ManageEngine Log360 vs Netsurion comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

ManageEngine Log360
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (28th), User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (10th)
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Security Services (5th), SOC as a Service (3rd), Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (13th), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of ManageEngine Log360 is 2.1%, up from 1.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Netsurion is 0.3%, up from 0.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
Log Management
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Managed Security Services
SOC as a Service

Featured Reviews

Jul 12, 2023
Facilitates incident backtracking and identifying the cause of incidents but insufficient intelligence-driven analysis to suppress unnecessary alerts
There is room for improvement, especially in the reporting aspect. The reports are not as good as those in Splunk. Another area that needs improvement is the integration of various technologies. Currently, they don't cover most of the major technology domains, leaving out significant coverage. Moreover, there are many additional features I would like to see. One feature would be an automated workflow for report downloading and sending it to relevant individuals. Additionally, there should be event triggers to identify and handle duplicated events. It would be helpful to have AI-driven technology to differentiate between real and false alerts, as we receive numerous false positives. Not every event is critical, so an intelligent analysis, such as behavior-driven or logic-based, should be incorporated to suppress unnecessary alerts. So, I want to decrease false positive instances. I would like to see a significant decrease in false positives based on intelligent analysis. The analysis could be behavior-driven or based on any logical approach, but it should be incorporated into the system.
Aug 24, 2023
Provides information that we never knew existed
What I like most about Netsurion is the level of visibility and reporting. We integrate multiple solutions and feed them into the managed services. It provides a single-pane-of-glass view. Having that data integration makes it easier. Instead of logging into all these different solutions to find the essential things we're trying to home in on, we can log into Netsurion. We have them monitoring for specific events and activity, and they report alerts within a few minutes. The integration is easy. We define the requirements, and they make it happen. We don't have an SLA for how quickly it needs to be integrated. You give the requirements and they make it happen. Communication is consistent and thorough. Validation testing is also done to ensure our needs have been met.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"You can have all of the logs from servers to network and it gets sent out to the correct owners. This is very helpful."
"The deployment is quite simple and pretty straightforward."
"ManageEngine Log360 is not difficult to deploy."
"We haven't had any stability issues."
"The most valuable feature is that this solution is more secure than others, and there are more applications and features as well."
"It basically helps us. We have to stay in compliance with certain issues with some of our customers. We have to have these types of tools in place for protecting our network and our data. We're in the aerospace industry, so we have a lot of defense contracts. So, all those guys will make sure that we're protecting their information, and it does a good job in that aspect."
"The reports that you can run are really nice."
"The product is very user-friendly."
"I like EventTracker's dashboard. I see it every time I log in because it's the first thing you get to. We have our own widgets that we use. For the sake of transparency, there are a few widgets that we look at there and then we move out from there... Among the particularly helpful widgets, the not-reporting widget is a big one. The number-of-logs-processed is also a good one."
"The network alert is the most valuable feature. That way, we in the IT department are aware of user lockout and invalid password attempts way before a user ever even calls in."
"There are a host of things that are most valuable. Obviously monitoring our environment and reporting out different events is important. They perform a suite of services. They monitor all of our servers, all of our key infrastructure, like our DNS, our switches, all that stuff. They aggregate and correlate that quarterly. They'll tell us if we're getting a lot of login failures and something is going on or if something's weird."
"If we need to do a search for user lockouts, we can go, search, and find locations where they have been locked out, then keep track of those events, historically."
"The real-time alerting for things such as people getting dropped into a VPN group or the domain admin group — things like that which really shouldn't happen without proper change management, but we all know the reality, they do from time to time — gives me real-time visibility into what's going on."
"Netsurion was easy to deploy. I have worked with other systems that were a little less complex, but they weren't quite as easy to deploy."
"I really appreciate the fact that the dashboard breaks everything down into a pretty easy view for me... It shows what changes are happening to privileged user accounts, access and identity, what's cropping up. It shows application activity and whether we've got system resources that aren't online and being found anymore. It's a pretty simple, easy, quick hit and there are the supporting logs behind it. If I need to drill down further, I can do that quickly. It's very effective."
"Expediting incident response is really great."


"Most times log sheets are not assigned well."
"There is room for improvement, especially in the reporting aspect. The reports are not as good as those in Splunk."
"The integration with SharePoint and Teams should be improved."
"Their technical support should be improved."
"On the logging system, there's a local on-client side that is encrypted, and there's one that is not encrypted. It is only for diagnostical purposes. However, both being encrypted would be very valuable for some audits."
"The graphical interface could be made easier to use when you are connecting to different network equipment."
"It takes a little bit of time for Log360 to actually learn your environment."
"The matter of the data retention needs to be addressed."
"With version 8, there are quite a few things. The query tool was one of the big ones, and the query speed was one of the big ones, but they've made some great strides between versions 8 and 9. There were also issues in version 8 around the ability to get the data back out. It's one thing to collect data, but it's a whole other thing to be able to present it or run it in a timely manner. The old tool, depending on how far back I was looking, might even time out and I would have to run it again."
"Probably the biggest thing is just: Can I search for this and what's the best way to do it? If I'm looking for two events versus a singular event, I just throw it back at them. They're the experts on it."
"Everything that I've wanted has been added in. EDR was added, and MITRE was added. Those were two big ones that we didn't even have to push for."
"Netsurion's threat detection and response aren't quite mature. I would expect a little more."
"We get a report generated on a particular day of the week and we go through it, trying to mitigate problems and make sure we're seeing everything that's happening. It would be helpful if the SOC spent a little more time with us going through some of those reports."
"The weekly reporting could use some improvement. For example, when we handed them our landscape document, it took longer than I would have liked for those details to become noticeable within the reports."
"Communication is always something that can be improved, but I feel that any time we've had a communication issue, it's quickly addressed when we bring those up at the monthly meetings. Usually, it's an individual that wasn't clear in the communication, it's not the process per se. You always have to be able to segregate if the process didn't work or an individual either didn't say the right thing or my people didn't understand what they were being told."
"The MITRE ATT&CK framework could be faster when identifying and understanding sophisticated threats. Whenever something happens, we usually get notified a couple hours later."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Affordable pricing is provided by the solution."
"Its pricing is definitely huge compared to some of the other SIEMs. Its price should be improved."
"ManageEngine Log360 is expensive compared to other products."
"There is a cost for each feature used."
"My client has a yearly license. I think the cost is not expensive compared to that of other SIEMs, given the service it is providing."
"Netsurion's pricing is extremely fair and flexible. The price of their SIEM product is reasonable, and you can pay for those services you want on top of that. It wasn't cheap, but it's competitive, and we intend to renew our contract."
"The solution is fairly expensive, but in my experience, all of the SIEM applications that I've evaluated or looked at cost about the same."
"When we first got the EventTracker product, we were using SIEM Simplified. At the time they didn't call it that, but it was more of a service thing. So, there was a bit more hand-holding and getting stuff set up, along with failure reports, that they did during the first one to two years. Then, we decided that the the additional money to have someone do these daily reports wasn't terribly useful, so we discontinued that service."
"Netsurion's pricing is competitive. At the same time, they're the only ones who do what we want to do the way we want it. I can't say we would've paid more, but we would've had to have come up with our own solution if they weren't providing that."
"We have seen time and cost savings. It prevents us from having to hire specialized people for this type of work. We would need to hire six staff members to accommodate the same service."
"It is a bit expensive as compared to some of the other products that have come out in recent years. Expense-wise, the only downside is that it is not cheap."
"Our pricing for Netsurion last year was US $52,000 per year."
"The upfront costs have increased, and we have been locked into this contract. The cost of changing over from it is way too high."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with ManageEngine Log360?
Deploying ManageEngine Log360 is challenging in terms of knowledge. They offer some out-of-the-box configurations, but determining the specific firewall or antivirus in use and importing logs from ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
Their pricing is high. I don't know if it's a barrier. The quality speaks to the price. The price is the price. They provide what they promise. From a purchasing perspective, I just have to come ba...
What needs improvement with Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
There is one area that needs improvement and that is with the agents and the server that's on-site. The system requirements are very, very high. So I need a pretty powerful server to run. If they c...

Also Known As

No data available
Netsurion Managed Threat Protection, Netsurion EventTracker

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Sample Customers

First Mountain Bank, TRA, Citadel Group, OnPoint Financial Corp, Florida Dept. of Transportation
The Salvation Army, The FRESH Market, Pacific Western Bank, NASA, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), and Talbot’s Stores
Find out what your peers are saying about ManageEngine Log360 vs. Netsurion and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.