Fivetran vs Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Integration (13th), Data Replication (3rd), Cloud Data Integration (6th)
Informatica Enterprise Data...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Metadata Management (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Data Integration category, the mindshare of Fivetran is 5.6%, up from 4.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog is 0.6%, down from 2.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Data Integration
Unique Categories:
Data Integration
Data Replication
Metadata Management

Featured Reviews

Jul 17, 2023
An easy-to-set-up solution that can be used for bidirectional data synchronizations between systems
Fivetran should add more connectors because its competitors, like Airbyte, have more connectors. All of these systems have a problem, namely that they are pure cloud player solutions. I often work in hybrid solutions where customers have on-prem things mixed with cloud things. Pure cloud player solutions never provide a good solution for what is on-prem, which leads to a gap. When you look at systems such as ActiveBatch, they have a very, very strong on-prem platform. They are also looking at the web and cloud things, but they are not that good at the cloud things. So there is nothing that is equally good for both on-prem and cloud. Fivetran should add a feature to connect to the SQL server on-prem.
Aug 9, 2022
An enterprise-scale solution with a pretty robust set of tools for scanning a variety of information sources
The model is somewhat flexible. There are certain aspects of the model that are not as flexible as we would like. It doesn't do certain things to a great level of depth. So, in situations where we want to drill in to do something specific, we have to essentially copy that data into our own structures in order to add that additional layer of flexibility. Robust process management or workflow management, like Bonita, should be incorporated into the Informatica tool stack because it offers very simplistic workflow capabilities. If we had more dynamic and robust workflow capabilities, we could make use of that a lot more. Currently, we have to do a lot of pre-work outside of the Informatica tools before we can get the data loaded and start using it because they're UIs. I haven't dealt with Axon. So, I don't know exactly how that's going to change things, but with the EDC tool, I can't say the user interface is useless, but people don't use it because they find it cumbersome. Its UI, without considering Axon, is probably their least desirable part. It has some interesting capabilities, but it is not what I would call cutting edge or super. It is not as intuitive as I would've expected. Its UI is probably prior to Axon. It is a little dated, and even Axon has been out there for a while now, but it is a little dated. That's probably why they went out and bought the company that originally made Axon.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Fivetran is that it only synchronizes what needs to be synchronized."
"The product is very easy to use and very easy to configure."
"The solution is stable. We've never faced any stability issues."
"It is not like a traditional ETL, but it gives quite a lot of flexibility."
"Fivetran can perform data migration incredibly fast, depending on the source and target."
"The most important feature of the solution is its ability to build data pipelines in less time."
"The ease of usability is the most valuable feature. It's very easy and quick to set up. It also has a central hub as opposed to GoldenGate which is one direct interface. For GoldenGate I would have needed three interfaces whereas with HVR I have a central interface that manages everything."
"Its arrays are powerful enough to handle migrations even when the replication is happening in the background, without causing any trouble with the ongoing traffic."
"The solution scales well."
"I rate the technical support a ten out of ten."
"The way that the solution scans is very useful."
"Offers data lineage feature"
"I like EDC's self-service capabilities. You can put the catalog on the intranet inside the organization, so users can search for something. People in the research world have specialized systems, and you might find data from various places that sound similar."
"We can scan anything."
"It can automatically connect or associate business terms with various options, providing flexibility beyond general capabilities."
"The capability of the tool to scan and capture the metadata from a variety of sources is one of the capabilities that I find most useful. The central repository into which it is going to put that captured metadata is the best."


"The customization could improve because Fivetran gives more thought to people who don't want to manage analytics workflows rather than engineers who want to be able to customize pipelines more thoroughly."
"We use a separate tool for "reverse ETL", which is the opposite of what Fivetran does; it pushes data from your data warehouse back out to business applications. If Fivetran pulls data from those same applications, they should also enable users to push it back. I would love to do both ETL and reverse ETL in the same tool."
"The environment must be more development-friendly."
"More connectors are needed for exotic, popular, and rising star portals."
"Fivetran should add more connectors because its competitors, like Airbyte, have more connectors."
"Fivetran is very expensive for data sources with a lot of rows, such as email data. I would like to see cheaper pricing for data sources like that."
"The connections with SAP must be improved."
"HVR Software's technical support could be improved. Whenever we log a case, the response that we get from the support is a bit delayed."
"The model is somewhat flexible. There are certain aspects of the model that are not as flexible as we would like. It doesn't do certain things to a great level of depth. So, in situations where we want to drill in to do something specific, we have to essentially copy that data into our own structures in order to add that additional layer of flexibility."
"It is not easy to set up and configure the tool."
"The UX and UI of the solution are areas with certain shortcomings where improvements can be made in the future."
"The UI is extremely complex"
"This solution is hard to set up and its interface is not user-friendly. It's also not as stable, and the technical support takes a lot of time to solve simple problems."
"The solution is quite expensive."
"Currently, there are limitations in processing and the interface."
"The user interface of the product needs to be improved"

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I've heard that the license for HVR is a bit costly compared to its competitors, but since it's reliable and efficient, I think the customer shouldn't be bothered about the cost."
"Fivetran is very expensive, and its database-driven pricing model is outdated."
"I don't have the exact information, but I know it is high, and it is on a yearly basis. There is no additional cost for what we're doing. We're always open to doing things cheaper, so we might potentially implement a different solution."
"I would say they're a little bit on the expensive side, and their contract process is not particularly good, but there is a lot of potential flexibility."
"The licensing costs are extremely high for the usage of somebody who has one GB or two GB of usage per day for real-time traffic. There are many other players in the market which are similarly priced or competitively priced. On average per month, it used to come around 12,000-15,000 USD, which is very high."
"The product is reasonably expensive"
"I rate the pricing a six out of ten."
"The pricing model is okay and mid to large companies will not have an issue with it."
"I have no idea what the price actually is. It is probably not going to be the cheapest, but it is a pretty stable and robust platform from the backend standpoint."
"It's a very expensive solution"
"It's a costly solution"
"I rate the product's pricing a five on a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What's the deal with the HVR software acquisition?
As a user of HVR Software I followed this deal closely. Fivetran is apparently trying to establish more in its sector and by buying an already established data replication software, they become som...
Does HVR Software provide reliable insights?
I honestly can't think of another data replication software that can give you better statistics and insight than HVR Software. There's the feature for topology and statistics and both of them can ...
How much traffic can HVR Software handle?
As someone who works at a company where a high volume of information is replicated and has tried several data replication softwares, I can tell you that you're looking at the right one. HVR Softwar...
What do you like most about Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog?
It can automatically connect or associate business terms with various options, providing flexibility beyond general capabilities.
What needs improvement with Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog?
EDC is only used for cataloging and meetings. Currently, not many different databases are integrated with it. The ETL logic should be visible within the tool. If EDC is integrated with Axon, you wi...

Also Known As

No data available
Informatica EDC, Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog, Enterprise Information Catalog



Sample Customers

DocuSign, Oldcastle Infrastructure, Crossmedia, Talkdesk, Chubbies, Brandwatch
AIA Singapore, Mattel
Find out what your peers are saying about Fivetran vs. Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.