AWS Step Functions vs Pega BPM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

AWS Step Functions
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Workload Automation (15th)
Pega BPM
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Process Automation (2nd), Rapid Application Development Software (7th), Low-Code Development Platforms (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Business Process Management (BPM) category, the mindshare of AWS Step Functions is 2.9%, down from 3.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Pega BPM is 4.9%, down from 7.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Unique Categories:
Workload Automation
Process Automation
Rapid Application Development Software

Featured Reviews

Jan 29, 2024
Simplifies complex task automation and enhances development workflows while offering user-friendly interface, seamless scalability and efficient workflow orchestration
There could be better integration with IDEs, such as more seamless access to credentials without needing daily updates. Additionally, it would be helpful to have better visibility into Step Functions, such as being able to view parallel executions within the same Step machine. Improved profiling and logging features would also enhance the management of processes. The interface can sometimes feel limited, as we're unable to see what AWS is running behind the scenes. Having a desktop option might provide more detailed information, especially for teams like ours that need to validate multiple sub-functions concurrently. It would be beneficial to see these functions running in parallel for performance validation purposes.
Shiv Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 24, 2022
Customized for various industries, such as financial, insurance, and healthcare; has AI, decisioning, and robotics features, and an intuitive UI
The most valuable feature of Pega BPM is step-by-step voice guidance that converts your problem statement into different diagrams and then implements the process. Pega BPM is a technology, not merely a tool, so it has different industry frameworks. It's customized for various industries, such as financial, insurance, healthcare, etc. Other valuable features of Pega BPM include AI, decisioning, and robotics. It also has a more intuitive UI. Clients weren't as happy with the UI in the past, but that has now improved. I also like that Pega BPM has a UI that can be integrated with JavaScript-based, such as React or Vue.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's a general solution that you can adapt to your own needs and is simple to use. We like that it can be integrated with everything in the AWS suite, and that the creation of the pipeline can be done using the graphical user interface."
"It's Amazon, it's scalable."
"The number of historical events is great."
"The solution is stable...The solution is easy to scale."
"It is a scalable solution."
"What I like the most about Amazon Step Functions is how easy it is to use."
"AWS Step Functions acts as a high-level layer, allowing us to seamlessly integrate with microservices."
"One can rate all the calls and that is a good feature."
"It is a stable product."
"The stability has been good. We haven't had any issues."
"There is a feature to accelerate the development so that business analysts can directly create their user stories and assign the task to the developers."
"The solution offers excellent workflows."
"This is a customizable product."
"Allowed us to develop and quickly release with confidence using cloud technologies."
"Application development is very rapid. A lot of code gets reused while building the applications, which is something we highly appreciate."
"It is easy to use, easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to enhance and we can do it as a Cloud. Also it is very user friendly."


"It is hard to coordinate the declaratory language."
"It wasn't easy to understand the licensing model. It's like if you use just a little, it's cheap, but it becomes more expensive as you use more. It's like a hook that ties you inside the Amazon ecosystem. So, it creates a dependency."
"The solution's data size limit can be improved."
"The solution's pricing could be cheaper. It is cheaper than Airflow."
"I would like to see more data transformation features in Amazon Step Functions like additional operators and logic."
"Setup took about one day. We had some errors to understand in the beginning, but now everything is working good."
"The pricing of the solution can be improved."
"The price and support are areas with shortcomings where the solution needs to improve."
"One of the areas of this solution that could be improved would be to advance the low code features of the application itself. We would also like to use the same platform to build any application, even if it is not necessarily defined as a functionality needed by a BPM."
"Currently, there isn't any feature I want to be added in the next release of Pega BPM because Pega always adds new features that my team welcomes and looks forward to learning. One area for improvement in the solution is the long learning curve, but after that, you'll find Pega BPM easy to use."
"What should be included is some UI features and maybe some integrations. This includes documentation on how the UI works."
"An area for improvement in Pega BPM is security. It's secure, but it still has a lot of vulnerabilities. Pega BPM is robust, but it still needs some improvement performance-wise."
"From a technical point of view, it would be helpful to have some advanced analytics to help with configuration. We have a lot of unwanted features and it would be good to configure it more appropriately so that we are using just exactly what we need."
"In the next release of Pega BPM, they should add more ways to do the customer interaction fields in the portals."
"The biggest thing I have seen is when going from one version to another and upgrading to the latest version, it takes a pretty long time for an organization to go through an upgrade process. I think that's an area where they can make it a little smoother."
"The solution's pricing model or licensing model could be a little better."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution's price is reasonable."
"The solution is expensive."
"We mostly have a yearly license."
"It's a user-based license where, as you scale the numbers of users, the price increases."
"They need to come up with licensing options. Right now they do have a cloud-based option, but the cloud prices I've seen are much more expensive compared to competing products."
"The price could be lower."
"The costing model for Pega BPM is different. One is a license that you can pay yearly. Another licensing model for Pega BPM is based on the number of cases you create in production in a year. Costing based on use cases is also available for Pega BPM. I don't have information on its exact pricing or costs, though."
"There are multiple Pega licensing models, including outcome- and revenue-based licensing models"
"The licensing fees are based on the number of users."
"Pricing is good."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Amazon Step Functions?
The integration capability is easy, whereas building state machines is tricky.
What is your primary use case for Amazon Step Functions?
The major feature of AWS Step Functions is interdependency. Step Functions can determine what action to take next if one step returns a false status based on predefined logic. Step Functions aims t...
What advice do you have for others considering Amazon Step Functions?
For Step Functions error handling, one must use function calls and logging for error detection within state machines. Comparatively, AirFlow offers more room for improvement. It's like drag and dro...
Is Pega BPM easy to work with and can beginners utilize this software?
You do need some preparation to be able to use all functions of Pega BPM. However, all users of this platform are in luck as it comes with good documentation and you can learn pretty much everythin...
Have you encountered any issues while using Pega BPM and were you assisted by the company?
My company has been using this tool for years and the only issue we have had, if you can call it that, was while setting it up. When we were setting it up initially, we had some drawbacks and could...
When you consider the features and benefits of Pega BPM, would you say this product is fairly priced?
Pega BPM can be considered overpriced for some; it all depends on the size of your company and the requirements of your customers. Sure, there are products out there that do the things that Pega B...



Also Known As

Amazon Step Functions, Step Functions
Pegasystems, SmartBPM

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Sample Customers

Alpha Apps, The Guardian, SGK, Bigfinite
The State of Maine, ANZ, Coca-Cola, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), ME, New South Wales, OptumRx, Texas Department of Transportation, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS Step Functions vs. Pega BPM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.