
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 14, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Juniper Mist Premium Analytics
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Nagios XI
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Server Monitoring (5th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (9th), Cloud Monitoring Software (11th)
Pandora FMS
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Server Monitoring (11th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (25th), Log Management (22nd), Cloud Monitoring Software (21st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Monitoring Software category, the mindshare of Juniper Mist Premium Analytics is 0.5%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Nagios XI is 3.3%, down from 3.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Pandora FMS is 0.1%, down from 1.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Monitoring Software
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Server Monitoring
IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Shiva_Prasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2024
A cloud solution for warehousing with a troubleshooting feature
The initial setup is straightforward. It's based on user requirements. We also conduct heat mapping using a couple of tools. The only requirement is to understand the technical or configuration aspects from the user's end and then configure it. Mist takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes for a particular deployment. You need to understand the end user's environment and have a concrete plan on whether it's a greenfield installation or an existing one, considering the density and height. Based on that, we need to develop a passive heat map. Then, you need to discuss with the user to understand exactly what needs to be configured and what they require in their environment. Based on that, you can proceed with the installation. Additionally, you can perform post-installation heat mapping to ensure it matches the earlier heat map. I rate the initial setup an eight out of ten, where one is difficult, and ten is easy.
Jul 10, 2021
Easy to use and deploy with helpful technical support
The pricing has recently risen. I know they've changed what is covered under the license, however, it doesn't change the way we use it and adds nothing to our experience, and yet we now have to pay more. An optional delivery from their end in order to greatly produce some sort of a HA, high availability solution, would be ideal. At present, if I have a solution and Nagios is instanced in a particular data center and another Nagios solution in another data center, when you buy the license, you can eventually have different types of licenses. One will be a stand-by and the other will be a disaster recovery solution. What's missing from the Nagios side is the idea of having some sort of synchronization between the two instances. If I have a stand-by solution and I need ticketing as an active solution, I need to do many things manually. For example, I need to manually do ticketing on the backup and restore it on the other. It would be a good idea for some sort of mechanism, like a sort of clustering, which can help a lot for people out there who need something in an active-standby solution. I'm not sure this will be available out there even on other solutions, like Zabbix, for example, That said, I don't think they're really digging into this kind of scenario. When you start deploying thousands of monitors, especially in a big company, for example, you have to take care, as that you cannot keep on pushing into one solution. It can become inefficient. They say it's specifically that when you skip an X amount of monitors, Nagios starts behaving differently. I really don't like the idea of the certification provided by them. As a company and as a team lead, I have other people who were interested in doing some certifications, coming from the management. However, they did not provide any sort of training, which gives you the independence to do an exam. It's like they just provide a simple document for you to read and then just to apply in the exam, just to be Nagios certified. On top of that, that kind of document is very old. I asked them if they had anything up-to-date. They told me that's what they have even though it's clear it's very old quality for the current engine that Nagios is currently built on. There were quite a number of upgrades - at least five. At the same time, Zabbix certification offers you training beforehand and then you can opt for either a certification or an exam.
Aug 31, 2023
Single-point continuous supervision makes it efficient for detecting and solving problems
The free version capable of monitoring more than 10,000 nodes and covers (without limitations) a monitoring network, servers (based on agents or remotely) and applications. With complete functionalities of reports, alerts, integrations with third parties via API, etc. It creates its own architecture from 0, which allows it to scale perfectly in large environments. It has been possible to monitor an environment with more than 100,000 nodes without performance problems (of course, in the Enterprise version). We also highlight its integration with mobile devices, not only to access the console but also to monitor them thanks to its geolocation system. The only bad thing is that in the Community version that is completely free could expand the number of nodes to monitor, otherwise is a great tool.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points."
"The single dashboard is a valuable feature."
"The solution is pretty stable."
"It's a monitoring agent. It's designed to do one thing. Its most valuable feature is its monitoring."
"You want to monitor a specific metric that nobody else has? You can do it even with the most basic of scripting skills, and you can always share it with the vast community of Nagios Exchange."
"An excellent solution that is easy and intuitive to implement."
"The ability to set up templates and groups of checks, as well as customize the checks themselves."
"I can monitor a software made in-house to software of bigger companies."
"Nagios is a custom API manager, and we can expose custom APIs for our integration. This is a great feature."
"The installation is no problem. I've installed Nagios several times."
"The solution has good dashboards and graphics."
"The network monitoring and configuration within this solution is very good."
"What I value most about Pandora FMS is the simplicity of working with it."
"Features I have found most valuable with Pandora are the personalized metrics and the simplicity of data."
"I like this solution a lot because it has a very large Hispanic community and the platform looks very friendly."
"It allows me to quickly see the status of all of my printers, switches, computers, and virtual machines to determine if any system has fallen."
"The solution is so lightweight that with only 4GB of ram, it allows keeping track of up to two hundred agents from a single console."
"The administration of the console is very easy. I like that Pandora FMS is interactive and easy to manage."


"The technical support needs improvement."
"The Wi-Fi side needs improvement."
"The scalability of Nagios XI is scalable. However, it is not easy to do."
"The installation and monitoring need improvement."
"The Configuration Wizard needs improvement, because not all vendors are present."
"Improve the documentation, examples, and best practices, therefore users can understand how to do things."
"The product uses the backend as Perl and could be modified to a more lightweight solution like what's being offered by other vendors."
"The interface could be more user-friendly."
"We often need to develop custom plugins to get Nagios to work the way we want it to work because the features we need are not always available in Nagios."
"I would like to be able to extend it to all of our data centers, whether they are in the cloud or not. It would be helpful if I could connect everywhere."
"In the future, we may have double the number of devices, and we do not want to have any issues with performance in the data display."
"I would like for the solution to be faster and have a better tolerance between parallel servers for Pandora and Pest Control."
"Pandora FMS is an overall great monitoring solution, but it does not have a community that is as large as Zabbix or Nagios."
"Their support is good, but it is just online communication. It would be great to be able to just call someone and talk to them instead of always writing. It works well for me because I am a decent communicator in email, but some people might find it difficult to describe in a written fashion and communicate with them that way. There is a learning curve to the interface, but once you get used to it, it is actually very powerful. They have a lot of options, but people struggle with the interface. They've improved it though, and it is getting better. They need to keep improving the learning curve to help buy-in. I'm the guy that manages it, so I'm comfortable with it. They can refine the upgrade agents to be easier. They can also do more refinement in end-user usability because not everyone is strong technically, and people who aren't strong technically might be averse to the product, even though it has come a long way. It has a complete GUI and everything."
"This solution requires proper training to get 100% out of it."
"Improvements are needed for server and network discovery, including service-based discovery."
"We would like to see improvement in the mainframe integration that this solution is capable of."
"The price for Pandora FMS is expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"Licensing costs are reasonable."
"Nagios XI is open source."
"It is good to contact experts for advice about what is the best solution for your specific infrastructure and enterprise."
"The licensing fees for this solution are approximately $3,000 USD per year."
"For our country in North Africa, it's expensive and we could purchase another solution for that price. But it's a reasonable price if we're speaking in international terms."
"This solution is very expensive, at approximately $5,000 USD when I purchased it, which is why I haven't upgraded my version in several years."
"We are using the free version of this solution."
"Nagios Core does not have any payment, but Nagios XI requires payment for the license."
"In terms of money, the Enterprise version is the cheapest that I have found after a market study."
"The Open Source Community Edition is great to just explore the software, or use it on medium-sized infrastructures."
"They are very competitive on the pricing side. That's one reason why my manager keeps using it."
"My rule of thumb would be that if you need more than thirty agents, and you lack an automation tool such as Chef or Puppet, you will save a lot of time and money going to the Enterprise edition."
"You have to pay for the number of agents and models that you are monitoring. I would rate the cost at three with one being the most expensive and five being the cheapest."
"Growing the solution or migrating to the Enterprise version is easy, and various plans are available."
"You get the license and it includes updates, new versions, and access to the complete library of modules."
"The open-source version offers 100% functionality and the hardware requirements for a solution like this one are very modest."
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Comparison Review

it_user174738 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2015
Nagios vs. Zabbix vs. PRTG vs. Spiceworks vs. Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor
I have researched a quite a few network monitoring tools which can be used for various monitoring purposes of not only the servers, but the intermediate routers as well. There are majorly three types of these softwares. Ones which are completely open-source, you can do almost anything you want…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Comms Service Provider
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Juniper Mist Premium Analytics?
We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points.
What do you like most about Nagios XI?
It is an open-source platform with valuable features for performance and stability.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Nagios XI?
I don't deal with the licensing aspect of the product.
What needs improvement with Nagios XI?
The product's stability could be even better.
What do you like most about Pandora FMS?
Features I have found most valuable with Pandora are the personalized metrics and the simplicity of data.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Pandora FMS?
Pandora is reasonably priced, and the cost depends on the environment.
What needs improvement with Pandora FMS?
I would like for the solution to be faster and have a better tolerance between parallel servers for Pandora and Pest ...



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Nagios has over one million users globally, including AOL, DHL, McAfee, MCI, MTV, Yahoo!, Universal, Toshiba, Sony, Siemens, and JPMorgan Chase.
Rakuten, Prosegur, Repsol, Teléfonica, Allianz, Ottawa Hospital, Hughes
Find out what your peers are saying about Nagios XI vs. Pandora FMS and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.