Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control vs VMware Aria Operations comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM Turbonomic
Ranking in Cloud Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Migration (5th), Virtualization Management Tools (2nd), Cloud Analytics (1st), Cloud Cost Management (1st)
Oracle Enterprise Manager C...
Ranking in Cloud Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
VMware Aria Operations
Ranking in Cloud Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Virtualization Management Tools (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Management category, the mindshare of IBM Turbonomic is 6.3%, up from 6.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is 1.1%, up from 0.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VMware Aria Operations is 11.4%, up from 9.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Management
Unique Categories:
Cloud Migration
Virtualization Management Tools
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Dec 2, 2020
Lets us take a good look at our environment and decide how we will size our workloads into new areas
There are a few things that we did notice. It does kind of seem to run away from itself a little bit. It does seem to have a mind of its own sometimes. It goes out there and just kind of goes crazy. There needs to be something that kind of throttles things back a little bit. I have personally seen where we've been working on things, then pulled servers out of the VMware cluster and found that Turbonomic was still trying to ship resources to and from that node. So, there has to be some kind of throttling or ability for it to not be so buggy in that area. Because we've pulled nodes out of a cluster into maintenance mode, then brought it back up, and it tried to put workloads on that outside of a cluster. There may be something that is available for this, but it seems very kludgy to me. I would like an easier to use interface for somebody like me, who just goes in there and needs to run simple things. Maybe that exists, but I don't know about it. Also, maybe I should be a bit more trained on it instead of depending on someone else to do it on my behalf. There are some things that probably could be made a little easier. I know that there is a lot of terminology in the application. Sometimes applications come up with their own weird terminology for things, and it seems to me that is what Turbonomic did.
Andree Khodunov - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 19, 2023
Efficient central tool for managing Oracle products
From my experience, people use Enterprise Manager to control how they use Oracle software, including the installation base of software such as Oracle Enterprise Edition and options. But just having the system is not enough. It also helps with their licensing needs. System administrators use it for…
it_user509163 - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 8, 2016
A key feature is the ability to integrate data from other sources.
You can always improve the type of data you can merge in, but there's nothing that we're missing at the moment from it. I'm sure as we dig deeper into it, we'll start finding room for improvement. The reporting can always be improved. The problem is that no one does reporting well, because no one can know what your company needs out of the tool. I'm sure refinements with the reporting would be great. I'm sure they'll be refining it with every version, but it's not something that's inherent to them; it's an inherent problem with any tool that's trying to report data. I've found no tools that report data the way you need it to be reported.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I like the analytics that help us optimize compatibility. Whereas Azure Advisor tells us what we have to do, Turbonomic has automation which actually does those things. That means we don't have to be present to get them done and simplifies our IT engineers' jobs."
"Before implementing Turbonomic, we had difficulty reaching a consensus about VM placement and sizing. Everybody's opinion was wrong, including mine. The application developers, implementers, and infrastructure team could never decide the appropriate size of a virtual machine. I always made the machines small, and they always made them too big. We were both probably wrong."
"We have a system where our developers automate machine builds, and that is constantly running out of resources. Turbonomic helps us with that, so I don't have to keep buying hardware. The developers always say, "They don't have enough. They don't have enough. They don't have enough," when they just configured it improperly. Therefore, Turbonomic helps us identify configuration issues on their side so it doesn't cost me money on the other end to buy resources that I don't really need."
"We like that Turbonomic shows application metrics and estimates the impact of taking a suggested action. It provides us a map of resource utilization as part of its recommendation. We evaluate and compare that to what we think would be appropriate from a human perspective to that what Turbonomic is doing, then take the best action going forward."
"It is a good holistic platform that is easy to use. It works pretty well."
"The notifications saying, "This is a corrective action," even though some of them can be automated, are always welcome to see. They summarize your entire infrastructure and how you can better utilize it. That is the biggest feature."
"The ability to monitor and automate both the right-sizing of VMs as well as to automate the vMotion of VMs across ESXi hosts."
"It has automated a lot of things. We have saved 30 to 35 percent in human resource time and cost, which is pretty substantial. We don't have a big workforce here, so we have to use all the automation we can get."
"The solution is reliable."
"From a performance perspective, the management capabilities of the product are very valuable to its customers."
"Advisors provide quick access to Insight and best practice information for performance tuning and configuration."
"The tool's most valuable feature is notifications. It is also flexible in defining metrics where you can specify any metric type. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control helps monitor the resources you manage so that you do not overpay."
"Compared to other monitoring products, the user interface is very clear. It sends clear notifications."
"Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control has an amazing GUI interface that does a lot of tasks with fewer steps rather than making it manual on the database or the operating system side."
"We have been satisfied with technical support."
"Another feature is the Resource Manager, where we can manage the consumption of resources of certain queries, separately in resource groups. Depending on the characteristics of the query, queries can be placed in groups that consume less database and hardware resources."
"The alerting feature would be the most valuable feature for us. It gathers more metrics. In the latest versions, there are metrics that are being exactly captured with vCenter which are a bit better. Aside for that it provides a historical analysis of metrics over time."
"It enables me to anticipate our system needs, to be able to know if a host is overloaded, to be able to move things off of it... vROps has really helped us focus in on where the trouble spots are, to be able to alleviate those problems before they even become problems, so it's great."
"VMware provides good support. We are a GSS customer which means that we have global support with a dedicated engineer from VMware's side so we have no issues with support."
"From an IT department perspective, it does help in reducing the time to troubleshoot issues and in providing cost savings through higher capacity utilization."
"We like the analytics that it does. We can rightsize VMs and look for zombie VMs that are consuming resources but aren't really being used... Predictive DRS has been a great value-added feature for us as well."
"If you use the vCenter stuff, it's okay... but vROps actually gives you more realistic numbers."
"Avoiding problems in the monitoring area is our strength. We use real-time monitoring models and real-time monitoring to do this. We also provide other capabilities, such as seeing changes in the environment."
"It gives us a single pane of glass to look at whenever we're trying to troubleshoot issues, so we can go to one place as opposed to multiple places."


"It would be nice for them to have a way to do something with physical machines, but I know that is not their strength Thankfully, the majority of our environment is virtual, but it would be nice to see this type of technology across some other platforms. It would be nice to have capacity planning across physical machines."
"They could add a few more reports. They could also be a bit more granular. While they have reports, sometimes it is hard to figure out what you are looking for just by looking at the date."
"Additional interfaces would be helpful."
"The one point is the reporting. We do have reports out of it, but they're not the level of graphical detail I would like."
"Enhanced executive reporting standard with the tool beyond the reports that can be created today. Something that can easily be used with upper management on a monthly or quarterly basis to show the impact to our environment."
"It can be more agnostic in terms of the solutions that it provides. It can include some other cost-saving methods for the public cloud and SaaS applications as well."
"It would be good for Turbonomic, on their side, to integrate with other companies like AppDynamics or SolarWinds or other monitoring softwares. I feel that the actual monitoring of applications, mixed in with their abilities, would help. That would be the case wherever Turbonomic lacks the ability to monitor an application or in cases where applications are so customized that it's not going to be able to handle them. There is monitoring that you can do with scripting that you may not be able to do with Turbonomic."
"There is room for improvement [with] upgrades. We have deployed the newer version, version 8 of Turbonomic. The problem is that there is no way to upgrade between major Turbonomic versions. You can upgrade minor versions without a problem, but when you go from version 6 to version 7, or version 7 to version 8, you basically have to deploy it new and let it start gathering data again. That is a problem because all of the data, all of the savings calculations that had been done on the old version, are gone. There's no way to keep track of your lifetime savings across versions."
"Sometimes the alerts are coming a bit late, for example, an alert for the CPU. It depends on the threshold that you have, how long you want to check the CPU of the machine. I got some faulty alerts with Data Guard. I had stopped a synchronization for maintenance and then I re-synchronized Oracle Data Guard. It took some time to appear in Enterprise Manager and send me the right notification that Data Guard was up and running and synchronizing. I realized this because I went directly into the database to check the status of Data Guard, and it was telling me that it was running okay. But in Enterprise Manager, it needed some more time to update the interface."
"When registering a host, only if your host is running Linux will you get all the information which is available on EM. It would be nice if in future releases to include IBM AIX (primarily)​ and Microsoft Windows (secondly)​."
"It's crucial to promptly resolve agent-related issues to ensure continuous and accurate monitoring of database features within the Oracle Enterprise Manager."
"There is a lot of information required to deal with the vulnerabilities in the product on a timely basis, for which the documentation part is not available."
"The on-premises installation is complex. It should be easier, especially for deploying agents that are running on a Windows machine that is running Oracle databases. It's very complex. Linux based machines aren't so complicated but it's complex for Windows."
"The installation steps are very complex and the documentation for them is very generic and does not make very clear the correct steps from the installation to the addition of the host and database."
"Adding new databases is difficult in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control."
"The only negative thing about this product is that it doesn't support all environments or all applications."
"In vCenter 6.7, there are themes. I would like to see that add to vRealize Operations as well."
"There is room for improvement when it comes to the integration with Active Directory. Sometimes I need to log in to the application using my Active Directory account, instead of using the regular admin for vRealize Operations. If I want to deploy this tool to more users, I need that."
"I want vROps to have wider compatibility with older hardware. In this country, many companies have older hardware, so sometimes we can't support all the newest features."
"It is sometimes quite hard to use. If I need details, there is a huge amount of information that I need to review. It isn't a three-click solution."
"In a previous version, you could click on a cluster to see a lot of information about efficiency, e.g., when you will run out of memory, CPU usage, and RAM in percentages. In newer versions, you see this information in megahertz and kilobytes, not percentage. I don't like this change so much. If you need to present information to your boss or Director of IT, the information would be better with a percentage. Now, you have only a big number and don't know the percentage of use that you are getting from the VMs. I don't know why they changed it, but I liked the percentage version more than getting the numbers for megahertz of memory. Also, kilobytes of memory is a very large number. For a simple view, gigabytes or terabytes is better."
"While the initial setup was somewhat straightforward, there is some complexity. Going forward, I would like there to be more clarity in the process. Because to complete the setup process, our team had to open up a case with the technical support, and they had to guide us through the process."
"It is user-friendly although there's always room for improvement. In the beginning, it was about figuring out where you can find what, but once you know it, it becomes easier to navigate."
"It is a bit complex, so you need to spend time with it."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I'm not involved in any of the billing, but my understanding is that is fairly expensive."
"It is an endpoint type license, which is fine. It is not overly expensive."
"I have not seen Turbonomic's new pricing since IBM purchased it. When we were looking at it in my previous company before IBM's purchase, it was compatible with other tools."
"We felt the pricing was very fair for the product. It is in no way prohibitive for larger deployments, unlike other similar product on the market."
"I consider the pricing to be high."
"The pricing and licensing are fair. We purchase based on benchmark pricing, which we have been able to get. There are no surprise charges nor hidden fees."
"If you're a super-small business, it may be a little bit pricey for you... But in large, enterprise companies where money is, maybe, less of an issue, Turbonomic is not that expensive. I can't imagine why any big company would not buy it, for what it does."
"Licensing is per socket, so load up on the cores rather than a lot of lower core CPUs."
"Our customer uses Oracle Universal Credits to pay for their license on an annual basis. The price is definitely affordable."
"The licensing costs are largely too high."
"We are using the free version. We are not using any licensed packages of Enterprise Manager, so I’m not quite sure how much each package is. As I understand it, there are different plug-ins that you need to buy for Enterprise Manager."
"Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is a pretty expensive solution but worth the money."
"The tool's pricing is competitive."
"it's neither expensive nor cheap."
"Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is a little expensive."
"One has to pay for the enterprise version."
"We have definitely seen ROI by removing unnecessary servers and VMs. By having vROps as an assistant when it comes to monitoring and managing resources, it has helped us a lot with cost savings and managing expenses."
"vROps is a bit expensive and that's a reason that small clients say, 'No, I don't think we need this.' From a pricing perspective, it is quite steep. But 'expensive' is relative, depending on what you need. Others might say, 'It is expensive, but I think we can use it to better our environment.'"
"The license is a one time cost, and you pay for support on a yearly basis. It is a bit expensive, but if you consider the product support and its reliability, it's justifiable."
"vRealize Operations has proved to be a cost effective solution for our big environment."
"If one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the product price an eight out of ten."
"Our budgets are always tight. We would like to have more features at lower licensing levels for easier access to them."
"We have seen good ROI results. It has made our lives easier."
"As we continue to implement it across multiple environments, it reduces costs as well."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Turbonomic?
I have not seen Turbonomic's new pricing since IBM purchased it. When we were looking at it in my previous company be...
What needs improvement with Turbonomic?
I would like Turbonomic to add more services, especially in the cloud area. I have already told them this. They can a...
What is your primary use case for Turbonomic?
I mostly provide it to my clients. There are multiple reasons why they would use it depending on the client's needs a...
What do you like most about Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control?
The valuable feature is job scheduling. It manages the database's scheduling, history, and growth, helping monitor CP...
What needs improvement with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control?
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control manages the monitoring and the graphs. Other tools complement the base monito...
What's the difference between VMware vRA (automation) and vROps (operations)?
vROP is a virtualization management solution from VMWare. It is efficient and easy to manage. You can find anything y...
Is VMware Aria Operations a user friendly solution?
In terms of user-friendliness, VMware Aria Operations is one of the best solutions out there. It is not overly compl...
What is the most useful new feature of VMware Aria Operations?
For me, the alerts features are the most unique part of this product, no matter the current name it uses. When they i...

Also Known As

Turbonomic, VMTurbo Operations Manager
No data available
VMware vRealize Operations (vROps), vCenter Operations Manager, VCOPS, vRealize Operations

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Sample Customers

IBM, J.B. Hunt, BBC, The Capita Group, SulAmérica, Rabobank, PROS, ThinkON, O.C. Tanner Co.
Grupo Aeromexico SAB de CV, Grupo Arcor, Australian Finance Group Ltd., Cerner Corp., Bimbo S.A. de C.V., Kovaion Consulting India Pvt. Ltd., Shelf Drilling Ltd., Sascar, Banca Transilvania, UL
Science Applications International Corporation, Tribune Media, Heartland Payment Systems, Telkom Indonesia, Columbia Sportswear, iGATE, CSS Corp, Angel Broking, Adira Finance, Hipskind, Beiersdorf Shared Services, Innovate Mas Indonesia, Adobe, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi , Join Experience S.A, Borusan Holdings, Department of Transport - Abu Dhabi
Find out what your peers are saying about Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control vs. VMware Aria Operations and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.