Infobright DB vs MySQL comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Infobright DB
Ranking in Relational Databases Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Warehouse (28th)
Ranking in Relational Databases Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Open Source Databases (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Relational Databases Tools category, the mindshare of Infobright DB is 0.2%, down from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of MySQL is 7.9%, down from 9.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Relational Databases Tools
Unique Categories:
Data Warehouse
Open Source Databases

Featured Reviews

Dec 5, 2017
If you need a real big data solution, look for a distributed solution that actually has a proven track record.
This version of Infobright has zero support for distributed scalability. The internal smart grid employed for each table has a major flaw in that the data size cannot be expunged until 2GB of data is reached at the column-level. This is a major flaw, making usage in a big-data scenario impossible. This means that you can delete as many records from a database table as you want. However, unless the 2GB aggregate size threshold was reached for some of the columns in the table, no reduction in disk space usage will occur. Only the data from the columns that reached 2GB will actually decrease. Other columns below 2GB in size do not leave the disk. I spent countless hours trying to find some workaround for this. I have nightmares of my e-mail inbox full of unsolvable questions about data size reduction from our field engineers.
Kevin Honde - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 23, 2022
Great cluster setup; works fine on the technical side
Our primary use case for MySQL is for our internally-built system. When our developers are doing the assistance, usually we provision them with the MySQL driver The way that MySQL has improved my organization is that it comes free and also works fine on the technical side. The feature I found…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has very amazing smart grid query feature for very fast aggregate queries across millions of rows"
"One of the best features is this solution is easy to use."
"We use it as a data store and from that perspective, we get everything we need."
"The way that MySQL has improved my organization is that it comes free and also works fine on the technical side."
"I like the JSON stuff."
"Fully scalable and stable SQL-based RDBMS, with a straightforward and easy setup."
"However, it is easy to scale MySQL using the functions provided with the product."
"The one interesting thing about this product is that it is open source. It comes from an open source product. MySQL has been positioned as open source, but it also provides support."
"A lot of the software components have been trialed and tested for often more than 10 years."


"Only the data from the columns that reached 2GB will actually decrease. Other columns below 2GB in size do not leave the disk."
"The solution could improve the monitoring. At the present time, you need to use third-party monitoring solutions."
"We require more ease of use, scalability, and high availability. These are some of the critical features that we use and look for in a product. It should be easier to manage clusters. Scalability is very important for us because our projects and concurrency requirements are quite big. We also require high availability of the server, application, and other things. It should also have more performance-based features or enhancements from the performance point of view. When we divide a database, it should be able to handle the queries very fast."
"I would like to see some improvements in the solution’s integration aspects."
"MySQL lacks a feature akin to Oracle's Real Application Clusters, which ensures continuous database availability within the same data center or nearby data centers."
"The auto-tuning and NDB cluster has some limitations regarding foreign keys."
"It would be helpful if there were a graphical user interface to administer, configure, and tune it."
"The manuals or documentation could be better."
"It is not as powerful as SQL Server. It can be more powerful. It is not scalable and has certain limitations, which is not the case with SQL Server."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our pricing was based on server instances and it was actually very cheap compared to Oracle. I guess you get what you pay for."
"The solution’s pricing depends on customer requirements. A license is not required for the community edition."
"MySQL is released under an open-source license, so you have nothing to pay to use it."
"We are using the licensed version of MySQL."
"It has a community version."
"There is no cost involved, no licensing fees."
"It is free. It is an open-source platform."
"This is an open-source product that can be used free of charge."
"I am not paying, but I am not sure about the exact licensing requirements."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
No data available
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

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Why are MySQL connections encrypted and what is the biggest benefit of this?
MySQL encrypts connections to protect your data and the biggest benefit from this is that nobody can corrupt it. If you move information over a network without encryption, you are endangering it, m...
Considering that there is a free version of MySQL, would you invest in one of the paid editions?
I may be considered a MySQL veteran since I have been using it since before Oracle bought it and created paid versions. So back in my day, it was all free, it was open-source and the best among sim...
What is one thing you would improve with MySQL?
One thing I would improve related to MySQL is not within the product itself, but with the guides to it. Before, when it was free, everyone was on their own, seeking tutorials and how-to videos onli...



Also Known As

No data available



Sample Customers

REZ-1, SonicWALL, IntegriChain, Fuseforward International Inc., Polystar, Live Rail, Mavenir Systems, JDSU Partners, Bango
Facebook, Tumblr, Scholastic, MTV Networks, Wikipedia, Verizon Wireless, Sage Group, Glassfish Open Message Queue, and RightNow Technologies.
Find out what your peers are saying about Infobright DB vs. MySQL and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.