Black Duck vs GitLab comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Black Duck
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (6th), Build Automation (1st), Release Automation (2nd), Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (6th), Rapid Application Development Software (10th), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (2nd), Fuzz Testing Tools (2nd), DevSecOps (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Software Composition Analysis (SCA) category, the mindshare of Black Duck is 26.0%, down from 27.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GitLab is 6.5%, up from 5.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Security Tools
Build Automation

Featured Reviews

Sagar Mody - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 12, 2024
Effectively flags operational vulnerabilities and recommendations for fixes are very helpful
It's still a bit inconsistent. For example, sometimes a scan might reveal components or vulnerabilities, and the next day they might not show up. There's a lack of consistency at times. Of course, this could sometimes be due to new vulnerabilities being identified in the public domain after a scan. So, consistent inputs and more streamlined dependency management are needed. It doesn’t clearly show whether vulnerabilities are from direct or transitive dependencies. A clear classification between direct and indirect vulnerabilities is crucial. If I'm looking to improve my product, I need to know out of 'x' vulnerabilities, how many are direct dependencies. With direct dependencies, I can take action, like replacing a component. But with transitive dependencies, we are helpless at times. Often, we have to raise exceptions and work around them. A clear classification between direct and indirect dependencies is something I'd like to see improved.
MohamedElazzouzi - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 20, 2022
I like the security features and SAS tools
I use GitLab to manage repository code sources, scanning code sources, and CI/CD. We have around 100 users GitLab helps us integrate with many types of software. You can deploy and integrate source code, various tools, webhooks, etc.  I like GitLab's security and SAS tools. GitLab could add a…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The knowledge base and the management system are the most valuable features of Black Duck Hub. It has a very helpful management environment. They offer an editor where we can check the discovered license, which is retrieved from their knowledge base. They have a huge knowledge base build over the years. It gives you some possibilities, such as this license with possibility A could cause a vulnerability issue or a potential breach."
"The solution works well on Mac products."
"The product enables other applications to be secure."
"We accidentally use third-party library APIs, which may not be secure. Our technical team may not have the end time or expertise to figure it out. Black Duck helps us with that and saves us time."
"The UI is the solution's most valuable feature since it allows for easy pipeline integration."
"I like the fact that the product auto analyzes components."
"The most valuable feature is the vulnerability scanning, and that it's easy to use."
"The installation is very easy."
"I have found the most valuable features of GitLab are the GitClone, GitPush, GitPull, GitMatch, GitMit, GitCommit, and GitStatus."
"I have found the most valuable feature is security control. I also like the branching and cloning software."
"The stability is good."
"The most valuable feature of GitLab is its security."
"When a developer checks in code, it is automatically built and deployed, and automated test cases are also run. We have extensive integration with GitLab, which helps us with source code management. We run the static code analysis using SonarQube."
"In our software development lifecycle, GitLab is used as a component for code repository management. We use GitLab for several projects to handle code repositories. For other software projects, we use Bitbucket, but the use case for both is very similar."
"The most valuable features of GitLab are the review, patch repo, and plans are in YAML."
"This is a scalable solution. We had around 200 users working with it."


"Black Duck can improve the time it takes for a scan. Most of the time it's not ideal when integrated with the live DevSecOps pipeline. We have to create a separate job to scan the library because it takes a couple of hours to scan all those libraries. The scanning could be faster."
"The tool's documentation and support are areas of concern where improvements are required."
"The documentation is quite scattered."
"It can be cumbersome to use or invalidate open source software because there is a hold time to check requirements or common regulations to ensure compliance."
"The scanner client is limited by the size of software it can handle."
"The tool needs to improve its pricing. Its configuration is complex and can be improved."
"Due to the fact that, with our software developer life cycle, we don't need to scan our source code every day or every week. For that reason, we find the cost is too high. We might only actually use it five to ten times a year, which makes it expensive."
"They are giving a lot of APIs and Python scripts for certain functionalities, but instead of using APIs and Python scripts, they should provide these functionalities through the UI. Users should be able to customize and add more fields through the UI. Users should be able to add more fields and generate reports. Currently, they are not giving flexibility in the UI. They're providing a script that simply generates an Excel file or CSV file. There is no flexibility."
"We have only seen a couple of issues on Gitlab, which we use for building some of the applications."
"The initial setup was quite challenging because it takes some time to understand how to pull out or push the code."
"We'd always like to see better pricing on the product."
"The solution could improve by providing more integration into the CI/CD pipeline, an autocomplete search tool, and more supporting documentation."
"GitLab's Windows version is yet not available and having this would be an improvement."
"The solution should be more cloud-native and have more cloud-native capabilities and features."
"Based on what I know so far, its integration with Kubernetes is not so good. We have to develop many things to make it work. We have to acquire third-party components to work with Kubernetes."
"It is a little complex to set up the pipelines within the solution."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant."
"Black Duck is more suitable if you require a lot of licensing compliance. For smaller organizations, WhiteSource is better because its pricing policies are not really suitable for huge organizations."
"The price is quite high because the behavior of the software during the scan is similar to competing products."
"The pricing is a little high."
"The price is low. It's not an expensive solution."
"I rate the product's price one on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"Depending on the use case, the cost could range from $10,000 USD to $70,000 USD."
"It is expensive."
"We are using its free version, and we are evaluating its Premium version. Its Ultimate version is very expensive."
"This product is not very expensive but the price can be better."
"We are using the open-source version."
"In terms of the pricing for GitLab, on a scale of one to five, with one being expensive and five being cheap, I'm rating pricing for the solution a four. It could still be cheaper because right now, my company has a small team, and sometimes it's difficult to use a paid product for a small team. You'd hope the team will grow and scale, but currently, you're paying a high license fee for a small team. I'm referring to the GitLab license that has premium features and will give you all features. This can be a problem for management to approve the high price of the license for a team this small."
"This is an open-source solution."
"It seems reasonable. Our IT team manages the licenses."
"The initial setup cost is excellent and you can add the premium features later."
"Its price is fine. It is on the cheaper side and not expensive. You have to pay additionally for GitLab CI/CD minutes. Initially, we used the free version. When we ran out of GitLab minutes, we migrated to the paid version."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does WhiteSource compare with Black Duck?
We researched Black Duck but ultimately chose WhiteSource when looking for an application security tool. WhiteSource is a software solution that enables agile open source security and license compl...
What do you like most about Black Duck?
The cloud option of the product is always available and a positive aspect of the solution.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Black Duck?
The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant. For the features provided by the product, I would not want to pay a high price. There are many other products in the market that offer better features...
What do you like most about GitLab?
I find the features and version control history to be most valuable for our development workflow. These aspects provide us with a clear view of changes and help us manage requests efficiently.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for GitLab?
For small-scale usage, GitLab offers a free tier. For enterprise pricing, GitLab is more expensive than GitHub, as it's not as widely adopted. GitLab is the preferred choice for many developers des...
What needs improvement with GitLab?
I believe there's room for improvement in the advanced features, particularly in enhancing the pipeline functionalities. Better integration and usability within the pipeline could make a significan...



Also Known As

Blackduck Hub, Black Duck Protex, Black Duck Security Checker

Learn More




Sample Customers

Samsung, Siemens, ScienceLogic, BryterCX, Dynatrace
1. NASA  2. IBM  3. Sony  4. Alibaba  5. CERN  6. Siemens  7. Volkswagen  8. ING  9. Ticketmaster  10. SpaceX  11. Adobe  12. Intuit  13. Autodesk  14. Rakuten  15. Unity Technologies  16. Pandora  17. Electronic Arts  18. Nordstrom  19. Verizon  20. Comcast  21. Philips  22. Deutsche Telekom  23. Orange  24. Fujitsu  25. Ericsson  26. Nokia  27. General Electric  28. Cisco  29. Accenture  30. Deloitte  31. PwC  32. KPMG
Find out what your peers are saying about Black Duck vs. GitLab and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.