SentinelOne Singularity Identity vs Tenable Nessus comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Ide...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (11th), Threat Deception Platforms (4th), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (4th)
Tenable Nessus
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Vulnerability Management category, the mindshare of SentinelOne Singularity Identity is 0.5%, up from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Tenable Nessus is 14.0%, up from 12.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Vulnerability Management
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Threat Deception Platforms
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Sep 21, 2023
An easy-to-use and lightweight solution that provides security from hackers and malicious files
SentinelOne Singularity Identity console provides a unified view. It makes your work faster and easier to get an overview of your whole organization. It helps us to see where the problems are, what needs to be fixed, or if everything's fine. It does help us save time. It's very easy to manage our environment using the Singularity console. SentinelOne Singularity Identity’s ability to protect identities from exploitation is very good. We had a few incidents where it blocked even ransomware attacks for us. It did a really great job of protecting us and keeping us safe. SentinelOne Singularity Identity provides deep visibility into our attack surface risk. SentinelOne Singularity Identity's ability to detect and prevent threats is really good. It blocks and notifies the IT team if it finds anything malicious or suspicious running in the processes. Then, we can assess whether it's malicious or not. If we analyze something as a false alarm, the solution keeps that thing in mind and does not bother us again for the same issues in the future. Singularity Identity has helped reduce more than 50% of our mean time to detect identity-based attacks. It gives deep visibility on where and how something initiates so we can directly go to the root cause instead of finding out how or where it started. So, it does give us a boost in our time. I have not used Windows Defender, so I cannot comment much on it. SentinelOne Singularity Identity has been much easier to use, understand, and contact support than the other third-party protection software we used. I would recommend others to try it at least for a week or a month to see the difference. They can observe how its AI learns, behaves, improves your work environment, protects it, and keeps it safe. Based on my experience, I have been really enjoying this solution. I recommend that people try SentinelOne Singularity Identity for at least a week and then compare and evaluate it with other competitors. There will definitely be a huge change in their perspective. Overall, I rate SentinelOne Singularity Identity ten out of ten.
Apr 11, 2023
You can customize the tool to scan exactly what you want
My favorite part about Nessus is that you can customize the tool to scan exactly what you want. Microsoft releases new patches monthly on Patch Tuesday, and a lot of companies track that date. I set up Nessus for the day after Patch Tuesday to see which devices have already pushed those updates from Microsoft, so we can stay updated. Tenable stays on top of new IT trends in vulnerability management because there's constant innovation. They keep up with the industry. In the past few years, everything has shifted to cloud-based servers. It's a long-term trend that COVID accelerated. Tenable came out with a tool for that.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Behind the scenes, SentinelOne has real people who evaluate problems and mark them as false positives. That's what I find most helpful."
"The incident and threat logs are great."
"They have different levels of support. We have the highest level where they are constantly checking all the endpoints. If at any certain point, they identify that a computer has been triggered by a virus, a link, or something else, they would automatically tell us that within 15 seconds. If they notice something, they automatically send us an email saying that they noticed something in the computer, and they are going to block it."
"The product's initial setup phase is straightforward."
"The biggest value for us is getting a much better picture of what our risks are."
"The threat detection capability is the most valuable feature."
"SentinelOne Singularity Identity is very lightweight as an agent or software."
"While I've experience with many CSPM solutions, SentinelOne Singularity Identity stands out."
"Tenable Nessus is one of the best vulnerability assessment tools, that I know."
"The most valuable feature of Tenable Nessus is the GUI and user-friendliness. Additionally, the environment is easy to work with."
"The solution can scale well."
"Nessus is good at finding out what nodes you have in place. It will then provide you a report, by node, of what the vulnerabilities are. It does it quickly and stealthfully."
"The reports are pretty nice and easy to understand."
"The most valuable feature of Tenable Nessus is vulnerability assessments. There are a lot of threats around the world and this solution is the first to come out with detection rules."
"The automatic scanner and scheduler are pretty cool."
"I like this solution because it is complete. It can scan and check many types of vulnerabilities. It can also check for compliance."


"The policies could be more precise, and Singularity should use more templates like alternative solutions have. Endpoint management is poor. We cannot manage individual endpoints and must rely on policies, exclusions, or block lists to apply settings to a group instead of the individual agent. If I have to make settings for one computer, I need to create a group, apply the configuration, and move the agent there. It's challenging to manage endpoints that way."
"The alerts take four hours to generate in our AWS console."
"The root cause of automation could be better."
"Agent connectivity can be improved, as it is one aspect of the product with certain shortcomings."
"The first-level support has room for improvement."
"The UI can be more user-friendly."
"A lot of those features came from an acquisition of a different company."
"Our company has different locations, such as Sunbury, Oklahoma, and Alabama. I have my devices by location, and I have not found a way to choose all the endpoints and then push the update automatically. I have been doing it one by one."
"They have added a new Tenable Nessus Expert. That is their new product, which caters to the cloud and everything else. I am assuming that the new features and product enhancements are based on that tool set, but we haven't reviewed it yet."
"One area that has room for improvement is the reporting. I'm preparing reports for Windows and Linux machines, etc. Currently, I'm collecting three or four reports and turning them into one report. I don't know if it is possible to combine all of them in one report, but that would be helpful."
"They should try to create an all-in-one solution."
"In terms of what could be improved, I would say its reporting portion."
"Technically, it is an excellent and the best solution available in Libya. My only concern is related to its pricing. They are an emerging company in Libya, and they need to put in some effort to provide us with very good prices so that customers can go with the best solution. Chinese companies are getting into the market here, and they're providing very cheap solutions."
"Online learning could be a bit better."
"It wasn't very clear how the scripts are running the scans. There's information about the script but it's not straightforward. The script information for each of the plugins should be available, but it doesn't give us straightforward direct information about how it was executed. That needs to be more clear."
"It would be nice for the professional module to include some of the reports available in the expert module."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges associated with the product...I think the prices associated with the product are okay and it is not too expensive."
"Ideally, I would like SentinelOne to lower their prices a little bit."
"The price is affordable."
"SentinelOne Singularity Identity's pricing is cheaper than CrowdStrike and is really good."
"Its price is a little bit high. It is a nice product, but it comes at a cost. Compared to other products, it is not cheap, but you sometimes have to pay for the value you get. It is not cheap, but it is worth it."
"SentinelOne seemed to offer more while being priced lower than its competitors."
"The pricing is a bit high."
"The cost of SentinelOne Singularity Identity is better than CrowdStrike."
"Cost-wise, it's an affordable tool."
"Nowadays, your vulnerability applications are going to be kind of pricey because lots of them, including Rapid7, are based upon a base price, but then they add in the nodes. That's where they get you. If you're a big network, obviously, you need to scan everything. Therefore, it's going to be costly. The risk and insurance money associated with having ransomware on my networks is going to cost me more money, time, and marketing than the price of the tool. That's why I'm speaking only as an information security officer to security operations. This is the tool that is there in my toolbox to say whether we vulnerable or not. At this point, I don't care about how much it costs my company to have it because if I wasn't able to report it and we got ransomware, then who cares? I'm probably going to be out of business because it happened. That's why I don't care about the price. I have it, and I could use it effectively and do my report. At the end of the day, even if we get ransomware, as long as I reported it, followed my protocol, and put in the change, irrespective of whether it was ignored or denied, I did my job."
"The solution has free options."
"The price is reasonable."
"This solution is affordable."
"It has a fair cost and very good cost-benefit ratio."
"The price is high for the solution. There are free tools with similar functionality available. The solution cost approximately $3,500."
"The product is free."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Does SentinelOne have a Virtual Patching functionality?
Yes -- SentinelOne has a Virtual Patching functionality called Virtual Patching and Exploit Shield. This preventive security solution uses behavioral AI to identify and block zero-day attacks and v...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SentinelOne Singularity Identity?
There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges associated with the product. Whether the product is expensive or not is something that depends on what we need from it. Sentine...
How would you choose between Rapid7 InsightVM and Tenable Nessus?
You have full visibility across cloud, network, virtual, and containerized infrastructures with Rapid7 Insight VM. You can easily prioritize vulnerabilities using attacker analytics. Overall, Rapid...
What's the difference between Tenable Nessus and Vulnerability Management?
Tenable Nessus is a vulnerability assessment solution that is both easy to deploy and easy to manage. The design of the program is such that if a company should desire to handle the installation t...
What do you like most about Tenable Nessus?
We have around 500 virtual machines. Therefore, we conduct monthly scans and open tickets for our developers to address identified vulnerabilities. These scans cover the servers, other network equi...

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Sample Customers

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Bitbrains, Tesla, Just Eat, Crosskey Banking Solutions, Covenant Health, Youngstown State University
Find out what your peers are saying about SentinelOne Singularity Identity vs. Tenable Nessus and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.