
Is there a bulletproof KPI Data Manager for SME?

Malte Horstmann - PeerSpot reviewer
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3 Answers

Sarath Boppudi - PeerSpot reviewer
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Feb 4, 2023
Malte Horstmann - PeerSpot reviewer
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Feb 7, 2023

@Sarath Boppudi  thank you very much, that confirms my additional research in that topic. So the Keyword ist "Data Catalogue". I'll definitly have a look into Purview. Thank you!

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Alfredo Novoa - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 6, 2023
Alfredo Novoa - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 7, 2023

You're welcome Malte!!! And if you want to make great dashboards using open source, give also a try to Apache Supersets.

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Feb 3, 2023
Malte Horstmann - PeerSpot reviewer
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Feb 7, 2023

@Gene Hammons fair points you point out here. I'll give them a shot! Boomi I've seen earlier already - let's see how it turns out. And yes the idea was to use BI-Toolings on top - but enhancing the datasources with meta-information right before the BI tool itself, as there are more applications which need to consume the data.

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