Linode vs Microsoft Azure comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (7th)
Microsoft Azure
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
PaaS Clouds (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) category, the mindshare of Linode is 11.8%, down from 18.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure is 22.2%, up from 17.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Unique Categories:
PaaS Clouds

Featured Reviews

Mar 15, 2021
Straightforward to set up, helpful support, and the Object Storage is useful for system backups
The most valuable feature is the static IP address, which has been very helpful for being able to log into the same address over the course of more than a decade. Another useful feature is being able to have multiple system images that I can play with. I mostly use Ubuntu Linux, but if I want to play with a new version of Ubuntu, I can pretty easily add that. It's been super useful to upgrade my system over the years. I just recently started using the Object Storage and Backup features, as well. Having good backups for peace of mind and disaster recovery is very nice as well. Object Storage has been key, for me. I don't have a strong notion of exactly when Linode introduced Object Storage, but it's been very useful for me, for instance, in backing up my Git server, in addition to the whole node backup. The fact that I can interact from the command line with the Linode Object service to back up specific datasets, is super cool. I know they didn't have it when I first started using Linode and I think it's been introduced fairly recently, within the last couple of years. The Linode documentation is superb.
Joydeep Dey - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 9, 2024
Easy management, same control panel and user-friendly
The platform as a service for MySQL and PostgreSQL have significantly improved our operational efficiency. The performance is very good, and it has improved our business performance a lot. Azure Security and Compliance features: Azure offers built-in security called Microsoft Defender. This is a paid version that provides posture management for the servers. If there is any setting that needs to be changed or any problem with any network setting that could lead to a disaster, it shows us on the platform that the posture is not correct, and we fix it accordingly. It provides proactive overall management and monitors the entire infrastructure. AI initiatives: AI initiatives have been introduced, but we haven't tested it, so we cannot comment on that.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Because of the way that their pricing model is set up, I can scale up or down the size of a customer's server very easily. It makes life very easy for me when they run out of space, need more speed or RAM, etc. I can very easily pay the difference and reboot the machine, and now I have the upgrade that I wanted. That just makes it extremely simple."
"The ability to fire up a virtual machine, use it, and then kill it, is quite a valuable feature for me."
"I very much like the support that you get, and I think that it's excellent."
"Service availability is the most valuable feature. It gives every user 100 percent uptime."
"Generally speaking, I have not found any faults using Linode. For what we wanted, they provided a complete solution."
"It has helped to minimize the risk and scale services at large in virtually no time."
"The most valuable aspects of Linode are the virtual server and the clean server. I install what I need on it."
"When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I appreciate."
"I come from the DBA side so for me it's the easy maintenance; backups are very easy as well."
"The solution is very stable for Windows setups."
"One of the most valuable features of Azure is that it's a very integrated solution. You have to learn how to use it properly, but it's not that hard, and you can define your whole scrum process and deploy it from one place. It was a really nice surprise to see how easily integrated this tool is."
"The most valuable features I have found to be the auto-scaling feature and the interface."
"The pricing is quite good, and it is designed as pay-per-use."
"There are a lot of things that we like about it. It is very easy to provision and configure. It is flexible and scalable."
"I have not had a problem with the stability. It is reliable."
"The most valuable features of this solution are the value for money and flexibility."


"I don't know how all of their services work, but my understanding is that they're not offering the entry-level machine for someone who just wants to own their own web page."
"It would be helpful if they offered a service where they handle the Linux security."
"They recently changed the web interface and although the older one did not look as good, the new one is less responsive."
"The suitability of this solution depends on the features that you need. If you're an Uber-sized company then you're probably not going to want to start using Linode. If you are a large-sized organization then you're going to want to start using one of the bigger providers that gives you the scalability and the feature set that you are probably going to be needing in the future."
"I would like Linode (without cluttering things) to provide some type of DevOps workflow where people are configuring their pipelines from running their tests and deploying to their test server. Once approved by clicking a button, it just gets deployed to production. I would like something like Azure DevOps, which we use for large applications, and would be something nice to have in Linode."
"There is room for improvement regarding customer support."
"The product must improve its security."
"Because they are a smaller company, they do not have, for example, all of the ways for authentication that Amazon or Azure has."
"The price of the Azure license could be cheaper."
"You don't get support from Microsoft very easily as compared to other solutions."
"It can be improved in terms of ease of billing or monitoring of the billing. That gets to be a little difficult."
"The level of authorization or authorization cascading can be improved. We have the most powerful admins and then we have sub-admins, but the level of authorization is not that easy to handle or manage."
"The solution's initial setup was a bit complex in the beginning."
"They are a bit closed on the customization side. If they open the customization then it will be very good."
"Microsoft should have one package for all their solutions in one place to be found."
"The product's initial setup process and stability need improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing model is simple."
"The pricing model is very simple. I like the simplicity of it, starting at $5, then doubling as it goes up from there. That is a brilliant idea, and it is not complex at all. It is about as dead simple as you can imagine. So, if you want to double what you have, then you double your price, pay the money, and reboot. It is done. It's that simple. You can't beat that."
"There are costs in addition to the standard licensing fees to include things like extra public IPs and backup services."
"Being that they are small, their prices are slightly higher than the large providers like Amazon if you compare raw computing power."
"The value for the price is really good."
"When we started with the service, the cost was approximately €5 per month."
"Pricing-wise, I find it simple in that they give you a monthly fee, but they also charge it hourly. So, if you are using the service for a small part of the month, then you are only paying for that small amount instead of a whole month, like with other providers. It is a flat monthly fee if you use the service for the entire month. It just makes things so simple. Because they are focusing on Linux, you don't have to worry about licensing costs of Windows and things like that. So, the price that they give you is the price that you need to pay each month. I just find it so simple compared to the likes of AWS and Azure. It is nice, easy, and predictable. I know exactly what I am going to be paying each month and what resources I get for that price."
"The solution is neither cheap nor expensive."
"Price could always be cheaper. Its licensing and usage aren't always cheap. We pay monthly."
"It is important to consider ROI when looking at the cost of a subscription."
"There are added costs to the company or for scaling for most premium products."
"The cost could definitely be lower."
"Keep to PaaS to gain the optimal benefits from an OPEX finance and resource perspective."
"We pay for the license on a monthly basis."
"The product is expensive."
"It's an OPEX model, you pay as you go, or you can reserve funds."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Linode?
When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Linode?
Compared to other providers, I find Linode's pricing a bit higher. Storage could be more affordable.
What needs improvement with Linode?
I'm not sure what could be improved at Linode since they're likely already making enhancements, especially with the Akamai acquisition and, I don't have any specific suggestions as I haven't encoun...
Which is preferable - IBM Public Cloud or Microsoft Azure?
IBM Public Cloud is IBM’s Platform-as-a-Service. It aims to provide organizations with a secure cloud environment to manage data and applications. One of the features we like is the cloud activity ...
Which is better - SAP Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure?
One of the best features of SAP Cloud Platform is that it is web-based and you can log in from anywhere in the world. SAP Cloud Platform is suitable for companies of any size; it works well with bo...
How does Microsoft Azure compare to Google Firebase?
I would recommend Google Firebase instead of Microsoft Azure, simply for the array of features that it has to offer. In particular, the Firebase library grants you access to a shared data structure...



Also Known As

No data available
Windows Azure, Azure, MS Azure

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Sample Customers

Best Buy, Panasonic, Giphy, Marco Polo, World Health Organization, Font Squirrel
BMW, Toyota, easyJet, NBC Sports, HarperCollins, Aviva, TalkTalk Business, Avanade, and Telenor.
Find out what your peers are saying about Linode vs. Microsoft Azure and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.