Netsurion vs Securonix Next-Gen SIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Security Services (5th), SOC as a Service (3rd), Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (13th), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (16th)
Securonix Next-Gen SIEM
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of Netsurion is 0.3%, up from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Securonix Next-Gen SIEM is 1.5%, down from 1.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
Managed Security Services
SOC as a Service
Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Featured Reviews

Sep 8, 2023
We have a unified view and a devoted team to make sure our environment is secure
Integration-wise, there is a pretty vast area of things that they are able to integrate with, but some of the tools they have are not so great. One of my pet peeves right now is the maturity of the agents that you install on Windows and Linux devices. On the Linux side, it has not been a great experience. They support CentOS and Ubuntu, but the client tends to be a little bit cumbersome and not so great. It is just okay. It is not so great because the agent that they use is basically like a SysLog forwarder of the log system of the Linux system. When it gets pushed out, they do not receive the data as a hostname. It just comes back as an IP, so they are not able to detect the hostname. There are little tedious things here and there that I have not been happy about. This is one of them. They have their programs and tools that you have to put into your own environment. We basically ingest all the log data and then push it out to them. I wish it was a little bit different than that where we just push directly towards them. I do not know if that is a function that they thought would be better in terms of security, but I wish that instead of doing that, it should go from the device to them and not from the device to another system and then out to them. There seem to be some drawbacks to doing that. They need to work on the tools they have. The UI of EventTracker, which is a proprietary piece of software that they built, needs improvement. It is not the friendliest thing in the world. Those are the things that they should probably work on. I know that a lot of their tools have been specifically built around their team, and their team is very familiar with it, but that is an area they probably need to work on to get their customers or even get more clients. They need to work on the UI of EventTracker.
Sep 29, 2022
Provides flexible data ingestion and good optimization and data analysis
It is an excellent tool that helps us optimize threat-hunting operations, detect intrusive events on the network, and respond to security incidents. It is a tool that helps debug false positives and eliminate noisy alerts. It helps us focus on the alerts that we should take into account for analysis. Using old, traditional SIEMs did not provide us with the same responsiveness and ability to operate. And if they did provide us with something similar, we needed more staff to review things, event by event. That meant some risky events could occur unnoticed. With Securonix, those issues no longer exist. Securonix shows us information that we must consider as a threat and helps us know when to start an investigation to avoid an incident. It's very good at adding contextual information to security events. It has reduced the time spent by admins on the dashboard. They can now see information connected to attack risks or even users. The single dashboard alerts them and quickly reports if there is any threat. It has helped us to better understand what is happening in our network through the indicators of compromise. We have saved days of work. And it optimizes the time that analysts take to review events, compared to other tools that do not have as much intelligence and as many indicators. With Securonix, the information automatically enters and adds intelligence to the indicators. This saves a lot of time that would otherwise be spent reviewing noisy data. It saves our analyst between four and eight hours when analyzing events. When it comes to advanced threats, it shows us the threats or events that have been detected, with their risk level. It shows us a vulnerability bar and that helps us see who is looking at us, who is trying to deliver certain information to our systems, who exploited us, or if there is any alert due to someone extracting certain information. The automation of information delivery has facilitated everything, saving us three or four days.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product satisfies our compliance, and thus, all of our auditors. All of the data that we use and store for all security events is required by our auditors to be kept in a central storage location."
"I like EventTracker's dashboard. I see it every time I log in because it's the first thing you get to. We have our own widgets that we use. For the sake of transparency, there are a few widgets that we look at there and then we move out from there... Among the particularly helpful widgets, the not-reporting widget is a big one. The number-of-logs-processed is also a good one."
"The SIEMs and managed service are its most valuable features. We get a weekly report from them which provides a culmination of them combing through millions of events which are triggered across our network every day and minute. Their information security experts basically boil that down to a report which I get emailed once a week. It identifies potential threats and the remediation that I should take to be able to quell those threats."
"The most valuable feature is that we get the events: the alerts about disk space and the security reports that we get once a day, including user lockouts and the like."
"What I like most about Netsurion is the level of visibility and reporting."
"The most valuable feature is definitely real-time alerting, especially in situations where someone might attempt to exploit or hack into our network."
"When it comes to threat detection and response, it does a very good job detecting and blocking on its own. And the SOC is a nice added value because they're doing analysis on things that aren't as obvious, on things that you can't just detect with a signature or behavior. Also, any SIEM will come with a lot of noise, so having them do a lot of the initial analysis to find out what's critical and what issues are false alarms is very good."
"The real-time alerting for things such as people getting dropped into a VPN group or the domain admin group — things like that which really shouldn't happen without proper change management, but we all know the reality, they do from time to time — gives me real-time visibility into what's going on."
"One of the most valuable features is the integration of all types of data sources to extract relevant information regarding events. It is a good solution when it comes to the correlations that it makes within all the data handled in our company."
"[The solution has] incident-management or case-management functionality. If someone were to download a high number and we decided we needed to investigate it, I could open a case right in the tool. It would be able to directly reference the data that they downloaded and we could open and shut the case directly in the tool, as well as report from it."
"The most valuable feature is that it works on user behavior and event rarities."
"The most valuable feature is what Securonix calls enrichment. Securonix is very powerful because of all the data it can process and automatically enrich. The actionable intelligence it provides is one of its benefits, due to the processing capacity it has."
"The solution has proven to be stable so far...The solution is easy to scale up."
"The second feature is that within the SNYPR product there is a functionality called Spotter. We use that for link analysis diagrams and to run the stats command. That's extremely useful because it replaces a tedious, manual process we used to use, using Microsoft Excel and a couple of other methods, to bring data together."
"The user interface is easy to learn and navigate."
"I rate the technical support a nine out of ten. They're friendly. Whenever we have a P1 issue, we write an email and our issue is resolved in one or two hours."


"I would like to see a faster response when we see things like 15,000 lockouts. I really wished that I had known that on Friday afternoon rather than waiting until I got the weekly report today. By the same token, they are looking at it from the point of view that this is a system or software malfunction. This is not a bad actor repeating the exact same password three times a second. Therefore, they can tell that this is not a bad thing. However, it's not a security event but it is an operational event for me. Knowing this sort of thing would help my team and me out more because then we would be able to clear out a lot of network traffic that we didn't know was going on. So, we would like quicker updates on non-high security events."
"Where there is an opportunity for improvement is in the interface used for performing the searches. You have to understand Elasticsearch search too well for the security team to be able to take really full advantage of that part of the product. It's not as intuitive as I would like it to be for new staff coming in. The general query capability is a little bit challenging."
"The weekly reporting could use some improvement. For example, when we handed them our landscape document, it took longer than I would have liked for those details to become noticeable within the reports."
"I'd like to see improvement in the ease of generating reports. It seems fairly cumbersome whenever you decide to start tracking new categories of events. It seems a little kludgy when trying to generate those reports."
"Probably the biggest thing is just: Can I search for this and what's the best way to do it? If I'm looking for two events versus a singular event, I just throw it back at them. They're the experts on it."
"There are some issues with searches taking a long period of time, but they assured me that they have implemented a new search function that's available in version 9, but which requires a solid-state hard drive... Depending on how many logs you have it could take a long time to return the results if you're looking back prior to the last 30 days."
"The agents on the endpoints seem to fail quite a bit, requiring manual involvement from the local administrators. I would like to see their product be much more ad hoc and update automatically."
"Netsurion's threat detection and response aren't quite mature. I would expect a little more."
"Securonix could open up information regarding the indicators of compromise or cyber-threat intelligence database that they use. The idea is that they share what threats they are detecting."
"The technical support of the solution is an area with shortcomings and needs improvement."
"One of the things they can improve on a little bit is the usability side, to make some things simpler... The tool does have a lot of knobs, you can turn a lot of things on and off and you can change things. Sometimes, it can become a little overwhelming. They should remove some confirmation options and make it simpler for the less mature customers and people who are still trying to grasp it."
"We thought they were going to be a great product, however, they're actually not great at all as an MSP."
"Sometimes, the injectors lag and are not loading. It would be nice if that could be improved."
"Parsing needs to be improved. Every time we integrate a new, specific data source, we face a lot of problems in parsing, even for the old data source."
"There is slight room for improvement in terms of the initial deployment. What I see is that Securonix is more focused on their product. They are expanding, in a big way, the number of customers. So there has to be a number of dedicated teams to jump on and speed up the deployment process."
"We have a lot of users who, because they're engineers and they're bringing down product data - where, at times, a top-level product could be 10,000 or 15,000 objects - it's difficult for us to determine what should be a concern and what shouldn't be a concern. We work with the Securonix folks to try to come up with better ways to identify that."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our pricing for Netsurion last year was US $52,000 per year."
"Licensing is very easy. Our CIO takes care of the billing, but in terms of price point, he hasn't complained, so it must be good."
"In the security space, it's hard to quantify your return on investment. So, I don't. We spend about $40,000 a year and so. It's hard to say if the SIEM saved that much money."
"When we first got the EventTracker product, we were using SIEM Simplified. At the time they didn't call it that, but it was more of a service thing. So, there was a bit more hand-holding and getting stuff set up, along with failure reports, that they did during the first one to two years. Then, we decided that the the additional money to have someone do these daily reports wasn't terribly useful, so we discontinued that service."
"The pricing and licensing seem very reasonable. The managed service part of it feels like it gives me the equivalent of a full-time engineer for a lot less money. So, I feel it's a good value."
"I don't know if the pricing is by the seat but we're paying about $20,000 to 25,000 a year. On top of that, we pay for the managed support services. That runs us about another $35,000 or $40,000 a year."
"EventTracker's subscription-based model is interesting as far as yearly license type stuff. It's nice because you know what it's going to be next year. We haven't really looked at any other solutions. The pricing at the time compared to the other solutions was a lot less. A couple of years ago, we actually looked at Splunk. The amount in Splunk's licensing model is based on 20 gigs a day, or something like that. Based on our number of logs and stuff that we were already generating, the costs would be substantially more for the amount of logs that we would be getting."
"Our budget follows the calendar year. We just started a new budget year at the beginning of the month. We did budget for an increase in our threat management system selection. Therefore, we have the budget to implement and accommodate a threat management system change, including an increase for the quoted actions that we received to improve EventTracker. We are just waiting on our council to approve that budget, which might not be for a little while. Hopefully, when they do, we will be able to jump on doing something."
"I had heard that it was much cheaper than Splunk and some of the other tools, and they gave us a nice package with support. They accommodated the number of users and support very well."
"The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price."
"A good thing about Securonix is that they don't charge by volume of data or number of devices... They charge by the number of employees, which is a much more predictable number for me, versus data. Our costs are in the $100,000 range over a three-year subscription."
"The pricing is good, but by adding more things, the licensing becomes more complex because an EPS license fluctuates a lot. This licensing concept is going to be problematic in the long run."
"Compared to other brands it seems more affordable to us."
"We have a license from our 5.0, so that license just continued. We paid them the extra cloud-hosting costs for a year which were about $300,000."
"We have an annual license. We pay $200,000 for the base licensing and we pay another $50,000 for the software as a service."
"Its price is fine. We found it to be cheaper than LogRhythm, Exabeam, Splunk, as well as Elastic Security. A few months ago, when we were comparing Securonix with Elastic Security, we found Securonix to be cheaper than Elasticsearch. We were pretty surprised that Elastic Security is more expensive than Securonix because Elasticsearch is just starting, and it cannot compete with Securonix at this time. So, the pricing of Securonix is pretty good for now."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
Their pricing is high. I don't know if it's a barrier. The quality speaks to the price. The price is the price. They provide what they promise. From a purchasing perspective, I just have to come ba...
What needs improvement with Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
There is one area that needs improvement and that is with the agents and the server that's on-site. The system requirements are very, very high. So I need a pretty powerful server to run. If they c...
Which is the best SIEM tool for a mid-sized financial services firm: Arcsight or Securonix?
In my market, a lot of financial companies had or have an ArcSight installation. Just because in former times it was pretty good. Now a lot of them are looking for a more effective solution due to ...
What do you like most about Securonix Security Analytics?
We can customize our use cases with the tools provided by Securonix. It is an excellent tool that can ingest data in different ways and is very flexible.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Securonix Security Analytics?
The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price. It would be good if, for example, there were an option to offer customers who have ...

Also Known As

Netsurion Managed Threat Protection, Netsurion EventTracker
Securonix Security Analytics

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Sample Customers

The Salvation Army, The FRESH Market, Pacific Western Bank, NASA, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), and Talbot’s Stores
Dtex Systems, Pfizer, Western Union, Harris, ITG
Find out what your peers are saying about Netsurion vs. Securonix Next-Gen SIEM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.