AWS Step Functions vs Oracle BPM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

AWS Step Functions
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Workload Automation (15th)
Oracle BPM
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Business Process Management (BPM) category, the mindshare of AWS Step Functions is 2.9%, down from 3.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Oracle BPM is 1.7%, down from 2.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Unique Categories:
Workload Automation
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Jan 29, 2024
Simplifies complex task automation and enhances development workflows while offering user-friendly interface, seamless scalability and efficient workflow orchestration
There could be better integration with IDEs, such as more seamless access to credentials without needing daily updates. Additionally, it would be helpful to have better visibility into Step Functions, such as being able to view parallel executions within the same Step machine. Improved profiling and logging features would also enhance the management of processes. The interface can sometimes feel limited, as we're unable to see what AWS is running behind the scenes. Having a desktop option might provide more detailed information, especially for teams like ours that need to validate multiple sub-functions concurrently. It would be beneficial to see these functions running in parallel for performance validation purposes.
Neilsen Seixas - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 29, 2024
Enables robust integration capabilities, facilitating seamless connection with various systems and applications
We utilized Oracle BPM to automate various administrative processes within our organization, specifically focusing on eliminating paper-based workflows related to licensing procedures in our environment. Oracle BPM enabled collaboration between our IT and business teams for effective process management. Utilizing the Oracle VPN, we experienced significant improvements in process efficiency. For instance, a process that previously took forty days before implementation was reduced to just twenty minutes after implementing Oracle BPM. This remarkable reduction in time demonstrates the substantial benefits brought about by the solution. The solution is comprehensive, encompassing modeling, implementation, and runtime capabilities. Additionally, by leveraging this platform, we seamlessly integrated Oracle Portal and Oracle Document Management, providing a complete solution within the Oracle ecosystem. The integration capabilities of Oracle BPM with other systems significantly influenced our workflow. Our workflow was impacted positively by these integrations. Initially, we utilized Oracle BPM alongside other Oracle products such as Oracle Context Manager, Oracle Portal, and Oracle Document Management. Despite using multiple products, they are seamlessly integrated, providing a comprehensive solution for our clients. This solution encompassed document management, workflow control, process execution, and automation, effectively streamlining processes and eliminating bureaucratic hurdles. The transparency and efficiency achieved through this integrated approach were highly beneficial for our clients.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"AWS Step Functions acts as a high-level layer, allowing us to seamlessly integrate with microservices."
"One can rate all the calls and that is a good feature."
"It is a scalable solution."
"It's Amazon, it's scalable."
"The integration capability is easy, whereas building state machines is tricky."
"What I like the most about Amazon Step Functions is how easy it is to use."
"The solution is stable...The solution is easy to scale."
"It's a general solution that you can adapt to your own needs and is simple to use. We like that it can be integrated with everything in the AWS suite, and that the creation of the pipeline can be done using the graphical user interface."
"I find the data lineage features most valuable."
"The most valuable feature is the complete workflow through the BPM, from making it available as a generated code based on the backend, deploying it in the test environment, and then going to production."
"The default Workspace does not meet all our needs and sometimes you need to create your own custom Workspace."
"One of the most valuable features is its user-friendly API, which simplifies the implementation of workflows, such as managing inbox tasks for specific users within BPM profiles."
"We have more than 800 distinct applications in our IT landscape. We had enough scalability and okay development cycles, and it has been enough to cover our backup operations and order management systems."
"This solution has given us a quick time to market, the ability to integrate with the rest of the corporate applications, and the ability to hire talent in low-cost locations."
"We selected this solution not only for the BPM but for the entire package."
"It has developmental accelerators, which allow for virtually any customization needs which you may require."


"The price and support are areas with shortcomings where the solution needs to improve."
"The solution's data size limit can be improved."
"The solution's pricing could be cheaper. It is cheaper than Airflow."
"I would like to see more data transformation features in Amazon Step Functions like additional operators and logic."
"Setup took about one day. We had some errors to understand in the beginning, but now everything is working good."
"It is hard to coordinate the declaratory language."
"The interface can sometimes feel limited, as we're unable to see what AWS is running behind the scenes."
"The pricing of the solution can be improved."
"Though Oracle BPM is a stable solution, it's very heavy, so this is one area for improvement. If Oracle can make the components of Oracle BPM lighter, and if the deployment for the solution could be easier, that would make Oracle BPM better."
"It would be good if they could provide some additional connectors or an application developer environment for microservices."
"The time it takes to get from deployment to production could be faster."
"The solution's licensing cost is very high."
"You have to maintain it manually."
"We have had some issues with version migration, from one version of processes to another. We would have to call Oracle Services but on a day to day, we didn't have any issues."
"The solution needs to offer better integration with third-party systems."
"Their Case Management set of features is severely lacking and should be a target for immediate improvement dealing with unpredictable processes inside of organizations."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution's price is reasonable."
"The solution is expensive."
"We received the product packaged into the Oracle database solution."
"The pricing is significantly high, particularly for Brazil where fluctuations in the exchange rate between the dollar and the real can further increase the cost of Oracle licenses."
"I don't have information on the exact cost of Oracle BPM because a different team handles that, but it's pretty high. Oracle products are very costly. I would rate pricing for Oracle BPM three out of five. Though the pricing is high, the solution has a lot of features."
"This solution is very expensive. You are charged per license and an additional 20% for support."
"Oracle is good, but they're still expensive compared to other vendors."
"As with all Oracle products, the licensing over VMware is an issue."
"The licensing for this product is very costly. We pay for a yearly license to use Oracle BPM."
"It's pried high, this solution is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Amazon Step Functions?
The integration capability is easy, whereas building state machines is tricky.
What is your primary use case for Amazon Step Functions?
The major feature of AWS Step Functions is interdependency. Step Functions can determine what action to take next if one step returns a false status based on predefined logic. Step Functions aims t...
What advice do you have for others considering Amazon Step Functions?
For Step Functions error handling, one must use function calls and logging for error detection within state machines. Comparatively, AirFlow offers more room for improvement. It's like drag and dro...
What do you like most about Oracle BPM?
The solution provides extensive functionalities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Oracle BPM?
The pricing is significantly high, particularly for Brazil where fluctuations in the exchange rate between the dollar and the real can further increase the cost of Oracle licenses.
What needs improvement with Oracle BPM?
The solution's licensing cost is very high.

Also Known As

Amazon Step Functions, Step Functions
Oracle Business Process Management



Sample Customers

Alpha Apps, The Guardian, SGK, Bigfinite
State Revenue Office Victoria, New South Wales Health, REDISA, Panduit, Total E&P Indonesie
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS Step Functions vs. Oracle BPM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.