IBM SevOne Network Performance Management (NPM) vs Splunk Enterprise Security comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM SevOne Network Performa...
Ranking in Log Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (41st), Server Monitoring (16th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (37th), Cloud Monitoring Software (28th)
Splunk Enterprise Security
Ranking in Log Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (1st), IT Operations Analytics (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Log Management category, the mindshare of IBM SevOne Network Performance Management (NPM) is 0.3%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk Enterprise Security is 8.1%, down from 12.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Log Management
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Server Monitoring
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
IT Operations Analytics

Featured Reviews

Grzegorz Nowak - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 29, 2024
Improves infrastructure planning by helping us analyze network traffic
We use SevOne to collect and report on network flows SevOne improves infrastructure planning by helping us analyze network traffic. We can look at bandwidth for specific endpoints on the customer's network and analyze traffic to identify issues. For example, maybe some connectors are unavailable.…
Daniel Hammons - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 13, 2024
Integrates easily with other solutions and fastens investigation and response
It has so many features. The incident review pane is the best part of it because that is where the SOC lives. It is the heartbeat of what the SOC needs to do. You are able to start the investigative process. As you are sitting in the incident review pane, you see the alert, and from that one alert, which is called a notable alert, you can drill in and see all the different specific details that are tied to that. You then have adaptive response action that can be taken automatically on that, or you can even drill in to look at what events drove that alert to be created. You can then start doing more hunting and querying that way. There is so much information contained in the notable alert itself in that panel. It helps to drive the direction of where the engineer should go.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The monitoring of the network is very customizable. That is its unique feature."
"We find that the reporting is particularly valuable in terms of not only communicating with our peer teams but also with the executives."
"The out of the box reports and workflows are pretty good and they meet our requirements well."
"Data Insight reporting tool is the most valuable feature. They came up with it a couple of years ago. The most pleasing factor is the dark theme. You don't have a white background. It has templates that you can create for all kinds of reports that you can hit on the fly. It's much better printing of the reports. If you want to send PDFs to people, the reports are actually decent. Whereas for years, the old architecture of the PDFs was rubbish and even our customers said, "We have to manipulate your PDFs because they all have bad margin breaks. SevOne fixed that a couple of years ago with the new Data Insight. It's fantastic."
"In 90% of the cases, new devices are plug-and-play, so when a new version comes out then SevOne has support for it out of the box."
"The feature that I have found most valuable is the scale-up and scale-down. The scale-up is an operation where the CPU boosts-up and then the memory will boost-up. That works awesomely."
"The comprehensiveness of this solution's collection of network performance and flow data is one of the basics in the field for what it does. It meets all of our needs. So for all those areas, for the most straightforward collection capabilities, right up to NetFlow and even telemetry, it meets all those demands. Not only just basic or fundamental SNMP collection capability, but the product also supports what we need for the future with telemetry streaming. So it's very comprehensive."
"The most valuable feature is the NMS because that's the core of the system. Without the NMS, the other tools aren't that usable."
"I like the search feature and the indexing. It's very fast and comprehensive."
"It has a rapid response search environment in the event of an incident."
"The most valuable feature of Splunk Enterprise Security is website activity monitoring."
"The compatibility with the add-ons helps us add more data in the same compatible format and use data models to elaborate and make it faster."
"I have also been able to take advantage of some of the more complex statistical capabilities when analyzing logs."
"The most valuable features are the logs, which allow us to identify what happened and who interacted with the web repository."
"The solution's most valuable feature is the dashboard, which allows us to see everything on the same page and provides easy visibility into problems."
"The reporting aspect is good and it does what I need it to do."


"The user management features need to be improved. It would be nice if we had more granular control, or layers of control, out of the box."
"The one area with room for improvement is probably administration. They added data insights to make a better user experience, but I'd like to see some improvements in the way the system's administered."
"You need to plan integrations. That has been the biggest bug with SevOne so far. For the things that SevOne pulls directly, those are easy to understand, modify, and put into the database. For things that need to use the Universal Collector or xStats, you need to plan that stuff well in advance."
"The tool needs improvement in non-Cisco SD-WAN."
"User-friendly, multi-tenancy."
"The method of searching for SIP and the way to create the groups."
"I'm not really sure if this was the software's fault or a server issue, but a couple of years back the disks were failing on our SevOne physical server every month and the server would go down. The secondary server took over from the primary until the disk issue was resolved. That was annoying."
"Would benefit with the addition of AI modules for proactive data insights."
"When files are absent, troubleshooting becomes difficult, and performance issues inevitably arise."
"I do not like the pricing model. It is expensive."
"Integrating tools and creating use cases could be easier. It's hard for a junior security engineer with only a couple of years of experience to write use cases. They can do it, but it's much easier in a solution like IBM QRadar. Setting conditions is like a multiple-choice type of thing. It's a more user-friendly process."
"Splunk Enterprise Security offers a vast amount of information to learn and comprehend, resulting in a challenging initial learning curve."
"The presence of multiple layers creates a significant challenge for monitoring across cloud environments."
"Its reporting can be improved. That's the only complaint I have heard. I don't need the reporting part, but I know that other people in the organization need it."
"The incident response technique should be available out of the box. That isn't as available as we would expect."
"It could be more user friendly, in terms of the end-user experience."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing has not evolved with the market, which is one of the reasons we are moving to a new product."
"The tool is not expensive. We were able to negotiate with SevOne on pricing."
"The pricing has been fair."
"There are cheaper solutions available."
"Prices per license are not huge, but they exist."
"Choose a SevOne partner who can provide SevOne as a service and can deliver professional services and maintenance."
"Although I don't have exact details in terms of cost, my experience has been that SevOne is willing to make a deal with the customer."
"A blocking point is the high upfront cost because it is challenging to get it accepted and the purchase approved."
"I think that most of the monitoring solutions are expensive."
"It is economical than other solutions."
"The Splunk Enterprise Security license is expensive."
"Splunk Enterprise Security is expensive."
"Splunk is costly but it’s worth it due to the high-end features."
"As a team, we prefer the old pricing model with a perpetual license. We are still evaluating the whole subscription-based model."
"I've heard Splunk is often preferred over other options, but the cost can be prohibitive for smaller organizations."
"The price of this solution is expensive. However, it has great features. If you want a great solution you need to pay a price matching the features."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Log Management solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

Feb 26, 2015
HP ArcSight vs. IBM QRadar vs. ​McAfee Nitro vs. Splunk vs. RSA Security vs. LogRhythm
We at have done several posts on SIEM. After the Dummies Guide on SIEM, we are following it up with a SIEM Product Comparison – 101 deck. So, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Let me know what you think by posting your comments below. The key products compared here are…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about SevOne Network Data Platform?
I like the tool’s scalability and real-time reports. Earlier, we struggled to give real-time reports to clients. I also like the tool’s deployment model where we can deploy it either on-premises or...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SevOne Network Data Platform?
The tool is not expensive. We were able to negotiate with SevOne on pricing.
What needs improvement with SevOne Network Data Platform?
SevOne could improve its flexibility because it isn't fully customizable and its out-of-the-box configuration doesn't cover all use cases.
What SOC product do you recommend?
For tools I’d recommend: -SIEM- LogRhythm -SOAR- Palo Alto XSOAR Doing commercial w/o both (or at least an XDR) is asking to miss details that are critical, and ending up a statistic. Also, rememb...
What is a better choice, Splunk or Azure Sentinel?
It would really depend on (1) which logs you need to ingest and (2) what are your use cases Splunk is easy for ingestion of anything, but the charge per GB/Day Indexed and it gets expensive as log ...
How does Splunk compare with Azure Monitor?
Splunk handles a high amount of data very well. We use Splunk to capture information and as an aggregator for monitoring information from different sources. Splunk is very good at alerting us if we...

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Sample Customers

ATOS, Devereux, Spark New Zealand, Access4, Rogers Communication, Lumen (formerly known as CenturyLink)
Splunk has more than 7,000 customers spread across over 90 countries. These customers include Telenor, UniCredit, ideeli, McKenney's, Tesco, and SurveyMonkey.
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM SevOne Network Performance Management (NPM) vs. Splunk Enterprise Security and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.