Fortra's Alert Logic MDR vs Vectra AI comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortra's Alert Logic MDR
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (32nd), SOC as a Service (4th), Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (18th)
Vectra AI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (2nd), Network Detection and Response (NDR) (2nd), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (12th), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (6th), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Vulnerability Management category, the mindshare of Fortra's Alert Logic MDR is 0.3%, up from 0.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Vectra AI is 0.2%, down from 0.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Vulnerability Management
Unique Categories:
SOC as a Service
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)
Network Detection and Response (NDR)

Featured Reviews

Apr 18, 2023
A product that is a highly scalable and provides the functionalities of a SIEM solution to its users
My main issue with them was the constant need for meetings to discuss developing the API model we needed. It felt like we were always in and out of meetings trying to figure it out. It would be great if they could create a more user-friendly experience, like a drag-and-drop interface or a website builder, where clients could build their own API without needing access to the back end. Let me choose the specific tools I want to use and be able to set a price for each of them. Maybe I don't need the entire package in my environment, but I really just want the IDS/IPS. I don't like Splunk or one of the other providers, like Rapid7, who don't work well for me in my environment. So, I suggest having packages for small to medium-sized businesses, even if the primary focus is on larger companies.
Mar 7, 2023
Helps us to have more visibility in terms of what happens in our network and the network at large
In terms of valuable features, I like the ability to record the traffic and the metadata in the traffic. I also like the ability to rewind the past and be able to understand what happened. Some of my colleagues like the ability to investigate incidents. Vectra AI has had a positive effect on the productivity of our company's top teams. They use it a lot to understand what's going on. However, we still need to teach people how to use it to its full potential because it's quite a complicated product. The Sidekick MDR service is quite important to our organization’s security monitoring and management. The Sidekick team is able to give us the ins and outs of what's going on with some incidents. They are able to triage and help us to focus on a particular part of detection. They also gave us advice on how to configure some parts of the product. The two people I worked with from the MDR service are really good at what they do, and it's quite nice to work with them.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We receive infrastructure security warnings from it. So, we know what is going on and what needs to be addressed."
"The quicker implementation of changes to our infrastructure from Alert Logic tell us if there are any problems."
"It has the ability to install agents. It is pretty straightforward. You can automate the process pretty easily."
"The solution was consistently available, and I cannot recall any instances where it was down."
"It is a very stable product."
"It improves our security. Before, we didn't have anything scanning our containers. We had software scanning all the physical servers, but we had nothing to scan our containers. With Alert Logic, we can do that."
"Everything is in one dashboard; I'm notified when there's an incident and advised on what steps to take."
"The initial setup is pretty straightforward."
"It does a reliable job of parsing out the logs of all the network traffic so that we can ingest them into our SIEM and utilize them for threat hunting and case investigations. It is pretty robust and reliable. The administration time that we spend maintaining it or troubleshooting it is very low. So, the labor hour overhead is probably our largest benefit from it. We spend 99% of our time in Vectra investigating cases, responding to incidents, or hunting, and only around 1% of our time is spent patching, troubleshooting, or doing anything else. That's our largest benefit from Vectra."
"The dashboard gives me a scoring system that allows me to prioritize things that I should look at. I may not necessarily care so much about one event, whereas if I have a single botnet detection or a brute force attack, I really want to get on top of those."
"The solution's ability to reduce alerts, by rolling up numerous alerts to create a single incident or campaign, helps in that it collapses all the events to a particular host, or a particular detection to a set of hosts. So it doesn't generate too many alerts. By and large, whatever alerts it generates are actionable, and actionable within the day."
"What I like best about Vectra AI is that it alerts you about suspicious activities."
"Vectra is very compatible with various cloud providers, such as Amazon and Azure AD. This is helpful as customers often migrate their network infrastructure to the cloud."
"We particularly like the user experience around the dashboard, which we find to be much more straightforward than the dashboard of some of the competitive products... Vectra is a really easy system to understand and use to prioritize where we need to focus our security resources."
"It's important for us that the user interface is easy to understand and that is the biggest benefit we see from Vectra AI."
"It provides various dashboards that facilitate the identification of connections and can detect data exfiltration, meaning data sent from your environment to another."


"I would like more data on the alert payload. It would be good to have the ability to customize the alert payload to add whatever data that we want on there. Right now, it is a bit limited."
"The setup process was complex."
"We'd like to have triggered alerts sent to us so we see errors quicker."
"This product needs to mature more. While it is a good product, there are some areas where it needs work."
"I would like to see it do initial scans and start capturing data, which it will truly analyze, not just be a reporting system saying, "Here is an email. Here is an email. Here is an email.""
"The documentation, especially with the initial setup, needs improvement."
"They have ideas and email you whatever they find, but they don't have a dedicated security team who will work on an attack or a specific security instance."
"As a user involved with the user interface, I believe there is a need to continue improving it based on feedback from our customers."
"They use a proprietary logging format that is probably 90% similar to Bro Logs. Their biggest area of improvement is finishing out the remaining 10%. That 10% might not be beneficial to their ML engine, but that's fine. The industry standard is Zeek Logs or Bro Logs, or Bro or Zeek, depending on how old you are. While they have 90% of those fields, they're still missing some fields. In very rare instances, some community rules do not have the fields that they need, and we had to modify community rules for our logs. So, their biggest area of improvement would be to just finish their matching of the Zeek standard."
"In comparison with a lot of systems I used in the past, the false positives are really a burden because they are taking a lot of time at this moment."
"We have had a few issues with the integration of Vectra AI with EDR. Some filters have not been working. We've also had issues with the brain not being powerful enough."
"There could be an option where Vectra manages the solution remotely, and when there is an attack, there could be a notification center to give us information about the attack."
"The UI/UX and detection could be improved. More detections of specific security events could be useful. We've had a few incidents that were not detected by Vectra. The teams are working on it right now, but more detection is always better."
"In education as a sector, we are looking at AI a lot in terms of how it can be used as part of the teaching and learning side of things. It would be great to have Vectra AI look at a better way to enhance the security posture related to the AI tools in our portfolio."
"The main improvement I can see would be to integrate with more external solutions."
"A blind spot that I have is around the ease with which you can automate threat intervention."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our ROI would probably be zero. We don't even use it. It sits in there. We get emails and just delete them. Around the world, we don't even use it."
"Almost any product that is on the AWS Marketplace is super easy to subscribe to."
"Price of the solution was very reasonable considering the size of our organization at the time, and so it worked out perfectly."
"Alert Logic has better competitive pricing than some of its competitors."
"Its pricing is very reasonable considering what you get for what you pay. There is quite a good value there. Its licensing is also very logical. They've got the licensing price points at a reasonable level. It is on a monthly license but a yearly contract. There are no additional costs to the standard licensing fees."
"Its cost is too much. It's an investment that we can afford. It's a lot, but it's worth it."
"There are additional features that can be purchased in addition to the standard licensing fee, such as Cognito Recall and Stream."
"From a licensing perspective, the Vectra detect platform is pretty doable. Also, the hardware prices are nothing that we're not used to. The stream part is a little overpriced compared to the detect part. The reason is that you need to stream data to detect events anyway, so the data is in there. The only thing that's not available is the UI to be able to look at the stream data, which is also on the appliances but is just not activated. That's mainly the thing that we want to improve on."
"The licensing is on an annual basis."
"The license is based on the concurrent IP addresses that it's investigating. We have 9,800 to 10,000 IP addresses."
"The upfront pricing model that we have would have been more beneficial if it had been a recurring license fee, but that wasn't a massive issue for us. It's fairly priced."
"Cost is a big factor, as always. However, I think we have a very good price–performance ratio."
"At the time of purchase, we found the pricing acceptable. We had an urgency to get something in place because we had a minor breach that occurred at the tail end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017. This indicated we had a lack of ability to detect things on the network. Hence, why we moved quickly to get into the tool in place. We found things like Bitcoin mining and botnets which we closed quickly. In that regard, it was worth the money."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Alert Logic?
The most valuable aspect of Alert Logic is its technology platform. They have SOCs in the US and Europe, giving them global visibility of the threat landscape. They detect and respond to threats in...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Alert Logic?
Alert Logic's license is one of the most competitive. They deliver a high-quality service for a competitive price.
What needs improvement with Alert Logic?
Alert Logic should also develop an EDR that is natively integrated into their solution. Currently, a client must buy another EDR solution like SentinelOne, CrowdStrike, or Sophos. I think Alert Log...
What is the biggest difference between Corelight and Vectra AI?
The two platforms take a fundamentally different approach to NDR. Corelight is limited to use cases that require the eventual forwarding of events and parsed data logs to a security team’s SIEM or ...
What do you like most about Vectra AI?
The solution is currently used as a central threat detection and response system.

Also Known As

Alert Logic MDR, Alert Logic Managed Detection and ResponseAlert Logic Threat Manager, Alert Logic Cloud Defender, Critical Watch FusionVM
Vectra Networks, Vectra AI NDR

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Sample Customers

Tribune Media Group, Barry University, Aruba Networks, Good Technology, Riverbed, Santa Clara University, Securities Exchange, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
Find out what your peers are saying about Tenable, Wiz, SentinelOne and others in Vulnerability Management. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.