Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 vs Zerto comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 13, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
SaaS Backup (2nd)
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Backup and Recovery (2nd), Cloud Migration (3rd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Backup category, the mindshare of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is 6.5%, up from 6.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Zerto is 4.7%, down from 14.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Backup
Unique Categories:
SaaS Backup
Backup and Recovery
Cloud Migration

Featured Reviews

Pablo Ramírez - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 19, 2023
Offers powerful email integration and is user-friendly
It is mostly used for PST from Outlook and OneDrive. It is a good solution, and we don't have any issues with any customers The solution provided a good recovery point for our customers. The solution is user-friendly, and we don't have any issues. We were able to recover anything we wanted…
Derrick Brockel - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 19, 2023
Good GUI, easy setup, and fast recovery
When we tested it, it had more functions than what we used it for, but it was a very good BCDR product. We liked the reliability and availability. Zerto enables you to do disaster recovery (DR) in the cloud, but we did not use that feature. We used Zerto to help protect VMs in our environment. It was strong in that aspect. I would rate it an eight out of ten there. Zerto's speed of recovery was comparable. There was no synchronous and asynchronous replication. If I had to give it a number, it would be a seven out of ten. It was the same as others. There was not much difference. It was easy to migrate data. There was some initial configuration in syncing, but it was easy. I would rate it an eight out of ten in terms of the ease of migration. Zerto’s ability to keep our users collaborating with one another during a data migration was good. I would rate it a seven out of ten in this aspect as well as in terms of its impact on RTOs. Zerto helps reduce downtime in any situation. We can bring up a database in minutes. It probably takes five minutes for the final sync. The cost of downtime depends on the database. It may be 50,000 if you have call center people sitting around. Normally, most of our small outages like that ranged in the tens of thousands. Zerto did save time in a data recovery situation. We did not have ransomware, but there were times we had database corruption where the users would corrupt the database, and the database would not start. It would do snapshotting. It was not necessarily ransomware, but it was testing upgrades or Oracle upgrades. The data recovery happened within five minutes, if not sooner. A normal restore would probably be four to eight hours if we had to restore from a tape and apply logs. Zerto helps to reduce an organization's DR testing. You can spin off an extra database pretty quickly and have users test against the third or fourth copy. It saves one to three days of testing depending on test cycles. You could do sequential testing. I would probably measure it more in days than hours. All of that time can be used by a DBA to do something else. Zerto reduces the number of staff involved in a data recovery situation. One person could probably orchestrate it now versus one to three people. It did not reduce the number of staff involved in overall backup and DR management because we are pretty thin. We would not have gotten rid of anybody.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Backup and replication are the most valuable features."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the replication functionality."
"The most valuable feature is that we don't need different agents to back up our files from different accounts."
"The tool's most valuable feature is its integration with M365. Its GUI is intuitive and not bad. The granular recovery options for VMs have been useful, though not as crucial as Office 365 integration, which is why we use it. Granular recovery depends on the specific problems our customers face."
"The product offers good stability."
"The tool is easy to use and straightforward regarding restoration and creating backups. It's user-friendly, providing results and sending alerts when something goes wrong."
"It was easy to set up."
"It is very simple to set up."
"It provides real-time backup"
"Another advantage is the ease of use. You can click through instead of typing in the code. It's all already scripted down to the network adjustments within the VMs and the timed delays for servers that need to come up in sequence. Overall, it's a good package for us to use. We started using it in about 2018 and haven't looked back."
"I love the seamless data integration between on-premises and cloud environments. Fast disaster recovery is also valuable."
"Zerto's two main features are ease of management and that the product just works. It does what they say it'll do."
"I've been fortunate enough not to need to rely on Zerto in an actual disaster, but we do testing every year. Sometimes, it's multiple times annually or at the year's end. It takes the recovery workflow, which would normally take a lot of planning, and reduces that to just a few minutes."
"Our RPOs and RTOs are now more in line with our other critical systems."
"The best feature of Zerto is the fast, automated backup and recovery. The data lift for applications is short, with minimal data loss."
"One of the most valuable features, something that I wasn't even anticipating, is the file backups. We weren't even considering Zerto to do restores, but it actually is able to do that. Eventually, we could just use this as our backup solution."


"We use a yearly subscription. However, I believe the price could be lower."
"They don't have native integration with deduplication of storage."
"You can't really edit. For example, if you have created a backup for a user, you can't drill down on a granular level during the backup. You have to back up the mailbox completely. That's it. It would be helpful if you could at least go inside the mailboxes to choose what you want."
"When using Veeam Backup for Office 365 when there is a server that's running, I have to have a hard drive installed on it. For example, if I want to use another storage solution, I can't incorporate it very well. If I want to use SMB or other protocols I cannot use them with the Veeam Backup for Office 365. They have the support in the other Veeam Backup and Restore solutions, but it doesn't support it in this solution. Hopefully, in the future, they figured it out."
"Pricing is an area for improvement, and I would rate it at five out of ten."
"A while back, I had some trouble using the agent. It might be a problem with older versions. Sometimes, I also have issues installing or making backups from the console to that type of operating system."
"The capacity storage is a challenge everywhere in the backup industry. The general feedback people are coming back to about this is that there is no deduplication based on it."
"The installation could always be a little bit easier. You do need to be a bit technical."
"Their offsite backup is a bit clunky, but it will probably improve."
"More user support would be best for me because I'm not in the product all the time. So, having strong support is probably the most important decision on any products that we buy."
"An integrated encryption would allow for faster initial install and connection to the remote cloud site."
"I would like to see them continuously improve Zerto's automated functions, such as putting hosts in maintenance mode within vSphere and not having to worry as much about how Zerto is going to react... Sometimes, Zerto almost holds the vSphere environment hostage when it comes to taking certain actions. You really need to be cognizant about what you're about to do. They should further automate that and increase Zerto's ability to handle things like that in a very slick, automated way, without intervention."
"Zerto added the backup feature, but it's not quite up to speed yet when you compare it with the backup capabilities of other solutions out there."
"They had a bug recently that has come up and caused some issues. They currently have a bug in their production versions that prevents their product from functioning in some scenarios, and we have hit a few of those scenarios."
"If I were to nitpick, I would say that I wish I had a better account manager. Our sales guy has changed a couple of times. I would like a little more responsiveness from our account manager. I've had a couple of issues where getting in touch with him has been a little difficult, and I end up just going around him and dealing with support and support has handled it right away."
"There should be an automatic installation in a cluster. When I add a virtual client or ESX source to the cluster, it should automatically install that. There should be automatic installation. Currently, I have to do that manually."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost of Veeam Backup for Office 365 is $19 for one mailbox."
"The licensing price is quite high. It's expensive."
"We have 2000 users and pay about $10,000. It may be a little bit more per year. We have an education institute and may have fewer expenses."
"There is an annual license required and a per-user fee for this solution."
"For the number of users and amount of storage you receive, it is not expensive."
"The solution is not expensive."
"I'm not sure about the price, but I think it could be lower."
"We looked at a few cloud options. When we did the comparison, we found it to be a cost-effective solution, and it included everything."
"You need to figure out how many critical servers and applications you have in your environment so you will know how many Zerto licenses to buy."
"It's not the cheapest tool, it's expensive. But it's doing a good job."
"In a world where others are catching up, e.g., VMware High Availability, there needs to be a less expensive option as well. When a customer has approximately 100 VMs, if you multiply by 40, we aren't charging a very high margin on it at all since the license is so expensive. We feel their pain. That is the most expensive part of it. The storage, CPU, and RAM are a lot less. It is the licensing that is really expensive. Whereas, with an option like VMware High Availability, it is a couple dollars per month. That is our spend that we are charged by VMware, then our margin is higher on those VMs. Giving us some ability to have higher margins, as an MSP, would be a good thing."
"My experience with pricing, setup costs, and licensing was straightforward."
"The pricing is very reasonable."
"It is not the cheapest option on the market, but it offers a number of features that make it a good value for businesses that need a comprehensive disaster recovery plan."
"Zerto is like a Ferrari. It's very fast but not the cheapest solution. You're paying a high price for quality and the assurance that you will have the environment up and steady."
"At the time I had purchased the product, the pricing was fair and reasonable. Over the years, costs have certainly gone up, which makes it hard for healthcare companies to use the solution."
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Comparison Review

it_user159711 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 9, 2014
VMware SRM vs. Veeam vs. Zerto
Disaster recovery planning is something that seems challenging for all businesses. Virtualization in addition to its operational flexibility, and cost reduction benefits, has helped companies improve their DR posture. Virtualization has made it easier to move machines from production to…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does AvePoint Cloud Backup compare with Veeam Backup for Office 365?
AvePoint Cloud Backup for MS Office 365 is a SaaS backup whose features include secure storage and unlimited and automated backups. The storage is saved in AvePoint’s Azure storage or it can also b...
What do you like most about Veeam Backup for Office 365?
The tool is easy to use and straightforward regarding restoration and creating backups. It's user-friendly, providing results and sending alerts when something goes wrong.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Veeam Backup for Office 365?
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is expensive, and I rate it an eight out of ten.
What advice do you have for others considering Oracle Data Guard?
Ik fluister:VM Host Oracle en DataGuard hebben we per toeval vervangen door Zerto :-) tijdens de Zerto implementatie en VPG werden de Host Data in write-ack Block-Level gerepliceerd. Qua licentie 1...
What do you like most about Zerto?
The most valuable feature of Zerto for us is its DR capability.

Also Known As

Veeam Backup for Office 365, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365
Zerto Virtual Replication



Sample Customers

Columbia Power & Water Systems
United Airlines, HCA, XPO Logistics, TaxSlayer, McKesson, Insight Global, American Airlines, Tencate, Aaron’s, Grey’s County, Kingston Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 vs. Zerto and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.