Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Build Automation
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (6th), Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (6th), Rapid Application Development Software (10th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (6th), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (2nd), Fuzz Testing Tools (2nd), DevSecOps (3rd)
Ranking in Build Automation
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (14th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Build Automation category, the mindshare of GitLab is 23.6%, up from 21.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GoCD is 1.4%, down from 1.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Build Automation
Unique Categories:
Application Security Tools
Release Automation
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites

Featured Reviews

May 16, 2023
Efficiently streamlines and automates tasks
My primary use case is for creating pipelines and automation workflows By streamlining tasks that we used to do on a daily basis and scheduling them. CI/CD, GitLab scanning, and the cloud are the most valuable features.  There is room for improvement in GitLab Agents.  I would like to see more…
RajeshReddy - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 29, 2024
The UI is colorful, but the user experience must be improved
I worked for a company where we had pipelines to deploy new code and make changes in the existing infrastructure on GoCD. Another team maintains it. I was a user who used the solution to create and use the pipelines We can see all the pipelines with a simple search. The UI is colorful. The user…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"GitLab is being used as a repository for our codebase and it is a one stop DevOps tool we use in our team."
"The most valuable feature of GitLab is the ability to upload scripts and make changes when needed and then reupload them. Additionally, the solution is user-friendly."
"The solution has an established roadmap that lays out its plans for upgrades over the next two to three years."
"It scales well."
"I like GitLab from the CI/CD perspective. It is much easier to set up CI/CD and then integrate with other tools."
"As a developer, this solution is useful as a repository holder because most of the POC projects that we have are on GitLab."
"I find the features and version control history to be most valuable for our development workflow. These aspects provide us with a clear view of changes and help us manage requests efficiently."
"The stability is good."
"Permission separations mean that we can grant limited permissions for each team or team member."
"The most notable aspect is its user interface, which we find to be user-friendly and straightforward for deploying and comprehending pipelines. We have the ability to create multiple pipelines, and in addition to that, the resource consumption is impressive."
"The UI is colorful."


"The documentation is confusing."
"Their RBAC is role-based access, which is fine but not very good."
"For as long as I have used GitLab, I haven't encountered any major limitations. However, I think that perhaps the search functionality could be better."
"We are having a few problems integrating with Jira at the moment, which is something that our IT department is investigating."
"GitLab could improve by having more plugins and better user-friendliness."
"The solution could improve by providing more integration into the CI/CD pipeline, an autocomplete search tool, and more supporting documentation."
"It is a little complex to set up the pipelines within the solution."
"GitLab could add a plugin to integrate with Kubernetes stuff."
"The tool must be more user-friendly."
"The aspect that requires attention is the user management component. When integrating with BitLabs and authenticating through GitLab, there are specific features we desire. One important feature is the ability to import users directly from GitLab, along with their respective designations, and assign appropriate privileges based on that information. Allocating different privileges to users is a time-consuming process for us."
"The documentation really should be improved by including real examples and more setup cases."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I'm not sure if they have some kind of discount. I've been negotiating with them on prices before, and I believe they weren't too happy to give discounts, but list prices are $19 per user, per month for Premium and $99 per user, per month for Ultimate. So, the difference between Premium and Ultimate is a bit bigger, and in most companies, you need to build some type of business case."
"The initial setup cost is excellent and you can add the premium features later."
"This is an open-source solution."
"I think that we pay approximately $100 USD per month."
"We are currently using the open-source version."
"The solution is free."
"In terms of the pricing for GitLab, on a scale of one to five, with one being expensive and five being cheap, I'm rating pricing for the solution a four. It could still be cheaper because right now, my company has a small team, and sometimes it's difficult to use a paid product for a small team. You'd hope the team will grow and scale, but currently, you're paying a high license fee for a small team. I'm referring to the GitLab license that has premium features and will give you all features. This can be a problem for management to approve the high price of the license for a team this small."
"We are using the open-source version."
"It's an open-source and free tool."
"This is an open-source solution and it is inexpensive."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Build Automation solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about GitLab?
I find the features and version control history to be most valuable for our development workflow. These aspects provide us with a clear view of changes and help us manage requests efficiently.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for GitLab?
For small-scale usage, GitLab offers a free tier. For enterprise pricing, GitLab is more expensive than GitHub, as it's not as widely adopted. GitLab is the preferred choice for many developers des...
What needs improvement with GitLab?
I believe there's room for improvement in the advanced features, particularly in enhancing the pipeline functionalities. Better integration and usability within the pipeline could make a significan...
What needs improvement with GoCD?
Jenkins is overtaking the product. The product must enhance user experience. Jenkins has everything in a simple XML format. However, GoCD is complex. Upgrading it to a simpler language would be hel...



Also Known As

Adaptive ALM, Thoughtworks Go



Sample Customers

1. NASA  2. IBM  3. Sony  4. Alibaba  5. CERN  6. Siemens  7. Volkswagen  8. ING  9. Ticketmaster  10. SpaceX  11. Adobe  12. Intuit  13. Autodesk  14. Rakuten  15. Unity Technologies  16. Pandora  17. Electronic Arts  18. Nordstrom  19. Verizon  20. Comcast  21. Philips  22. Deutsche Telekom  23. Orange  24. Fujitsu  25. Ericsson  26. Nokia  27. General Electric  28. Cisco  29. Accenture  30. Deloitte  31. PwC  32. KPMG, Barclay Card, AutoTrader, BT Financial Group, Gamesys, Nike, Vodafone, Haufe Lexware, Medidata, Hoovers
Find out what your peers are saying about GitLab vs. GoCD and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.