Microsoft Azure vs Red Hat OpenShift comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 19, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Azure
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) (1st)
Red Hat OpenShift
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the PaaS Clouds category, the mindshare of Microsoft Azure is 25.5%, up from 20.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Red Hat OpenShift is 10.9%, down from 14.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
PaaS Clouds
Unique Categories:
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Nicolas Chabrier - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 26, 2024
Promotes clear, logical structures preventing impractical configurations and offers seamless integration
The only thing is regarding the management of multi-cloud environments. That's not really possible. So basically, it's wonderful if you manage Microsoft clearly and if you manage Microsoft Azure, but if you need to consume external services and have a global overview of all your consumption, it's not the case. Google, for instance, has tools that help you manage multiple environments, which makes sense because Google is really the cloud provider. So that's why they need to be compliant with the others. But for sure, Microsoft's approach is different, and it's wonderful when you're one hundred percent on Azure. But if you'd like to have something more of a multi-cloud strategy, that's a bit of a gap where they could improve.
Gustavo Magni - PeerSpot reviewer
May 22, 2023
Has good stability and integrates with multiple applications
I use the solution for deployments with Java applications in the environment The solution has helped us in faster deployments of the applications. The solution's most valuable feature is its ability to integrate with multiple applications, including inference tutor and container platforms. It…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The ability to create the actual resource on the private cloud is easy to manage with Microsoft Azure."
"There are many different components such as SaaS, PaaS, and API so every month they are releasing a few hundred new features."
"Its resiliency is most valuable. It is also a very scalable solution, so you can spend the resources on demand."
"One advantage of using Azure is that clients can start with a low-cost entry in terms of hardware and scale as their business and user base grows. They don't need to allocate a large budget for infrastructure upfront."
"We have not had any issues with the performance, or the stability."
"The solution is very simple to set up."
"Microsoft Azure is flexible and the performance is great."
"The tool has proven to be valuable for our organization by enhancing the availability and reliability of services. Our website and several applications hosted on it now benefit from improved availability features and increased reliability."
"I love to automate everything and OpenShift was been born for that. It takes care of the network layer itself and I don't need to dive into it; I can work on a top level. Our project has numerous services designed to run in Docker containers, and we have run almost all pieces in OpenShift."
"Key features are WildFly, because it standardizes infrastructure and the git repository and docker. Git is essential for source code and Docker for infrastructure."
"There is a quick deployment of the application, and we can scale out efficiently."
"We are able to operate client’s platform without downtime during security patch management each month and provide a good SLA (as scalability for applications is processed during heavy client website load, automatically)."
"What I like best about OpenShift is that it can reduce some of the costs of having multiple applications because you can just move them into small container applications. For example, applications don't need to run for twenty days, only to be used up by Monday. Through OpenShift, you can move some of the small applications into any cloud. I also find the design of OpenShift good."
"The product's initial setup is very easy, especially compared to AWS."
"Overall, the solution's security throughout the stack and software supply chain is excellent."
"Its interface is good. The other part is the seamless integration with the stack that I have. Because my stack is mostly of Red Hat, which is running on top of VMware virtualization, I have had no issues with integrating both of these and trying to install them. We had a seamless integration with the other non-Red Hat products as well."


"The Azure Billing API could be so much better. It only provides billing metrics for a set duration."
"I would like to see Internet content filtering included."
"If you compare it with AWS, it is not very friendly to use. I find the UI better to work with on AWS."
"The permissions and controls in the product are not easy to use."
"The solution lacks fluidity and is not intuitive."
"The third-party data-sharing features must be improved."
"Microsoft Azure could improve by having more virtual machine operating systems available."
"They need to make storage easy and offer more interconnectivity between solutions."
"The tool lacks some features to make it compliant with Kubernetes"
"The area for improvement is mostly in support for legacy applications."
"One of the features that I've observed in Tanzu Mission Control is that I can manage multiple Kubernetes environments. For instance, one of my lines of business is using OpenShift OKD; another one wants to use Google Anthos, and somebody else wants to use VMware Tanzu. If I have to manage all these, Tanzu Mission Control is giving me the opportunity to completely manage all of my Kubernetes clusters, whereas, with OpenShift, I can only manage a particular area. I can't manage other Kubernetes clusters. I would like to have the option to manage all Kubernetes clusters with OpenShift."
"The interface could be simplified a bit more."
"Needs work on volume handling (although this is already better with GlusterFS). Security (SSSD) would also be an improvement."
"It would be great if it supported Bitbucket repositories too."
"OpenShift's storage management could be better."
"The software-defined networking part of it caused us quite a bit of heartburn. We ran into a lot of problems with the difference between on-prem and cloud, where we had to make quite a number of modifications... They've since resolved it, so it's not really an issue anymore."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost structure is like most cloud-based services. The solution could be cheaper, it is always better to be cheaper."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing an eight out of ten."
"There is a monthly fee you need to pay for the use of Microsoft Azure."
"It’s necessary to use third party products or to use good self-management economic tools"
"The price of the solution could be cheaper."
"The cost is more or less the same across all cloud service providers."
"We are on an annual subscription. However, there are other options available."
"Customers need to purchase additional services because of the complexity of it."
"The solution is cost-effective."
"This solution is fairly expensive but comes at an average cost compared to other solutions in the market."
"The licensing cost for OpenShift is expensive when compared to other products. RedHat also charges you additional costs apart from the standard licensing fees."
"It's important to start small because the solution is scalable. We can build our cluster and look at the bundle option, not the external subscriptions. Talking to the people at Red Hat can save us money."
"Pricing of OpenShift depends on the number of nodes and who is hosting it."
"The product’s pricing is expensive."
"The cost is quite high."
"OpenShift is really good when we need to start, but once we get to a certain scale, it becomes too expensive."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is preferable - IBM Public Cloud or Microsoft Azure?
IBM Public Cloud is IBM’s Platform-as-a-Service. It aims to provide organizations with a secure cloud environment to manage data and applications. One of the features we like is the cloud activity ...
Which is better - SAP Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure?
One of the best features of SAP Cloud Platform is that it is web-based and you can log in from anywhere in the world. SAP Cloud Platform is suitable for companies of any size; it works well with bo...
How does Microsoft Azure compare to Google Firebase?
I would recommend Google Firebase instead of Microsoft Azure, simply for the array of features that it has to offer. In particular, the Firebase library grants you access to a shared data structure...
How does OpenShift compare with Amazon AWS?
Open Shift makes managing infrastructure easy because of self-healing and automatic scaling. There is also a wonderful dashboard mechanism to alert us in case the application is over-committing or ...
Which would you recommend - Pivotal Cloud Foundry or OpenShift?
Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a cloud-native application platform to simplify app delivery. It is efficient and effective. The best feature is how easy it is to handle external services such as database...
What do you like most about OpenShift?
OpenShift facilitates DevOps practices and improves CI/CD workflows in terms of stability compared to Jenkins.

Also Known As

Windows Azure, Azure, MS Azure
No data available

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Sample Customers

BMW, Toyota, easyJet, NBC Sports, HarperCollins, Aviva, TalkTalk Business, Avanade, and Telenor.
UPS, Cathay Pacific, Hilton
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Azure vs. Red Hat OpenShift and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.