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Infoblox DDI pros and cons

Vendor: Infoblox
4.4 out of 5
Badge Leader

Infoblox DDI Pros review quotes

Jun 20, 2023
Infoblox DDI prioritizes DNS security, which is crucial for the security department.
Utpal Sinha - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 25, 2023
Infoblox DDI is a good tool if you want to centralize everything in your environment...It is a stable solution.
Olajide Olusegun - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 9, 2023
The most valuable feature of Infoblox DDI is its IP Address Management (IPAM) tool. This tool allows for the effective management of IP addresses and provides the capability to detect duplicates, hence its moniker "discovery." Another feature that I find particularly useful is the integration of DNS, which can be seamlessly integrated with your existing primary DNS server, making the overall experience much more seamless and efficient.
Learn what your peers think about Infoblox DDI. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Ajmal Abbas - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 5, 2022
It offers an easy initial setup.
Amr Moustafa - PeerSpot reviewer
May 3, 2024
The best feature is the user interface.
Khizar Butt - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2023
Infoblox has more technology patents than any of its competitors.

Infoblox DDI Cons review quotes

Utpal Sinha - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 25, 2023
The recategorization part takes longer with Infoblox DDI compared to other companies like Symantec, Zscaler, and Palo Alto.
Olajide Olusegun - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 9, 2023
Regarding an upcoming release of Infoblox DDI, I would like to see an improvement in the existing integration with Ansible. Currently, the integration is not up to par and requires further enhancements, particularly in Ansible version 2.5. Additionally, the GUI is slow, it could be improved.
Ajmal Abbas - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 5, 2022
The solution is expensive.
Learn what your peers think about Infoblox DDI. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Amr Moustafa - PeerSpot reviewer
May 3, 2024
They need to provide more training and tutorials than what's provided on the website.
Khizar Butt - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2023
They need to reconsider their pricing for their SMB customers. It is a hurdle for them to manage the price.