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StreamSets pros and cons

Vendor: StreamSets
4.2 out of 5
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StreamSets Pros review quotes

Karthik Rajamani - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 14, 2022
I have used Data Collector, Transformer, and Control Hub products from StreamSets. What I really like about these products is that they're very user-friendly. People who are not from a technological or core development background find it easy to get started and build data pipelines and connect to the databases. They would be comfortable like any technical person within a couple of weeks.
AbhishekKatara - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2022
StreamSets’ data drift resilience has reduced the time it takes us to fix data drift breakages. For example, in our previous Hadoop scenario, when we were creating the Sqoop-based processes to move data from source to destinations, we were getting the job done. That took approximately an hour to an hour and a half when we did it with Hadoop. However, with the StreamSets, since it works on a data collector-based mechanism, it completes the same process in 15 minutes of time. Therefore, it has saved us around 45 minutes per data pipeline or table that we migrate. Thus, it reduced the data transfer, including the drift part, by 45 minutes.
Jun 9, 2022
StreamSets data drift feature gives us an alert upfront so we know that the data can be ingested. Whatever the schema or data type changes, it lands automatically into the data lake without any intervention from us, but then that information is crucial to fix for downstream pipelines, which process the data into models, like Tableau and Power BI models. This is actually very useful for us. We are already seeing benefits. Our pipelines used to break when there were data drift changes, then we needed to spend about a week fixing it. Right now, we are saving one to two weeks. Though, it depends on the complexity of the pipeline, we are definitely seeing a lot of time being saved.
Learn what your peers think about StreamSets. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Saket Pandey - PeerSpot reviewer
May 17, 2023
The ability to have a good bifurcation rate and fewer mistakes is valuable.
Jun 21, 2022
In StreamSets, everything is in one place.
Jan 6, 2023
The entire user interface is very simple and the simplicity of creating pipelines is something that I like very much about it. The design experience is very smooth.
Prateek Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 21, 2022
It is a very powerful, modern data analytics solution, in which you can integrate a large volume of data from different sources. It integrates all of the data and you can design, create, and monitor pipelines according to your requirements. It is an all-in-one day data ops solution.
Kevin Kathiem Mutunga - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 24, 2023
The best feature that I really like is the integration.
Sumesh Gansar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 6, 2023
For me, the most valuable features in StreamSets have to be the Data Collector and Control Hub, but especially the Data Collector. That feature is very elegant and seamlessly works with numerous source systems.
Mar 17, 2023
What I love the most is that StreamSets is very light. It's a containerized application. It's easy to use with Docker. If you are a large organization, it's very easy to use Kubernetes.

StreamSets Cons review quotes

Karthik Rajamani - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 14, 2022
We create pipelines or jobs in StreamSets Control Hub. It is a great feature, but if there is a way to have a folder structure or organize the pipelines and jobs in Control Hub, it would be great. I submitted a ticket for this some time back.
AbhishekKatara - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2022
The logging mechanism could be improved. If I am working on a pipeline, then create a job out of it and it is running, it will generate constant logs. So, the logging mechanism could be simplified. Now, it is a bit difficult to understand and filter the logs. It takes some time.
Jun 9, 2022
Currently, we can only use the query to read data from SAP HANA. What we would like to see, as soon as possible, is the ability to read from multiple tables from SAP HANA. That would be a really good thing that we could use immediately. For example, if you have 100 tables in SQL Server or Oracle, then you could just point it to the schema or the 100 tables and ingestion information. However, you can't do that in SAP HANA since StreamSets currently is lacking in this. They do not have a multi-table feature for SAP HANA. Therefore, a multi-table origin for SAP HANA would be helpful.
Learn what your peers think about StreamSets. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Saket Pandey - PeerSpot reviewer
May 17, 2023
One thing that I would like to add is the ability to manually enter data. The way the solution currently works is we don't have the option to manually change the data at any point in time. Being able to do that will allow us to do everything that we want to do with our data. Sometimes, we need to manually manipulate the data to make it more accurate in case our prior bifurcation filters are not good. If we have the option to manually enter the data or make the exact iterations on the data set, that would be a good thing.
Jun 21, 2022
If you use JDBC Lookup, for example, it generally takes a long time to process data.
Jan 6, 2023
One area for improvement could be the cloud storage server speed, as we have faced some latency issues here and there.
Prateek Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 21, 2022
Sometimes, when we have large amounts of data that is very efficiently stored in Hadoop or Kafka, it is not very efficient to run it through StreamSets, due to the lack of efficiency or the resources that StreamSets is using.
Kevin Kathiem Mutunga - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 24, 2023
Visualization and monitoring need to be improved and refined.
Sumesh Gansar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 6, 2023
In terms of the product, I don't think there is any room for improvement because it is very good. One small area of improvement that is very much needed is on the knowledge base side. Sometimes, it is not very clear how to set up a certain process or a certain node for a person who's using the platform for the first time.
Mar 17, 2023
There aren't enough hands-on labs, and debugging is also an issue because it takes a lot of time. Logs are not that clear when you are debugging, and you can only select a single source for a pipeline.