Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) vs Fortinet FortiNAC comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Oct 3, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Cisco ISE (Identity Service...
Ranking in Network Access Control (NAC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cisco Security Portfolio (1st)
Fortinet FortiNAC
Ranking in Network Access Control (NAC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Access Control (NAC) category, the mindshare of Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) is 25.7%, down from 32.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Fortinet FortiNAC is 20.1%, up from 17.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Access Control (NAC)
Unique Categories:
Cisco Security Portfolio
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

Aug 18, 2023

Featured Reviews

Junaid Shaikh - PeerSpot reviewer
May 3, 2024
Used in-house for phone profiling and for users' computer authentication needs
The initial setup is straightforward. They are very easy to manage and not complicated at all. We have received all our files from the client and deployed them. Currently, we are using single active nodes. We have one Primary Admin Node, which is active, and one Policy Service Node. We don't have a secondary admin node for administrative purposes. We have an active operational node. The deployment is pretty simple. You download the file from Cisco, import it into your Cisco ISE, and follow the prompts to set it up based on your requirements, including IPs, basic security needs, DNS servers, etc. Once the initial setup is complete, you can begin creating policies.
Apr 26, 2020
User-friendly and easy to implement
We are a solution provider and this is one of the products that we implement for our customers. It is used as part of the network security and protects our clients This solution is very easy to implement and use. The interface is user-friendly. The most valuable feature for us is the support for…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It integrates with the rest of our platform, like our firewall, and helps us a lot. It also does a good job establishing trust for every access request."
"It offers automatic profiling of phones and computers, enabling administrators to identify and categorize devices seamlessly."
"We have seen ROI. It has done its job. It has protected us when we needed it to."
"The ability to allow or deny hosts onto the network is valuable. It provides great security to the network environment."
"In terms of features, I think they've done a lot of improvement on the graphical user interface — it looks really good right now."
"The feature that I found most valuable is profiling. We use that to profile certain types of devices, and then depending on the manufacturer, drop them into the appropriate VLAN without us having to go in and manually add the devices."
"It provides client provisions and profiling as well as guest access."
"In terms of scalability, you need to factor in your licenses. With a virtual platform, the scalability is more than sufficient. We have over one thousand users."
"The most valuable feature of Fortinet FortiNAC is its integration with all other Fortinet solutions."
"The most valuable feature of Fortinet FortiNAC is compliance, which we can do with the clients and the endpoints on the network."
"Fortinet FortiNAC has good user account customization."
"With FortiNAC, we don't need to configure the mass client site or access points. For example, we don't need to configure the switching site for a client's site. With Persistent Agent, it makes it much easier."
"It's a very good solution and one thing I have noted is its simplicity and the ease of the set-up process."
"It's easy to connect to a VPN without any hassles."
"The most valuable features of the solution are the user-friendliness, the graphical interface, and the technical support. The interface is very nice and the customization is good."
"The initial setup was easy and straightforward."


"Cisco ISE has almost all the features we are looking for now, but sometimes the configuration, such as the conditions, is a little difficult to understand and not so easy to navigate."
"The knocks I have against the product are the number of bugs that we encounter, constantly, and the amount of upgrading that we have to do."
"It could be less monolithic. It's one huge application, and it does everything under the sun, so it's hard to deal with and upgrade and manage."
"There is room for improvement in its ability to allow end users to self-enroll their devices. Instead, you should be able to assign that permission by AD group, which is currently not available."
"Cisco ISE integration with Cisco ACI is something that can be done in a less complex way. And the simplification in that area may help us do better."
"I would definitely improve the deployment and maybe a little bit of the support. Our first exposure to ISE had a lot of issues."
"Segmentation can be improved."
"It would be ideal if Cisco could provide some short training videos or documentation to customers to help them understand how to use the product."
"For our organization and our clients, the price is the main concern. They should work to make it more competitive."
"Integration is hard in Fortinet FortiNAC, but they are evolving and getting better. For example, with Cisco, Aruba, Huawei, and Extreme devices, Fortinet FortiNAC is working properly, but some other devices have problems."
"The GUI is a little bit strange — different than other Fortinet products."
"We have some stability issues with the solution, the network drops out too often."
"The response and resolution time for technical support issues need to be improved."
"The technical support is bad. We've had to escalate to Tier 2 and Tier 3. My customer relationship manager on the other side of this has stopped returning phone calls and emails, because there has been such a constant back and forth."
"Classifications and visibility need to be improved a lot. They have to start work on being agentless. Agentless means they need to have strong integration with Windows."
"The platform must enable troubleshooting."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Cisco ISE is not inexpensive, but the solution is well-built and worth the expense."
"The solution is not that cheap."
"Cisco ISE's licensing can get pricey."
"Hardware appliances are expensive...Now moving to DNA-styled licensing, we have subscription-based licensing for everything. I hope it will continue to be fair, but we will have to wait and see."
"Pricing and licensing are not my expertise. As far as budgeting is concerned, we run an ELA with Cisco. It's a part of our ELA."
"It is not that pricey."
"The solution’s pricing is okay."
"It costs around 50,000 baht in the first year, but I'm unsure about the second year."
"It's a pricey solution."
"I would rate the price of Fortinet FortiNAC seven out of ten with ten being the most expensive."
"The product itself is inexpensive, but the licensing is expensive."
"For the projects that we do the Fortinet FortiNAC is affordable."
"Fortinet FortiNAC is reasonably priced."
"The price is fair and reasonable for our clients."
"The pricing is similar to that of other solutions."
"It is a reasonable product."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is better - Aruba Clearpass or Cisco ISE?
Aruba ClearPass is a Network Access Control tool that gives secure network access to multiple device types. You can adapt the policies to VPN access, wired, or wireless access. You can securely ...
What are the main differences between Cisco ISE and Forescout Platform?
OK, so Cisco ISE uses 802.1X to secure switchports against unauthorized access. The drawback of this is that ISE cannot secure the port if a device does not support 802.1x. Cameras, badge readers, ...
How does Cisco ISE compare with Fortinet FortiNAC?
Cisco ISE uses AI endpoint analytics to identify new devices based on their behavior. It will also notify you if someone plugs in with a device that is not allowed and will block it. The user exper...
What is the biggest difference between Aruba ClearPass and FortiNAC?
I've done quite a lot of work with ClearPass, and not a lot with FortiNAC/Bradford. ClearPass incorporates a number of different functions including ClearPass Guest for creating complex wireless g...
What do you like most about Fortinet FortiNAC?
The support responds to our queries within two to four hours.

Also Known As

Cisco ISE
FortiNAC, Bradford Networks, Bradford Networks Sentry, Network Sentry Family

Learn More




Sample Customers

Aegean Motorway, BC Hydro, Beachbody, Bucks County Intermediate Unit , Cisco IT, Derby City Council, Global Banking Customer, Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha, Houston Methodist, Linz AG, London Hydro, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Molina Healthcare, MST Systems, New South Wales Rural Fire Service, Reykjavik University, Wildau University
Isavia, Pepperdine University, Medical University of South Carolina, Columbia University Medical Center, Utah Valley University
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) vs. Fortinet FortiNAC and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.