AWS IAM Identity Center vs Fortinet FortiAuthenticator comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

AWS IAM Identity Center
Ranking in Single Sign-On (SSO)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (15th)
Fortinet FortiAuthenticator
Ranking in Single Sign-On (SSO)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Authentication Systems (3rd), Identity Management (IM) (7th), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Single Sign-On (SSO) category, the mindshare of AWS IAM Identity Center is 2.8%, up from 1.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Fortinet FortiAuthenticator is 8.8%, up from 8.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Unique Categories:
Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS)
Authentication Systems
Identity Management (IM)

Featured Reviews

Nizamuddeen TZ - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 2, 2024
Helps users provide or revoke accesses whenever needed
I don't think there is any need for improvement in the product since everything has been created architecturally by AWS. AWS has given all the features in the tool. In the product, two groups cannot have the same name. There will be a conflict if the same name is provided to two groups in the tool. If you want to say something to another user, the tool fails to identify which group out of the two having the same name is involved in the activity. In general, the tool does not allow for the duplication of names. The aforementioned area can be considered for improvement in the product.
Jared Carmouche - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 28, 2023
An extremely stable and scalable solution that is affordable and easy to manage
We use the solution for different clients and how they authenticate for VPN and Wi-Fi. We also use it for the captive portal and single sign-on. We use it for quite a bit for authentication The product has become a central hub for how dozens of our clients authenticate to VPN and Wi-Fi. It has…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product is easy for beginners to learn and use."
"The initial setup is very easy."
"The most valuable feature is the flexibility in using the SMS messages."
"FortiAuthenticator is easy to use."
"FortiAuthenticator is really good software that integrates very well with Fortinet products."
"Once you configure it properly, it runs fine."
"It reduces the need for network administrator intervention by allowing the user to perform their own registration and resolve their own password problems and issues."
"FortiAuthenticator is a very good solution. It is all jury-based. FortiAuthenticator is very easy for anyone to understand how it works and be able to take action."
"This is a scalable product."


"In the product, two groups cannot have the same name...In general, the tool does not allow for the duplication of names."
"The GUI has some shortcomings and can be made better. The GUI is not great."
"There is room for improvement in stability and support."
"No SMS gateway from the ISP"
"The solution could be more automated. It should be able to let me automate a lot of things so that what normally is done as a matter of manual processes can be handled quicker. Slow integrations can be taken up/out if there was more automation."
"Improvements in the product could start from the dashboard, overall customization, and configuration."
"There are some protocols, such as SHA and SHA-2, that are not supported."
"A better integration with other vendors."
"The only way the solution could be improved is if it were cheaper."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product is cheap since it is available on the cloud."
"I would rate the pricing a four out of ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive. It is not that costly. It is cheap, easy to manage, easy to install, and easy to configure."
"I rate the product price as two or three on a one-to-ten scale, where one is expensive, and ten is cheap."
"I rate its pricing a three to five out of ten."
"We pay for licensing on a yearly basis."
"It costs more to license the high-availability option."
"The pricing is fair."
"I price of the solution is expensive."
"It's not expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about AWS IAM Identity Center?
The product is easy for beginners to learn and use.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for AWS IAM Identity Center?
The product is cheap since it is available on the cloud. AWS IAM Identity Center does not fall under the services that my company provides continuously to our customers, but we do create users and ...
What needs improvement with AWS IAM Identity Center?
I don't think there is any need for improvement in the product since everything has been created architecturally by AWS. AWS has given all the features in the tool. In the product, two groups canno...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Fortinet FortiAuthenticator?
The price seems okay. It's not that expensive compared to other authenticators. Especially the clients, like Fortinet VPN clients, it is free. Unless you take the full feature of the FortiClient, t...
What needs improvement with Fortinet FortiAuthenticator?
One thing I dislike is that if you have the software authenticator on a mobile device and that device is lost, it's difficult to remove. If you have the FortiAuthenticator client installed on your ...

Also Known As

AWS Single Sign On, AWS SSO



Sample Customers

Expedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Black Gold Regional Schools, Amadeus Hospitality, Jefferson County, Chunghwa Telecom, City of Boroondara, Dimension Data
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Cisco, Ping Identity and others in Single Sign-On (SSO). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.