Oracle WebLogic Server vs Tomcat comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Oracle WebLogic Server
Ranking in Application Server
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Application Server
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Server category, the mindshare of Oracle WebLogic Server is 24.5%, down from 25.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Tomcat is 23.0%, up from 21.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Server
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Dec 21, 2021
Applicable for a wide variety of purposes and sports a useful UI console
Today, WebLogic can be installed for different purposes. WebLogic Server can be installed alone just to publish Java-based applications or web-based applications - that is one scenario. Another scenario is to use WebLogic to deploy forms reports and other Oracle Fusion reports. For both the cases, the documentation is very good and the steps to follow are very standardized. It is basically straightforward. In terms of how much staff is needed for implementation, one person specialized in installing WebLogic is required. But installing WebLogic also requires having enough knowledge about the operating systems, because, depending on the operating system, there needs to be an operating system administrator to configure certain features. The WebLogic installation configuration requires top knowledge regarding operating systems and database design because, for example, when we deploy WebLogic for Fusion products we need to connect WebLogic to a database repository to deploy it later for the scripts. So one person is enough but this person requires knowledge of operating systems as well as databases.
Feb 12, 2024
Manages queues and handles routing
I have some limited experience with JBoss. Tomcat has become the standard now. There are other application servers like JBoss. They offer some excellent features for web projects. However, Tomcat is basic. Other servers provide more on top of that, which can be advantageous in some ways but also disadvantageous in others. They may be harder to support, have some issues, and be more complex. Additionally, they might not scale horizontally as well. That was my impression maybe ten years ago. However, I believe Tomcat is now the de facto standard, and you'd need solid reasons to choose anything over it, perhaps for specific features that you can't find in Tomcat but might be available in other application servers. On the other hand, Tomcat is simple, quick, and scalable, making it a perfect solution.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has helped us to have different clusters within different servers, which allows us to identify hacker attacks."
"It is quite robust in comparison to other application servers."
"Another valuable feature is the ability to automate tasks through scripts, making our environment highly efficient."
"It has good integration with security features, including OWASP."
"The technical support is responsive. They are always ready to help by various communication channels, such as Zoom calls. However, sometimes it will take a while because when we are dealing with a problem, they need to look at the logs and configuration. A lot of the issues are related to the configuration that they need to look at thoroughly before they can give us a solution and it can take a few days depending on the type of problem."
"It's a very stable solution."
"The possibility of having several servers running, so we do not lose the service."
"WebLogic is reliable, and it's easy to use for development."
"The product's initial setup phase was simple."
"Tomcat has connectors like REST requests to connect the front end. Also, some parts of the inter-system communication go through REST. External connections with third parties occasionally involve both REST and SOAP protocols. Tomcat is versatile in accommodating these various communication methods."
"Tomcat is secure, reliable, and stable."
"The most valuable feature is the free EE server."
"It is a robust solution."
"The product is easy to use."
"Tomcat's best feature is the open source server. It's a flexible and lightweight solution."
"Tomcat's ease of use has positively impacted project timelines. Tomcat already has high availability – it doesn't go down so often and doesn't require a lot of maintenance. As long as your application works, you can depend on Tomcat."


"Having clearer mechanisms to directly map a database-level connection problem to the corresponding WebLogic thread would greatly enhance the administrator's convenience."
"Licensing fees need improvement."
"They should improve the solution's garbage collection feature."
"I can't point to anything missing."
"Pricing for Oracle WebLogic Server and other Oracle products has room for improvement because the pricing model isn't easy to understand. I'd like to see lower pricing from Oracle WebLogic Server. That's the main issue with the solution."
"The cost could always be lower."
"In the future, I would like to see better support for the REST interface."
"I've had issues with some of the tracking features tracking and have had to go back to several generations of code to fix problems where things were touched."
"The disability and memory management is a problem with the solution and has room for improvement."
"In the solution, we are using the terminal to enter command line codes for operations and management, this is difficult for me. It would be better if we had some administrator UI tools for this."
"I would also like to see a dashboard with some integrations in order to see the logs and trace performance easier."
"The product needs to have more updates."
"Tomcat is not user-friendly. I would also like to be able to have multiple applications run at the same time."
"Tomcat is used mainly for database connections. As of now, we configure that environment for any database configuration. But if any utility can integrate where we can pass the database connection as a string of details, then it should encrypt them and keep them inside. From that security perspective, Tomcat requires improvement. They should integrate this security feature."
"One way to improve the solution is by making the logging capabilities of Tomcat better by providing a logger within the server itself and making it easy to access and view the server logs. This can be especially useful when debugging issues with applications deployed on the Tomcat server. By having the ability to view both the application logs and the server logs, you can more easily identify the source of any issues and troubleshoot them more efficiently. Providing a connector or other similar feature that allows you to access the server logs from within your application can also be helpful in this regard. Having access to both the application logs and the server logs can be a valuable resource when trying to identify and resolve problems."
"Java functions should be built better into the solution."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution’s pricing is affordable."
"As Oracle WebLogic Server is a product from Oracle, it is bound to be an expensive solution. My company needs to make annual payments towards the licensing costs attached to the product."
"Pricing for Oracle WebLogic Server is expensive."
"The licensing fees are annual and depend on the model."
"The licensing of the product is expensive"
"The tool's pricing is yearly."
"Its high expense is a significant drawback"
"My company uses a licensed version of the product, so we get Oracle's support."
"It is an expensive product."
"The solution is free."
"Tomcat's pricing is very cheap."
"There are no additional costs apart from the standard license."
"We are currently using the open-source version."
"I rate the product's price an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"Tomcat is open-source and free to use."
"The price of the solution is good."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Oracle WebLogic Server?
Sometimes, some issues don't get fixed by Oracle's technical support team, and you need to invest time to fix them by yourself. Oracle's support team fails to understand the real problem of the cus...
What is your primary use case for Oracle WebLogic Server?
I use the solution in my company since few customers use WebLogic applications and also since they have a few number of applications deployed on it.
What do you like most about Tomcat?
Tomcat's ease of use has positively impacted project timelines. Tomcat already has high availability – it doesn't go down so often and doesn't require a lot of maintenance. As long as your applicat...
What needs improvement with Tomcat?
If you have multiple tasks, you definitely need different ideas. However, if you only consider the deployment of an application to a target server, it’s mainly about the technical performance. Ther...
What is your primary use case for Tomcat?
We use the tool to deploy Java applications.

Also Known As

WebLogic Application Server
No data available

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Sample Customers

Colab Consulting Pty. Ltd., Infosys Ltd., Sascar, Banca Transilvania, UL, Center for Railway Information Systems, SPAR Austria Group, Reliance Commercial Finance, Industrial Bank of Korea, Al Jaber Group, Safe Water Kenya, Chhattisgarh Infotech and Biotech Promotion Society
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Find out what your peers are saying about Oracle WebLogic Server vs. Tomcat and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.