Comparison Buyer's Guide

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Project Management Software (3rd)
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Visual Collaboration Platforms (1st)

Featured Reviews

Solène Verhaeghe - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 17, 2023
Extremely stable, user-friendly, and easy to navigate
As a consultant, I use Asana to ensure that I organize all my clients and the tasks I have to do for them. I have around ten different projects every week, so Asana is essential to help me manage everything. Additionally, I help companies implement Asana and many of them are agents who need a tool…
Nitanshi Gupta - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 14, 2023
Easy integrations, in-built templates, and lots of training videos
The solution has many valuable aspects, including: * Easy to build flowcharts with just drag and drop capabilities * Integrations with so many other tools make this platform highly useful * Prebuilt templates * Ability to share files through various channels and formats * Easy flowing. Much better that Mural where the user experience was a bit clunky * Ability for multiple people top work on the same board at the same time -- hence very useful for team brainstorming sessions * Competitive pricing * Lot of training videos available * Easy to scale * Ease of integration with other platforms

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution appears to be quite stable."
"This solution is easier and faster to use compared to Jira. It's not very structured and you can add sub-tasks and issues easily."
"I love the way it monitors all of the current and past projects, and it sends notifications to keep everything on the track."
"Stable Kanban style tool for collaboration and task management. It runs smoothly and has a straightforward setup."
"It is pretty comprehensive when it comes to the different views that it gives you. It gives you a Gantt chart view, calendar view, board view, and list view. It is kind of helpful to have different types of views and see how it views your different tasks. I appreciate being able to do that. The biggest thing is that it is extremely user friendly. Asana is pretty intuitive. Someone who is not tech-savvy can kind of catch on quickly. It is better than other tools like Smartsheet. Some of the other tools like Microsoft Project and Excel are great tools, but you have to invest a lot of time to learn them, which is not the case with Asana."
"Asana has a wonderful user experience that is very easy to interact with and has tons of integrations with other products and tools."
"The solution scales well."
"My task box displays all of our tasks, organized by day, helping us to focus on what needs to be done each day."
"It is a versatile tool suitable for various tasks, including process modeling."
"As a consultant managing multiple projects, I find Miro's collaboration features highly beneficial."
"Online Collaboration made it easy to brainstorm."
"The product's initial setup phase is simple and straightforward."
"The solution's UI is very user-friendly, and it is not that hard to define the shapes you are looking for or to import them."
"Integrations with so many other tools make this platform highly useful."
"Miro significantly enhances brainstorming sessions."


"There could be some improvements in terms of how projects or day-to-day work is organized. One of the challenges when it comes to rolling out to an enterprise is the way the projects are organized. It has a kind of setup where you have different projects and tasks, but it is not as organized as Smartsheet when it comes to organizing projects or different teams. It can get really cluttered really fast. JIRA has another suite to submit the support tickets. It would be good if Asana could branch out to incorporate some kind of workflow. It is great for collaboration and recording work, but there isn't any workflow. It would be useful if they can map out a workflow of who approves what. This is kind of a big ask, and it is not geared towards that."
"The stability of Asana is good. However, there are some issues with maintenance, when the solution is down. For example, there might be maintained for a few hours where we cannot use the solution."
"Some updates are outdated, and their functionalities can affect the end outcomes."
"In Asana, there's no way to add a custom date field."
"I rate the support from Asana a four out of five."
"Auto-shift is an essential feature for planning, but it's currently not there. It should have this feature so that when you move a task that depends on another task, the dates should be auto-shifted. For example, you have two tasks dependent on each other. When the parent task is moved or delayed, the child task should also be delayed, and the date should be shifted. When we have a very long timeline, it's very complex to go task by task and shift the dates on the task. Auto-shift is a fantastic and basic feature of project management, and having such a feature in Asana would make our lives much easier. If Asana added this feature, it would complete the suit and close the project management cycle because currently, there is a gap."
"We don't get enough notifications."
"We tried, but we haven't been successful with it. If people don't have the training, it is not easy to use. You need to make sure that the people are trained to use the system. They can provide more resources in the form of webcasts and videos that people can use to train themselves and understand how to use it."
"The solution could be available on mobile."
"It should have a desktop version."
"When I imported an image to Miro, my friend saw it differently from what I saw when I changed the size of it."
"The product subscription is very expensive. The pricing could be better."
"Maybe at some point, Miro should be able to use AI to provide analysis from the brainstorming sessions or files fed into it."
"I would like to see enhancements in Miro, especially when working with tables like Excel."
"I don't see the need to have updates in the product every other month or every other day."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is a free version of Asana, but we use the paid version to receive all the features we want. The overall price is reasonable."
"The price of the solution is reasonable."
"This solution is reasonably priced."
"We're on the business tier, which is $25 a month if you're on an annual contract. It's $31 if you're on a month-to-month contract. In my experience, there are no hidden costs with Asana. I know Smartsheet has these add-ons that you can buy, which is an additional cost, but Asana doesn't have any add-ons that I know of. When you're trying to scale the product and want to add users, you have to do it in buckets of five. This is also something to consider."
"I can describe Asana's pricing as a sweet spot since it is neither very high nor very low, especially regarding the value Asana adds to its products...In our company, we use 50 percent of the features provided by Asana, because of which we only pay 50 percent of Asana's total cost."
"The cost is $25 US per unit per month."
"Its price is fair. Its licensing cost is cheaper than Microsoft Project. I would rate it a two out of five in terms of pricing."
"The solution's free version can be used for basic functions."
"The product costs approximately $300 per user."
"The product's price is low. Monthly and yearly subscriptions are available when it comes to the licensing part of the product."
"The initial cost of Miro was a bit high for me as a small company. However, considering its many benefits and the number of projects I have, it's reasonable and worth the investment."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Asana?
The solution's user interface is very good.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Asana?
The pricing is reasonable. We paid and received equal functionality.
What needs improvement with Asana?
The solution could have a bigger pop-up when someone assigns a task or have a notification similar to Facebook, where you see a number indicating the notifications you receive. This way, you can se...
Which would you choose - Miro or Figma?
Windows Server integrates well with all Microsoft and many other mainstream solutions. Building a Failover Cluster is comparatively much easier in Windows Server than with other solutions. We reall...
What do you like most about Miro?
Integrations with so many other tools make this platform highly useful.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Miro?
Though there is a need to make payments towards the license in charges associated with the product, for my use case, I got the tool for free. The product's price is low. Monthly and yearly subscrip...



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Sample Customers

Uber, Vodaphone, NASA, Spotify, Lyft, Baggu, Udacity, Patreon, Flipboard, Dropbox, Intel, Samsung, Airbnb, SFMoma, Hubspot, Trivago
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Find out what your peers are saying about, Microsoft, Asana and others in Project Management Software. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.