
How does Micro Focus UFT One compare to Tricentis Tosca?

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2 Answers

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Nov 2, 2021
Paul Grossman - PeerSpot reviewer
Real User
Feb 12, 2022

@Leah Fainchtein Buenavida I am always surprised when someone does not realize the "U" in UFT stands for "Unified" UFT is a combination of two products: Service Test (API) and QuickTest Pro (GUI) testing. It's two products for the price of one. Plus it has Test Combinations Generator in Micro Focus UFT

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Kevin Copple - PeerSpot reviewer
Top 5Leaderboard
Nov 11, 2022
Find out what your peers are saying about OpenText UFT One vs. Tricentis Tosca and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
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OpenText UFT One vs. Tricentis Tosca comparison
We performed a comparison between Micro Focus UFT One and Tricentis Tosca based on our users’ reviews in four categories. After reading all of the collected data, you can find our conclusion below. Ease of Deployment: The vast majority of Micro Focus UFT One’s users feel that it is an easy and straightforward product to deploy. Most users of Tricentis Tosca also feel that it is an easy and straightforward product to deploy. However, a number of reviewers feel that users have to learn how to...
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