able to do a lot more ad hoc-type things. We can set up for different events, or do out-paging for a mainframe interface, or issue MVS commands. It's flexible enough for us to use it when needed…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The integration of IMS commands is very useful, because you do not have to switch to another tool to problem solve solutions."
"Enabled me to solve production problems faster or even avoid them preemptively with warnings."
"The performance of it is beyond exceptional. It is probably one of the best products that I have ever worked with. It is easy to use, comprehensive, and can perform almost any task you need it to."
"​It is an easy product to use and it is stable."
"I do not have to keep recordings. It is there and is proactive. It helps the operators, human editors, and me."
"Stability is probably the best out-of-the-box. Put it in, set it up, and you leave it alone. It works wonderfully."
"With the automation pieces we can bring this region up or take this region down, and it allows us to always meet our time critical requirements."
"Because we can define complex commands, the training of new operators is quicker. We can also put checks in place, that will prevent user errors."
"It's a very stable product. I very much like the SSM stuff in it. The rules engine, it's awesome."
"The documentation is simple, easy to follow, and use. A limited, first-time systems programmer can do it, in that it is out-of-the-box almost functional."


"More visualisation and support for mobile devices would be good."
"An expansion for distributed systems would be great, but probably not workable."
"Performing a stop/restart of OPS/MVS could be a little smoother. Without special coding, some undesired tasks will be started and some necessary tasks will be stopped if we have to bounce OPS/MVS during the day."
"The further expansion of the mainframe teamcenter interface. Also, the web services support is something that I am looking into."
"The reason sometimes it is not stable, we do not have the expertise to write the script.​"
"The GUI interface could be improved, but that is coming. They are working on that."
"Scalability is zero. It cannot be scaled because of its age."
"Because of its age, it's a little bit difficult to modernize some of the integrations and some of the functions."
"One thing that comes to mind is the MQ interface. The last time we tried to use it, it seemed a little clunky."
"It definitely needs more web-based interface, to be more mobile-open. More APIs, more open source to it."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"If you already use other products from BMC, you might be able to get a package deal from BMC's sales department."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Logistics Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
I have worked from 1973 with all kind of systems in large enterprises across the world. And have experience with all kind of software in monitoring from infra to end to end, it depends on the funct...
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Also Known As

No data available
CA OPS MVS Event Management and Automation, CA OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation, Unicenter CA-OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation

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Sample Customers

Costco, Dell, Apple, Citi, AT&T, FedEx, Johnson&Johnson, Comcast, Caterpillar, Vodafone, Sysco, Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Walt Disney