Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Black Duck
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
JFrog Xray
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (17th), Container Security (20th), Software Supply Chain Security (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Software Composition Analysis (SCA) category, the mindshare of Black Duck is 26.0%, down from 27.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of JFrog Xray is 10.2%, down from 11.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Vulnerability Management
Container Security

Featured Reviews

Feb 13, 2023
Very good at scanning open source software and ensuring compliance
Our company uses the solution to check open source software that is embedded in our products.  The solution is very good at scanning and evaluating open source software. In the past, we had misunderstandings about the open source files in our products.  The solution checks for open source license…
Sai Pradeep Koneti - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 12, 2023
Goes deep into the docker files and find out vulnerabilities
When we were trying to get it up and working initially, I found it a bit hard to go through JFrog Xray's documentation and get my error solved. I was facing some issues because we hadn't got a specific license for the tool, but I was able to access it. As a regular user, I regularly saw an error message saying that the license feature was unavailable for my subscription. After a couple of days, I realized I was missing a license. I had to go back to the JFrog Xray team, who provided me with the new license, and then I could complete the setup.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Policy management is a valuable feature."
"The knowledge base and the management system are the most valuable features of Black Duck Hub. It has a very helpful management environment. They offer an editor where we can check the discovered license, which is retrieved from their knowledge base. They have a huge knowledge base build over the years. It gives you some possibilities, such as this license with possibility A could cause a vulnerability issue or a potential breach."
"The product enables other applications to be secure."
"The most valuable feature of Black Duck is the seamless integration to scan our Docker binary files, it provides us all open vulnerabilities, and it ensures a reference point from where it finds the vulnerability is up to date. For example, if there is any new vulnerability found, they are immediately available in the Black Duck. There is no delay in finding the vulnerabilities, they are called out in our code immediately."
"The UI is the solution's most valuable feature since it allows for easy pipeline integration."
"The solution is stable."
"We didn't have a central inventory to quickly identify issues or determine how many products were affected. Now under Black Duck, it's all consolidated. You search for a component and immediately see which products use it."
"We accidentally use third-party library APIs, which may not be secure. Our technical team may not have the end time or expertise to figure it out. Black Duck helps us with that and saves us time."
"I would say that this solution has helped our organization by allowing us to automate a lot of the processes."
"The most valuable feature of JFrog Xray is the display of the entire internal dependencies hierarchy."
"If multiple dependencies and vulnerabilities are found in a project, JFrog Xray is intelligent enough to tell you which vulnerability to target first."
"JFrog Xray's reporting feature has a lot of options in it, including scanning."
"Good reporting functionalities."
"JFrog Xray shows us a list of vulnerabilities that can impact our code."
"The solution is stable and reliable."


"It needs to be more user-friendly for developers and in general, to ensure compliance."
"Black Duck can improve the time it takes for a scan. Most of the time it's not ideal when integrated with the live DevSecOps pipeline. We have to create a separate job to scan the library because it takes a couple of hours to scan all those libraries. The scanning could be faster."
"It can be cumbersome to use or invalidate open source software because there is a hold time to check requirements or common regulations to ensure compliance."
"Due to the fact that, with our software developer life cycle, we don't need to scan our source code every day or every week. For that reason, we find the cost is too high. We might only actually use it five to ten times a year, which makes it expensive."
"It is a cloud-only solution. In many cases, companies like to evaluate the software, but they're very reluctant to give you the software. It would be great if they could offer an on-prem component that could be used to scan the code and then upload the discovery results to the cloud and get all the information from there, but there is no such possibility. You have to upload the code to the Black Duck cloud system. Of course, they have a strong legal department, and they offer some configuration, but it is never enough. You have to give the code, which is a drawback. In modern designs like Snyk or FOSSA, you don't need to give the code. It requires more native integration with Coverity because they go together technically. You need both Coverity and Black Duck Hub. It would be really helpful for companies working in this space to get a combined offer from the same company. They should provide an option to buy Coverity for an additional fee. Coverity combined with Black Duck Hub will provide a one-step analysis to get everything you need and a unified report. It would be really great to be able to connect Black Duck Hub with Coverity unified reports."
"We're not too sure about the extension of the firewall. It never shows up in the Hub."
"It's still a bit inconsistent. For example, if I scan today, it might not show the same results tomorrow."
"The initial setup could be simplified. It was somewhat complex."
"Reporting is crucial, but it is lacking in the current tool. Every organization seeks specific data points rather than general information. Therefore, we require customized reports from the Xray tool."
"Since we have been using the solution via APIs, there are some limitations in the APIs."
"I think that the user interface should be expanded to provide customers with a better dashboard for reviewing their feedback regarding their images and the vulnerabilities that are associated with the images."
"JFrog Xray does not have a dashboard."
"The speed of JFrog Xray should improve. Other solutions have better performance."
"JFrog Xray's documentation and error logging could be improved."
"Lacks deeper reporting, the ability to compare things."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I rate the product's price one on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"Black Duck is more suitable if you require a lot of licensing compliance. For smaller organizations, WhiteSource is better because its pricing policies are not really suitable for huge organizations."
"The price is quite high because the behavior of the software during the scan is similar to competing products."
"It is expensive."
"The price is low. It's not an expensive solution."
"The pricing is a little high."
"The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant."
"Depending on the use case, the cost could range from $10,000 USD to $70,000 USD."
Information not available
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does WhiteSource compare with Black Duck?
We researched Black Duck but ultimately chose WhiteSource when looking for an application security tool. WhiteSource is a software solution that enables agile open source security and license compl...
What do you like most about Black Duck?
The cloud option of the product is always available and a positive aspect of the solution.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Black Duck?
The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant. For the features provided by the product, I would not want to pay a high price. There are many other products in the market that offer better features...
What do you like most about JFrog Xray?
JFrog Xray shows us a list of vulnerabilities that can impact our code.
What needs improvement with JFrog Xray?
There is a tool called DefectDojo for reporting. Reporting is crucial, but it is lacking in the current tool. Every organization seeks specific data points rather than general information. Therefor...
What is your primary use case for JFrog Xray?
We use this solution to identify vulnerabilities in the dependency file. We have the Artifactory package which integrates with Xray-like plugins. We can automatically plug this tool into Xray to co...



Also Known As

Blackduck Hub, Black Duck Protex, Black Duck Security Checker
JFrog Security Essentials

Learn More




Sample Customers

Samsung, Siemens, ScienceLogic, BryterCX, Dynatrace
google, amazon, cisco, netflix, oracle, vmware, facebook
Find out what your peers are saying about Black Duck vs. JFrog Xray and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.