Azure Site Recovery vs VMware Live Recovery comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Azure Site Recovery
Ranking in Disaster Recovery as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
VMware Live Recovery
Ranking in Disaster Recovery as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Disaster Recovery as a Service category, the mindshare of Azure Site Recovery is 29.2%, down from 34.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VMware Live Recovery is 133.3%, up from 121.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Disaster Recovery as a Service
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software

Featured Reviews

Mike Douthitt - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 26, 2024
Useful for restoration purposes that ensures that the users get to save a lot of time
Speaking about how Azure Site Recovery has facilitated the migration of on-premises workloads to the Azure Cloud, I would say that my company is still in the testing phase, and we also use Veeam. My company is trying to find the best spot for recovery, disaster recovery, and migrations. Veeam plays a big part in what my company does in terms of backup and recovery, so we are just trying to figure out how a Microsoft tool will fit into our environment. I haven't faced any challenges using the product. I recommended the solution to those who plan to use it. I rate the overall tool a ten out of ten.
Mar 20, 2023
Reliable with the capability to extend but is very expensive
We primarily use the solution for migrating our DR site We have a system that can now move us to a DR site. I have yet to experience any major crisis, however, so I haven't yet tried it.  The solution runs well in the background, just in case we need it.  It is stable.  The solution has the…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is a very stable product and very scalable."
"What I like best about Azure Site Recovery is that it's easier to use because my organization already has Azure as an Active Directory solution."
"We use the tool for business continuity purposes."
"Azure Site Recovery is an easy-to-use and fairly stable solution for disaster recovery."
"The solution is secure, reliable, and scalable."
"We use the solution across hospitality and healthcare domains. We use it for custom development. It helps us develop a seamless omnichannel for the healthcare industry."
"Azure Site Recovery helps to save costs."
"The most useful thing is that it provides a snapshot of your environment in about 15 minutes. It is stable, and it always works. It is also scalable and easy to set up."
"Combined with RecoverPoint, it offers zero RPO and zero RTO."
"We find the back up feature of this solution to be particularly valuable."
"The replication is the solution's most valuable feature. If we have some issues on the VM in the main site we can migrate it to another site automatically."
"Our systems fail over using SRM. So, we do a big bang DR, which is biannual, and we fail over our fairly massive Epic electronic health record (EHR) and our core applications. It takes us about 30 minutes to fail over using SRM, which is pretty good. In most hospitals that have Epic installed, Epic does the audit to make sure that we can fail over if something were to happen. Normally, sites will have a DR solution specific to the EHR, but right now, our pain point is the third-party tier-one clinical applications."
"Setting up VMs can be done quickly. It is easy to use."
"VMware is one of the best products in the industry when it comes to virtualization."
"SRM's best feature is automation."
"If you want to do failover, it works without any problem."


"Azure Site Recovery's deployment is complex. There are a lot of bugs, and it needs to improve stability."
"The support team took a lot of time to respond and was not very professional."
"When it runs, it runs well but when it doesn't run, the solution needs to make it clearer as to why and what the troubleshooting process is. All this would be possible if the error logging was streamlined a bit."
"The primary area for improvement in Azure Site Recovery is its pricing."
"Site Recovery's scalability could be improved."
"we lack a straightforward method to automate the restart of services, which can be quite time-consuming."
"The solution needs to improve replication and failover processes. We are still looking for improvements in the cost baseline."
"Could have more integration with other platforms."
"It would be good if this solution could integrate configuration management software such as Chef Infra."
"When starting up the replication and converting it to the virtual machine I had some problems. I had to start the process again and that is inconvenient."
"Timing issues arise due to replication lags in multiple areas. When this happens, we encounter errors."
"In my opinion, the integration with Peer Persistent Storage could be improved."
"The two vCenters have to be synchronized, which sometimes gives us problems because Keberos does not tolerate more than five minutes in time difference."
"The initial setup of VMware SRM isn't straightforward because many customizations are required since it helps in the recovery of your IT environment."
"The biggest issue for us is that this product does not have any demo for customers."
"VMware SRM's platform agnostics should support on-cloud usage as well."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The tool's licensing is yearly and not expensive."
"Azure Site Recovery is neither very expensive nor very cheap."
"I'm not sure about the Azure Site Recovery pricing, but my organization gets monthly bills from providers."
"It should have more straightforward billing. The billing was what got funky. It was really cheap. We would pay based on the usage. We paid around $225 a month for site-to-site replication."
"Azure Site Recovery is affordable."
"They have a license to pay."
"Azure Site Recovery is a very reasonably priced product."
"The tool is expensive. What is expensive to me might not be expensive to you. As I mentioned, we seek ways to reduce our costs. If the price goes down, that would be great. I rate the tool's pricing a six out of ten."
"VMware SRM is expensive when compared to Veeam and makes Veeam look cheaper. For support, some additional payments need to be made over the licensing costs of the solution."
"It is about $3,000 a year for the 25 pack. The package gives you the ability to protect up to 25 virtual machines."
"We pay a yearly licensing fee for VMware SRM, which is not very expensive."
"The price of this solution is on the expensive side."
"VMware SRM is an expensive solution, and users need to pay extra costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"I rate the tool's pricing an eight to nine out of ten."
"The software is expensive. There is a one-time cost involved in purchasing the license."
"The cost of SRM is on par with market rates."
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Comparison Review

it_user159711 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 9, 2014
VMware SRM vs. Veeam vs. Zerto
Disaster recovery planning is something that seems challenging for all businesses. Virtualization in addition to its operational flexibility, and cost reduction benefits, has helped companies improve their DR posture. Virtualization has made it easier to move machines from production to…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Azure Site Recovery?
Azure Site Recovery allows my company to save around 30 percent of the time on every VM that we need to back up and restore.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Azure Site Recovery?
The tool is expensive. What is expensive to me might not be expensive to you. As I mentioned, we seek ways to reduce our costs. If the price goes down, that would be great. I rate the tool's pricin...
What needs improvement with Azure Site Recovery?
The solution needs to improve replication and failover processes. We are still looking for improvements in the cost baseline.
What do you like most about VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery?
Setting up VMs can be done quickly. It is easy to use.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery?
Mature products like VMware SRM often have higher costs. Their capabilities are extensive, but the licensing model can be complex.
What needs improvement with VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery?
While there are no major drawbacks, some potential improvements could address complexities in implementing and maintaining SRM. The cost can be significant, and there's a resource overhead – meanin...

Also Known As

No data available
VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery, Datrium DRaaS , VMware SRM

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Sample Customers

Russell Reynolds Associates, Union Insurance, Rackspace
Certainty Home Loans, VPay, ZEON
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Site Recovery vs. VMware Live Recovery and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.