Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline vs NETSCOUT nGeniusONE comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Gigamon Deep Observability ...
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Event Monitoring (11th), Network Packet Broker (NPB) (1st)
Average Rating
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Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (23rd)

Featured Reviews

LeonardoAlves - PeerSpot reviewer
May 17, 2023
Stable solution with good technical support service
I use the solution for copying the data centers They should increase the solution's cluster capacity. I have been using the solution for seven years. The solution is stable. The solution's software is easy to scale. The solution's technical support is good. Positive The solution is…
Sep 20, 2022
We can very easily solve the issue or try to find the error
There is a big issue with the special way they use InfiniStream to store data. The InfiniStream has a certain capacity. So our customer centre asks why we don't store all the information that uses InfiniStream in Vblock or something like that. And NETSCOUT says that we need to store those data in a special way. And we use a special appliance called InfiniStream. So this kind of storage is not so big. For example, our customer has saved all the data, restored all the information, and backed it up elsewhere. For example, if something happened in the past month, we can see the package because the storage is a kind of FIFO. So we have a very limited space to see the previous days.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution is straightforward to set up."
"It is a good product. It provides network visibility, which is important. Gigamon can bring some optimizations to my network. It is helpful for security inspection, and it makes my firewall work fast because my firewall doesn't have to do the inspection of the SSL connections, for example."
"The tool's most valuable feature is the encryption feature. From a security perspective, the solution hasn't significantly strengthened our security posture. However, it has greatly improved performance by streamlining encryption processes and avoiding encryption at multiple layers. This has also simplified troubleshooting, as we can whitelist certain processes."
"It offers straightforward integration."
"It has high stability."
"The most valuable feature for improving network visibility with Gigamon is the packet filtering capability."
"The most valuable feature is NetFlow."
"The speed that you can get from the top of a problem all the way down to the packet layer of troubleshooting analysis."
"Packet decode and bandwidth analysis reports are the two most valuable features."
"If one of our network pipes is getting plugged up by somebody using too much bandwidth, we can use the NETSCOUT tool to examine and find out what is going on."
"We build application dashboards and performance indexes for locations."
"With the Vprobes, we quickly identified issues on the application servers, which we normally couldn't, where it usually would be a full circle round between our NOC and server people."
"Network faults are easily and quickly identified through dashboards and drill down."
"If a lot of traffic from one site is hitting AWS Cloud or the data center, then we want to know which client is utilizing the most bandwidth. We will work with nGeniusONE to troubleshoot the issue."
"It is a scalable solution."


"The security should be improved."
"The graphical user interface could be improved."
"It only inspects a specific kind of traffic. There should be different kinds of use cases."
"They should increase the solution's cluster capacity."
"In terms of improvement, while the initial setup is not overly complicated, we did encounter a few issues."
"Its filtering feature needs improvement."
"The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline should have a feature showing the traffic flow within its platform. Currently, customers have to use separate tools for monitoring, which is inconvenient. If it had its visibility feature, it would make monitoring easier and more complete without needing extra tools."
"Initial setup was complex."
"The scalability needs some work. From a probe perspective, we are limited to a certain amount of throughput on the devices themselves. Without having actual hooks into the bare metal hardware for the solutions, it's a bit of a "thumb in the air" as to when we hit our capacity or when our high watermark is."
"The solution is not easy to install."
"Its initial setup process is complicated."
"Trying to set up dashboards is hard to figure out at times, if you don't do it every day. It's not really intuitive to set them all up... If there were a wizard to take us through, step-by-step, creating dashboards and the like, that would be really helpful."
"I'd like to see the nGeniusONE, the nGeniusPULSE, and the OptiView, their three separate products, work a little better together, a little more streamlined."
"Our biggest area of concern right now, supporting the applications, is that while NETSCOUT does a good job of monitoring the network and the applications, we need more visibility into system health and performance monitoring."
"There are so many pieces of their product that integrate with one another that perhaps a recommendation for improvement would be some sort of bigger overview and map to help understand how all their pieces integrate together."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution's price is reasonable."
"The solution is highly-priced."
"I would rate the solution as expensive, around an eight or nine out of ten. There are other competitive solutions available."
"Their pricing is very competitive with other solutions... But what I like about NETSCOUT's licensing is that it's shared across all their platforms. They don't create a new licensing scheme for every one of their products. So for nGeniusONE, you buy a certain license level, and it works on all of their products."
"The price is only for acquisition; it's not a licence."
"Cost is probably the biggest drawback. Compared to some of the newer vendors that have popped up in the space, it's definitely more on the expensive side... [But] it's been able to keep its value, even in the face of the cheaper competition."
"The scalability becomes very expensive quickly."
"The platform is expensive."
"Like any company, we always want better pricing. The pricing is okay, but it's not a cheap solution. When you want to deploy it across an enterprise as large as ours, you go into seven figures. It's not a cheap solution to get out there."
"It can be expensive, but if you have a good configuration, based on what you are looking for, it's okay, it's manageable."
"I rate the price of NETSCOUT nGeniusONE a four out of five."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline?
The most valuable feature for improving network visibility with Gigamon is the packet filtering capability.
What needs improvement with Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline?
In terms of improvement, while the initial setup is not overly complicated, we did encounter a few issues.
What is your primary use case for Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline?
We mostly use it for network visibility, security monitoring, and performance monitoring.
Which is the best DDoS protection solution for a big ISP for monitoring and mitigating?
I would say if it’s an ISP that will build a scrubbing center, Netscout/Arbor is a good solution. In all other solutions, Imperva is a great choice.
What do you like most about NETSCOUT nGeniusONE?
Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NETSCOUT nGeniusONE?
There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attached to the product. The product may come across as a cheap tool for some, while it may seem costly for others.

Also Known As

Gigamon, GigaSecure
NETSCOUT nGenius, nGeniusONE

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Sample Customers

Amica Insurance, College of William & Mary, Gamma, IntercontinentalExchange, OppenheimerFunds
Cerner Corporation
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