CoSoSys Endpoint Protector vs GTB Technologies Inspector comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

CoSoSys Endpoint Protector
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
GTB Technologies Inspector
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) category, the mindshare of CoSoSys Endpoint Protector is 3.3%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GTB Technologies Inspector is 2.0%, down from 2.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

SunnyKumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 26, 2023
Enhancing data security with proactive protection and control
I've encountered some latency issues that appear to be related to the internet speed. When I install the agent on the laptop, the internet speed often drops from 100 MBPS to around 80 MBPS or even as low as 50 MBPS at times. The slow response seems to be connected to the fact that all network traffic is routed through this agent. The challenge arises when trying to analyze the logs, as every single click and action, even a single command in GitHub, generates a multitude of logs. This makes it difficult to extract relevant information. It would be helpful to implement filtering mechanisms so that we can sort and view the data based on software and vendor, providing more clarity and ease in analysis.
Marcelo Grandchamp - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 25, 2024
Enables organizations to monitor the network and protect themselves from data leakage
The initial setup process is very simple and easy. We have no issues to do it for ourselves or our customers. The deployment takes less than 20 days. The integration is very simple. However, first, we must understand what we want to have on our network and what we want to prevent. If we don't have this information before we start the configuration, we will be lost. We must know what kind of protection we need in our company. We have LGPD in Brazil. It is similar to GDPR in Europe. It prevents any personal information from being linked to other companies without permission. We have to take care of the personal information of our customers, employees, and partners. To deploy the tool, we must understand what we need to do. We must download the whole package and have our infrastructure ready to receive it. We must get the SSL certification and start to configure our platform. When the process is finished, we must roll out a small portion of our network to ensure everything will be well. After that, we must do the full rollout.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is easy to manage the DLP between MacOS and Linux."
"It also provides us with the ability to lock down a wide variety of USB devices, which is pretty important because we don't want certain data accessed. It does a really good job when it comes to the versatility of the exit points it supports, making sure that important data does not leave our organization."
"Compared to a lot of the USB management systems out there, Endpoint Protector is the only one that comes with true USB management and the DLP side of it. I'm pretty impressed because I've used several solutions with DLP and USB management, and I've never seen granularity like this solution has."
"The product's most valuable feature is its ability to support Linux operating systems."
"It is fantastic in terms of the granularity of the policies. It has many built-in policies, and we can add or create more policies as well. It is perfect, and it gives us more options. We have some users who go outside and then come inside. With EPP, we can even control those users who are outside. If they need to access the media that we are using right now, we can provide OTP messages so that they can access the media even when they are outside of their organization. With our previous solution, we were facing some issues in doing this."
"We like that content-aware and device controls can easily be managed. They're not complicated. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand them."
"The device control is a big deal for us because we can actually lock out removable drives and different types of hardware. It allows us to have better control over what end-users plug into their computers, and we can have deny lists and tighten our security posture."
"Its robust security audit and compliance functionalities prove especially beneficial for businesses in sectors like BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) and Information Technology."
"The product has a centralized console for everything."
"The classifications in place are very helpful in making policies for ensuring sensitive data can be contained."
"They have a fingerprint feature that is very awesome. OCR is very awesome to have too."
"I am impressed with the tool's ease of deployment."
"The most valuable feature is we can develop what we want. If we have an old or new requirement, they are able to support us to develop it all within one month."
"The monitoring features are valuable."
"This solution helps classify what is confidential and what is not, allowing products to be installed at home if they do not contain confidential information."
"The main thing that I like about GTB is that it has a single agent for DLP and data classification. You can use the same agent. In terms of licensing too, it has a single license. When it comes to data classification, it supports open-source document platforms such as ChainSoft and OpenOffice."


"This product provides zero-day protection for macOS, although I'm currently dealing with an issue on the most recent rollout of the Endpoint client that doesn't seem to be fully functioning."
"If CoSoSys comes up with a suite of Host DLP, along with Network DLP and SaaS DLP, it will cover all of the aspects of a DLP solution."
"I would rate the role-based access features for administrators a six out of ten. There's work to be done on the granularity of roles that can be assigned to an administrator but there is role-based administrator access present. That's why it's not a zero rating."
"The policy engine could use a bit of work. They're definitely going in the right direction. We've been working with them over the last few weeks to try and optimize that. But it's reasonably clear that they're just not putting as much effort into the policy engine as into other things, like content discovery."
"It would be helpful if they offered discounted pricing for long-term contracts to serve customers who are interested in committing for periods of three years, five years, or longer."
"We are currently facing an issue where it is blocking the Winman software, which is something that we don't want to happen because we use it in our accounts department to pay taxes."
"In Linux a user can remove a getent anytime. There is no control there on the file structure in Linux. So if this solution could give us information on what users removed in the dashboard, it would help us."
"There are times when the server needs to be updated, and it would help if I got a notification for when the newest version comes out, because at the moment, I'm going in every now and then and checking. Sometimes it comes out and I didn't know it had come out."
"The tool should include better AI features."
"They have a roadmap for the Linux platform and Mac as well, and in the next quarter, they might have patch management also for Windows. However, they don't have that much for Linux and Mac. So, we need those things in Linux and Mac as well."
"The product needs to improve its support so that users can just log in and create tickets as opposed to sending emails. Sending emails is difficult to track. It also needs to work on its analytics platform."
"It would be great if they have information rights management (IRM) on the same agent."
"The solution could improve by providing additional availability requirements."
"The solution’s performance must be improved."
"The performance could be better."
"To stay competitive, they should expand to smartphones."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We found the pricing pretty attractive. However, volume-based pricing wasn't available."
"We have a limited budget for our media section. When we purchased it last year, we migrated from a different solution to this solution, and at that time, they told us that the cost will remain the same, but this year, they increased the price by 20% or something like that. I am not sure about the exact price, but let's say from 8,000, it increased to 10,000. It was a huge gap, and we couldn't bear this cost because we have a limited budget. When we spoke to them, they understood our problem and reduced it to the same price that we had last year."
"The solution’s pricing is a normal industry standard and depends on customers and salespersons."
"The minimum number of licenses they sell is 50 or 150 users."
"When I last renewed the license it was for a two-year term, and they gave me the second year at half price."
"I don't have any issue with the licensing and pricing. I would love for it to be cheaper, but at the same time I'm getting a lot from it."
"It has a fair price. They just changed recently from perpetual licensing. When I bought it, I bought it on perpetual license, then they changed the whole company policy to go to subscription. It was a bit of a shock to us because we haven't upgraded it that many times. However, after speaking to CoSoSys directly, they gave us a very good renewal price."
"The pricing is reasonable for this particular market."
"Its price is very reasonable and competitive."
"They offer a lot of features in a single bundle. So, if you want to remove some features from GTB, you can remove those. You don't need to buy those, and the price will reduce accordingly. I am very happy with the pricing."
"The tool's pricing is affordable and based on the number of endpoints."
"The tool is not expensive."
"When comparing GTB Technologies Inspector to other solutions you receive a good value for your money when considering all the features and benefits."
"The tool has a fair price."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Non Profit
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Endpoint Protector?
Its robust security audit and compliance functionalities prove especially beneficial for businesses in sectors like BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) and Information Technology.
What needs improvement with Endpoint Protector?
The only aspect that prevents it from being a perfect solution is the occasional slower response time.
What do you like most about GTB Technologies Inspector?
The product has a centralized console for everything.
What needs improvement with GTB Technologies Inspector?
The tool should include better AI features. It must enable us to make some predictions based on the behavior of my network or the end users.
What is your primary use case for GTB Technologies Inspector?
We use Microsoft 365. We use GTB Technologies Inspector as a CASB solution to protect us from any data leakage in Microsoft 365. We can monitor the network all the time to see all the data that is ...

Also Known As

No data available
Inspector, GTB Technologies DLP



Sample Customers

Samsung, Toyota, Philips, Zeppelin, Western Union, eBay
Supya Security Software
Find out what your peers are saying about CoSoSys Endpoint Protector vs. GTB Technologies Inspector and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.