Sigma vs Splunk Cloud Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Data Visualization
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools (17th)
Splunk Cloud Platform
Ranking in Data Visualization
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Alerting and Incident Management (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Visualization category, the mindshare of Sigma is 1.4%, down from 1.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk Cloud Platform is 0.1%, down from 0.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Visualization
Unique Categories:
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools

Featured Reviews

Erik Jones - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 14, 2022
Streamlines reporting; like Excel on steroids
Our primary use cases for Sigma are exploratory data analysis and reporting and dashboarding Sigma improved our organization by enabling us to streamline our processes. My finance team previously handled reporting in Microsoft Excel and in Google Sheets. That's now all been transferred over to…
Jun 13, 2024
Improves availability and makes infrastructure administration easy
We are onboarding everything on it. We have infrastructure, applications, and network-related things on it The availability has improved. There is the ease of upgrades. We are able to show value quicker with some of our add-ons and things like that because of the stability in the base. It is…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable aspect for me is having real-time data."
"Sigma is a great software for non-technical business users. If someone's familiar with pivot tables or Excel or Google Sheets, they should be able to pick up Sigma pretty quickly. There is a very low bar for onboarding."
"The tool's interface is easy to use. The functions listed as a part of the menu items are easy to use."
"Everything is maintained by the Splunk support team. Users do not have to maintain any physical servers. They do not have to maintain indexes and searches. It reduces a lot of work on the user side."
"Dashboarding has been very powerful. I work with a lot of different customers, so being able to tailor the data for different customers has been valuable. I am able to make visuals and have reports where they can self-serve."
"The most valuable feature of Splunk Cloud Platform is its flexibility and readiness because it's already prebuilt, and everything is click-to-go."
"It has definitely improved our organization by virtue of reducing the amount of overhead we would have had for those environments. Having to implement, maintain, or even update the existing stuff would have been extremely time-consuming. Splunk Cloud handles all of that for us. So it's definitely been helpful from that perspective. It's allowed them to maintain upgrades for far further than they are. Some of the hosts of that environment were still on version 7 so they could get upgraded feature parity."
"Its monitoring is completely automated."
"As compared to other tools, it is very easy. It is very easy to learn. It also integrates well."
"Dashboards and alerting are the most valuable features. The dashboards let us see how the system looks in terms of anomalies, and the alerts trigger us to go and look at what possible problems are happening."
"In terms of the benefits of the product, I would say it is my go-to tool."


"The product's roadmap regarding introducing new features in the solution or new versions of the tool can be made better in the future."
"The only minor area for improvement lies in handling highly complex visualizations."
"I would like to see better visualization options. That would allow me to build out more visually pleasing dashboarding in Sigma."
"When it comes to the integrations with the other platforms, there is a little bit of a lag in the observability part, making it an area where improvements are required."
"The training models can only be accessed for 30 days, even if it is paid training."
"They can streamline the process of creating custom apps."
"From an enterprise standpoint, we are more limited in terms of what data we can export and how we can present it."
"Since I work on data collection from external sources and send them into Splunk, I miss its ability to collect that data through REST API applications."
"We're interested in learning more about the new AI features, especially the natural language to SPL conversion."
"Splunk should increase the frequency of new feature releases, particularly those related to real-time operational flow monitoring and analytics reporting."
"The current visuals on the dashboard could be more impactful."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The retail price is set at one thousand dollars per creator per year."
"I know that Splunk Cloud Platform is an expensive product."
"The pricing was negotiated through Trustwave and for our first contract in three years, we got a good deal."
"The cost makes more sense for organizations that have a large amount of data ranges."
"Splunk Cloud Platform's pricing is a little on the higher end."
"Splunk Cloud Platform fell within our budget so we pulled the trigger and implemented it."
"The price for Splunk Cloud Platform is the same as our maintenance costs for Splunk Enterprise on-premises."
"Splunk is a bit more expensive than some solutions, but customers can derive more value from it due to the features it has."
"We were on ingest. We were on-prem, and when we switched to the cloud, we went to an SVC model, and that has been a huge help. We are now able to ingest more data than before."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Sigma?
The tool's interface is easy to use. The functions listed as a part of the menu items are easy to use.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Sigma?
The viewer license is free, and the available licenses are for creators. The retail price is set at one thousand dollars per creator per year. Additionally, there is a platform fee of thirty thousa...
What needs improvement with Sigma?
I have used the product on the cloud and the browser and found no issues with it. The product's roadmap regarding introducing new features in the solution or new versions of the tool can be made be...
What do you like most about Splunk Cloud Platform?
Splunk has sped up our response and reduced the time we spend manually monitoring any logs for ticketing tools or servers. It saves us around two hours daily.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Splunk Cloud Platform?
I do not personally deal with that side, but from discussions, I know that it is one of the more expensive tools. I do not have anything to compare it with.
What needs improvement with Splunk Cloud Platform?
There's one specific use case I work with. I work with some Splunk experts, and it lacks workload management rules. It can identify specific dashboards e.g., or all-time searches. When I try to tra...



Sample Customers

Snowflake, Fivetran ,Autodesk, Flowspace, Super League Gaming, Zumper, Clover, Volta, Olivela
Find out what your peers are saying about Sigma vs. Splunk Cloud Platform and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.