Domo vs Microsoft Power BI comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM Cognos
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Integration (22nd), Business Performance Management (9th), Data Visualization (4th)
Microsoft Power BI
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the BI (Business Intelligence) Tools category, the mindshare of IBM Cognos is 3.2%, down from 4.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Domo is 11.8%, up from 3.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Power BI is 24.4%, up from 23.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Unique Categories:
Data Integration
Business Performance Management

Featured Reviews

Apr 20, 2021
Helpful algorithms, easy to create charts, and supports a wide range of file formats
We analyze data from their marketing campaigns, and social networks in order to determine which campaigns are more effective, and which channels are producing the best results It's quite easy to use.   The tool has a group of algorithms that allows you to find links rapidly. It is also very easy…
James John Wilson - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 21, 2022
Robust, powerful, and easy to use
There were very few cases on some of the tables, the data tables, where I wish there was an additional feature or two. However, they were particular. What I wanted to see was the ability to collapse when you group a set of rows, let's say when you group them by status or health, so you have your red projects grouped up top. I wanted to compress or collapse that group of red and then open the yellow projects and then the green projects. There were a bit more features in the tables than I wanted to see. They have a widget that you can use either in Microsoft PowerPoint to pull over data into your PowerPoints and refresh graphs or charts or metrics or tables. I would love to see that available in Google Slides. I used it successfully in PowerPoint; however, at one company, they were only using Google products, and so that widget didn't help with reporting in slides. Therefore, we had to do a bit more manual work for our quarterly business reviews or monthly business reviews to produce our executive presentations. Sometimes the fonts were difficult to read if you're trying to put a lot of data in a table and show a lot of rows. Sometimes the fonts got too light, and you had to really play with it to try and figure out how to make it readable. One thing I had to do, and I don't know if it's necessarily a bad thing, was when I was running a meeting, I would have to go turn off the data jobs. If I was running a meeting and a lot of times people were scrambling in the background to do their updates even as the meeting was occurring, it would cause the page to render very slowly. It would sometimes pause or freeze. I found that if I went and turned off the status, the data update jobs that we're pulling data from Smartsheet, then the meetings would work more smoothly, and there were no interruptions or delays.
Sep 27, 2021
Intuitive design, good support, and reliable
We are using Microsoft BI for various reports, such as overall cost management, credit overview, and sales The solution is very intuitive, you do not need to have too much programming knowledge to use it. Advanced Excel users can use it very easily.  The solution could improve by providing more…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution's initial setup process is easy."
"The three IBM Cognos features I find the most valuable are Dynamic Cubes, PowerPlay, and Watson."
"IBM Cognos improves the effectiveness of the sales team."
"Mapbox integration for geospatial analytics down to longitude/latitude layers."
"The most valuable feature of IBM Cognos is security. The solution has updated features that other competitors' solutions come out with long after IBM Cognos has had them."
"The Report Studio that is aimed at professional report writers."
"The product is a very good reporting tool and is very flexible. It allows for the users to get a scheduled report."
"It has a very powerful edit feature which allows users to back out of changes (undo) without forcing them to recreate entire reports."
"The fact that you can add any data source is valuable. The entire data handling suite they have, all the apps, etc., is pretty amazing. One of the key things, not being a techie or a data-warehouse guy, is that you can connect data sources, and do all kinds of pretty amazing things."
"In Workbench 5, they have come up with a very useful feature called Upsert. When you're pushing data into the data set, if the data is already available it will update the data, and if that the data is not there it will insert it. That is a beneficial feature that they introduced in the latest version."
"This solution allows us to change our performance metrics and tracks our goals in real-time."
"Domo has a lot of connections using APIs where you can use data from different databases, such as NoSQLs, SQL databases, and other connections. These connections exist to obtain data and transform whatever that you want."
"The ETL tools they have in Redshift are pretty awesome... I can work in Redshift to get the data from AWS and work in Redshift, in Domo, to create Transforms and the data structure we need..."
"We've worked with all the features of Domo. Among the most important are Pivot and Sumo Cards. We can use drill-down from the top-most level with a click, generating charts."
"The best thing is that the data storage is pretty much free. I can store as much data as I want, from different sources."
"The user interface is quite good."
"The most valuable feature of Power BI is its ability to provide customized visualizations and insights tailored to specific business needs."
"Initial setup was very straightforward. Users can get up and running reporting on databases within minutes."
"The product can go easily go and extract data and it can put it into any format."
"Power BI has strong support from Microsoft. If you need help, they answer promptly. There are also several discussion groups where you can get information, like the product roadmap and any new things coming up."
"Power BI allows you to create user defined charts which is really useful."
"Microsoft B's beneficial features are that it is a Microsoft product and it is well known by the staff here in the company. It suited the available skills."
"Its ease of use is most valuable."
"It's quite flexible, and it's easy to create reports using this system. It is very graphic and very user friendly."


"The solution seems to slow down the servers."
"Cognos is quite slow - it's missing the performance of the PowerPlay cubes."
"Extending features on dashboards so it becomes a real dashboard building application, not only a data exploration tool."
"IBM Support can be slow at times, but they can usually deliver in a timely manner."
"Compared to Tableau and PowerBI, the IBM interface is easier to use. However, the drag-and-drop functionality isn't as straightforward. Formatting is also more challenging in the cloud than in other applications, like Power BI. Also, if you encounter an issue, it takes more time to resolve it on the formatting side."
"It would be nice to offer free online training on the tool for end-users."
"They were lacking in the initial phases of development in the area of big data, and they still need to improve that aspect of the product."
"IBM Cognos's error messages seem to be a bit ambiguous. An error will be encountered and a message will be sent out very ambiguous and after investigating the error message it could be any number of issues. There was never a direct answer to the question or a direct answer to the error messages. Sometimes it would be a generic error message for 21 different solutions. It wasn't very specific, which required a lot of digging around and trial and error trying to fix the problem. The messaging in their error messaging is something needing improvement."
"I would like to see more dashboard creation options."
"They should include service-based reporting features."
"I would like to see better data intake."
"They could use more charts. They have had a very limited number of charts we can use. I believe, now, there are somewhere around 30 of them, but they could definitely use some more options."
"The ETL way of storing is not up to mark. You have to rely on the naming convention that you're using in Domo because there are no folder systems where you can collate all your workflows and put them into separate folders. A folder system should be there so you can easily identify how you are working. Once you want to make some changes to your ETL, then you can see the whole lineage, identifying what is there and not there."
"I would like to be able to drill down more when there is a particular area where there is a problem. I don't clearly see that in Domo at the moment."
"It is expensive."
"It is expensive."
"It has come a long way in terms of how it was working two years ago, but there are some things that you still can't do with it. For example, permission management and user access management are still a bit limited. It is basically based on the idea that everybody from the organization can see everything or limit the type of data they can see. If I want you to see only one report and the other guy to see another report, I can't do it. There should be a better way to manage permissions and users. It should also support external users much better."
"More connections with other systems should be added, which would allow for other integrations."
"The default parameters of the prompt could be improved by including a dynamic option."
"The on-premises version lacks some technical features that are available with the Cloud version."
"The solution could be quicker at rendering data."
"A lot of people work on Excel, so being able to export an Excel file as part of a subscription would be an improvement."
"Real-time updating needs improvement."
"The look and feel should be updated in terms of the types of dashboards and graphs that you can produce. They aren't as visual as some of its competitors."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is need to assess the purchase license accordingly so as to avoid audit penalties."
"My company uses IBM Cognos with another IBM product, so I think only one license is used."
"There is some additional licensing that we needed to purchase because we were touching data outside of our core data platform. The cost was approximately $25,000 for the additional licenses, which were approximate 45 licenses. For the application itself, updates, and the core platform it was approximately $50,000. Giving a total cost of $75,000 annually for our usage of IBM Cognos."
"The pricing and licensing policies are comparatively cheaper than other products in the market ."
"I rate the product price as four or five on a scale from one to ten, where one is a low price, and ten is a high price."
"The cost of IBM Cognos it's more or less the same as most of the other solutions on the market. They're very competitive with the rest of the market and it is not the most expensive product."
"It's more expensive than similar solutions like Tableau and Power BI."
"IBM Cognos price is on the higher side of the spectrum. However, with the features that it brings, such as correlation analysis, it's worth the money. They should look at the pricing more clearly because it's a little on the higher side."
"Domo is slightly costly but it's much cheaper than some."
"It started out at about $600 a seat. However, then as we started to grow, it scaled that down to about $330 or 3$50 a seat, if I'm not mistaken."
"The pricing differs from customer to customer, depending on the package."
"Because it's software as a service, it's more expensive on the face of it. But there are a lot of variables. I don't have to pay for servers or for infrastructure. I don't have to pay labor for my IT organization to set up or maintain the environment. I don't have to pay for them to upgrade the software, and test it, etc., because when it rolls out, it is transparent and seamless for us. But, because of that, it costs more, I imagine, than Sisense, or Yellowfin, or Power BI. A lot of those make it sound like they're inexpensive, but when you add in all the hidden costs and all of the overhead, it's probably comparable."
"I'm not sure about pricing, but I believe Domo is quite costly. Prior to joining this organization, I had a Domo license with my former employer and I think that license was around $500 to $600 annually. That was for a single license. I think it varies, depending on the organization that is acquiring Domo."
"I think it is reasonable."
"The price that they offered was around $200 per user license. It was pretty cheap at that time compared to other companies. I think they have revamped their pricing structure since then."
"For about 100 users our cost is $95,800."
"It would be better if the price was cheaper."
"Power BI is cheaper for smaller groups when comparing to competitors. It requires a monthly per-user subscription."
"The pricing is good. It's pretty competitive because I have worked on a few other tools as well, and Power BI is on the cheaper side."
"Licensing fees are paid on a yearly basis."
"I think it's a good price, from what I've heard. I know it's competitive with other Power BI tools."
"No comment on pricing."
"It is based on the usage. If you're using it, you pay for it, and if you're not using it, you stop paying for it."
"We pay for users who are publishing on the cloud. The desktop version is free. Its licensing is on a yearly basis."
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Comparison Review

it_user79932 - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 4, 2015
Comparison of SAP BO, Tableau, QlikView, Cognos, Microsoft, OBIEE and Pentaho
1. SAP BO/BI Enterprise scalability Security Ease of use Semantic layer 2. Tableau Visualization Data discovery Turnaround time 3. IBM Cognos Enterprise scalability Security In-memory feature 4. MS BI - Flexibility 5. Pentaho - Open source but still enterprise grade 6. QlikView Data…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Seeking lightweight open source BI software
It depends on the Data architecture and the complexity of your requirement. Some great tools in the market are Qlik ...
What do you like most about IBM Cognos?
The solution's most valuable feature is its ease of use, which makes it easily compatible with other tools.
What needs improvement with IBM Cognos?
The tool does not have much documentation on the internet. It is not easy to resolve issues by finding the reason for...
What do you like most about Domo?
All our client SLAs and daily and weekly dashboards are tracked on Domo.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Domo?
Domo can be crazy expensive. They have a lot of capabilities but depending on the pricing model you have, either the...
What needs improvement with Domo?
If Domo had a Copilot feature, you could interact with the graphs and talk to the graphs and tables.
Seeking lightweight open source BI software
There are many...It would rather depend what System BI architecture or Enterprise legacy you have at your end...I wou...
Is Power BI a complete platform or only a visualization tool?
Power BI is an advanced visualization tool oriented to big data with a very complete set of widgets to visualize info...
How does Oracle OBIEE compare with Microsoft BI?
Oracle OBIEE is great in allowing design and creativity per the individual needs of the organization. Dashboards are ...

Also Known As

Cognos, Cognos Analytics, IBM Cognos Analytics
SSRS, SSAS, MSBI, MS Reporting Services, Microsoft BI Tools, Microsoft Big Data, Power BI Pro, MS BI

Learn More




Sample Customers

More than 23,000 leading organizations across multiple industries use Cognos. Some examples of Cognos customers include BMW Financial Services, Quinte Health Care, Troy Corporation, Michigan State University, and GKN Land System.
Capco, SABMiller, Stance, eBay, Sage North America, Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana, Telus, The Cliffs, OGIO International Inc., and many more!
Accenture Adidas Aetna AIG Airbus Alibaba Allstate Amazon American Express Aon AT&T Audi Bank of America BASF Bayer Berkshire Hathaway Boeing Coca-Cola Comcast Cisco Coca-Cola Dell Disney Emirates Equinix FedEx Ford GE Google H&M Home Depot Honda IBM Intel JPMorgan Chase Kellogg's Kroger L'Oréal McDonald's Merck MetLife Microsoft Nike Oracle P&G PepsiCo Procter & Gamble Prudential Financial SAP Siemens Snapchat Spotify Starbucks Target Toyota T-Mobile Unilever Visa Walmart WeWork World Bank Xerox
Find out what your peers are saying about Domo vs. Microsoft Power BI and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.