Akana API Management vs MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Akana API Management
Ranking in API Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager
Ranking in API Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the API Management category, the mindshare of Akana API Management is 0.6%, down from 0.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager is 4.7%, down from 8.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
API Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Saurav Krishna - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 5, 2023
Authentication mechanism is easy to implement but improvement is needed in documentation
For API security purposes, we use the tool to host all our APIs. This allows us to take advantage of the security features provided by the platform. With the solution, we can implement rules such as rate limiting and restricting the number of API calls for each user. It acts as a secure gateway…
David Viana - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 12, 2024
An affordable API solution to integrate various applications
We use the solution to integrate various applications and services, whether it's integrating Salesforce or other third-party systems The solution is crucial for businesses, especially those looking to streamline their operations through seamless integration. The platform offers features for API…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The tool's authentication mechanism is easy to implement. We had to define a few parameters."
"It allowed us to publish and replace pre-essential transactions in one place, with a uniformity in terms of control and policies."
"Good interface, intuitive solution."
"The most valuable feature is the scalability."
"This is a good API management product."
"It provides various advantages in the integration field, including support for Azure services and cloud integrations."
"The most important features are the API management and API development."
"It is a good management tool for controlling purposes."
"Technical support has been helpful."
"MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager is a low-code product."
"If you adopt the whole platform, you can build composable applications. This will cut your time creating new applications and updating them – once you have everything running – by up to 50%."


"Akana API Management needs to improve its documentation."
"The product has new features that we are going to implement in the next few months, such as API management and analytic reporting."
"Lacks an integrated billing feature."
"I think that they can bring some transparency in reference to the terms of the microservices architecture."
"The solution is expensive."
"The setup process could be simpler."
"One improvement is maybe to add a plugin in the API manager. Let's say an organisation is using SOAP services or legacy APIs. Maybe I don't want to migrate it to rest API, but my plugin should be able to convert Jason to XML. Basically, protocol transformation features in API Manager."
"The solution's price is high."
"The solution should facilitate the creation of custom connectors for use cases where a user would require extra connectors."
"Their analytics needs a lot of improvement. It's really lacking right now."
"When discussing potential enhancements overall, it primarily involves making it more user-friendly and lowering the pricing. There are several aspects that could benefit from improvement, or perhaps a few other areas to consider."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"For us, the pricing and licensing policies were for an on-premise installation with a fixed cost structure, that matched our budgeting policies."
"MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager is an expensive solution."
"Anypoint is the most expensive solution on the market, as far as I know, though it's also the most capable."
"It's not very expensive, reasonably priced. There are no additional costs."
"It is really expensive from a Zimbabwean perspective."
"When it comes to determining price, the pre-sales team interacts with the customer's primary integration team and the price is negotiated based on the specific usage of the system."
"Our customers have a lot of concerns about the increased pricing. The customer feels MuleSoft is very costly, and they are also exploring other integration tools for a lesser price. Maybe we should retain the existing customers by offering some discounts. At least the existing customers can be retained this way. This is regarding the licensing part only because customers based out of North America and Europe have shown many concerns recently. They are a bit concerned about pricing."
"The pricing for this solution is cheaper than GCP and Bluemix."
"The pricing is quite reasonable and affordable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Akana API Management?
The tool's authentication mechanism is easy to implement. We had to define a few parameters.
What needs improvement with Akana API Management?
Akana API Management needs to improve its documentation.
How does Kong Enterprise compare with Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager?
The Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager was designed with its users in mind. Though it is a reasonably complex piece of software, it is easy to install and upgrade. While there are different things that ...
How does Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager compare with Amazon API Gateway?
I have found that Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager is the best integration tool out there for API management. It is easy to implement and learn; it provides several options for deployment, (including ...
What do you like most about Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager?
The most valuable features of the solution for securing APIs stem from the tool's ability to allow users to deploy policies.

Also Known As

No data available
Anypoint API Manager

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Sample Customers

British American Tobacco, Credit Suisse, Daimler, eBay, FOX, Liberty Mutual, Marriott, Mayo Clinic, Skandia, Tata communications
Coca-Cola, Splunk, Citrix, UCSF, Vertu, State of Colorado, National Post, TiVo, Deakin, LLS, Oldcastle Precast, ParcelPoint, Justice Systems, Ube, Sumitomo Corporation, PacificComp, University of Witwatersrand, Groupe Initiatives, Camelot, Panviva
Find out what your peers are saying about Akana API Management vs. MuleSoft Anypoint API Manager and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.