
What are the best performance testing tools?

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5 Answers

Janet Staver - PeerSpot reviewer
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@Janet Staver Agree Janet

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@Ravi Suvvari I think this is a perfect example of understanding "what we mean by performance testing" - I accept in principle what you are saying. But I cannot agree that "performance testing" is "emulating your hardware" and "simulating your software" as the assumption is that you are approximating Performance Testing to some arbitrary preconceived nirvana of what you hope performance will be.
What about all the other types of testing that can be thought of as subsets of performance testing such as isolation testing, failover testing and many others?
Sorry Ravvi, I can't totally agree with your definition - it's one definition, but not THE definition.
As I said it's about understanding what performance testing means in the context of the questionner and it means many different things to different people.

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@Evgeny Belenky Done,  Thanx for giving this valuable opportunity

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Performance Testing Tools
What are performance testing tools? Before an application can be deployed, it should ideally be tested under different operating conditions to make sure it can perform as expected. To do this, software testing professionals use performance testing tools (sometimes just called “testing tools”) to isolate and identify potential client, network, and server bottlenecks that might affect how an application will behave in production.    Some performance test products are commercial....
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Performance Testing Tools experts

Aphiwat Leetavorn. - PeerSpot reviewer
AmilaDantanarayana - PeerSpot reviewer
Mahendra Andhale - PeerSpot reviewer
PankajSingh4 - PeerSpot reviewer
Gonçalo Teixeira - PeerSpot reviewer
ArtemCheremisin - PeerSpot reviewer
Kumara Swamy - PeerSpot reviewer
Abin K Raj - PeerSpot reviewer