Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) vs NetApp FAS Series comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Dell PowerProtect DD (Data ...
Ranking in Deduplication Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Disk Based Backup Systems (1st)
NetApp FAS Series
Ranking in Deduplication Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
NAS (2nd), Modular SAN (Storage Area Network) (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Deduplication Software category, the mindshare of Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) is 27.0%, down from 30.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NetApp FAS Series is 2.0%, down from 2.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Deduplication Software
Unique Categories:
Disk Based Backup Systems
Modular SAN (Storage Area Network)

Q&A Highlights

Jun 01, 2022

Featured Reviews

Nilesh Nn - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 2, 2023
Helpful single management console, and beneficial reduplication and compression
The most valuable features of Dell PowerProtect DD are reduplication and compression. It provides a lot of data savings for backups. Additionally, the Dell PowerProtect DD solution offers a bundled backup software and storage option. If desired, users can also connect to cloud technology to create an additional copy of their data in the cloud. This solution supports synchronization with various cloud vendors, including Azure and AWS. Using Dell PowerProtect DD eliminates the need for multiple management consoles and devices to run a backup solution. Traditionally, a backup server is needed to install backup software and connect to a storage unit or tape library to store backup data. However, Dell PowerProtect DD includes the storage option and software, providing a consolidated solution in a single device. The solution is designed for change. With new updates, it adapts to work with new edge applications, such as Kubernetes containers and can support these applications during the backup process. This means that users do not need to seek out alternative backup solutions for their Kubernetes and container applications in the future.
Mar 12, 2024
Deduplication and compression give us more possibilities, and unified storage capabilities simplify administration
The product does improve our performance. It is scalable enough. For scalability, we've found that even if you have a three-year-old service... the way NetApp works, we must buy new equipment every five or six years. It's as if there's planned obsolescence... we don't have the option to upgrade the solution over a long period. So, for scalability, I'd give it an eight out of ten. There was one instance where we needed to add disks, but the filer was full. We ran out of space to physically add them. We had to buy extra equipment to support adding more disks to the filer when it reached maximum capacity.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The technology has been very useful. There are lots of features on offer."
"It's very competitive in terms of the price and technology. Also, the development team continuously makes updates. The data reduction feature is very useful."
"It is a stable solution."
"We are very satisfied with this solution. It's easy to use and efficient."
"The stability is excellent."
"The feature that I have found most useful is its data duplication."
"Good starting capacity and scalability."
"The solution can scale up to one petabyte right now. It's very good for enterprise-level organizations."
"The most valuable features are the NAS features and NetApp's excellent support."
"The solution is stable."
"The SnapMirror is a good tool because, as long as you're going NetApp to NetApp, it's ultimately the fastest way to move data. We replicate everything to another site for disaster recovery."
"Compression of the backup Oracle by RMAN on NFS saves space 5:1."
"It offers data compression and people management."
"The product is user-friendly and helps to evaluate the performance of each node. It ensures that if one node encounters an issue, the system can immediately redistribute the workload without interruptions. This setup provides uninterrupted operation for our systems."
"The solution is easy to use."
"Has rock solid reliability and is easy to use."


"The solution's cost, scalability, and licensing model could be improved."
"They're scalable."
"We encountered data loss during the configuration process."
"I would like to see some kind of integration with the ransomware in the next release."
"Data Domain lacks compatibility with fiber channels and tapes. We can't use it with a tape library. That's an issue in Latin America sometimes because a lot of clients still use tapes for budget reasons. Maybe they have a lot of archives. In North America and Europe, they do a lot of archiving, but they use the cloud more than we do. Sometimes we have to put together a Frankenstein where we connect another server to the tape library and send all the data there."
"The price could be a little cheaper than it is now."
"The licensing is not cost-effective, and the pricing could be better."
"Dell PowerProtect DD does not have integration with the cloud and virtualization software."
"Needs to improve the adaptive storage quality of service."
"They should add new features to the product."
"The user interface could be improved to have better graphics and the performance analyzer could be better."
"The solution's configuration is not flexible."
"Its operating system is very cumbersome. However, after you set it up, it runs pretty smoothly. Its file system is not very dynamic. It is very static."
"The product should include an audit log feature."
"The high cost of the product is an area of concern, so from an improvement perspective, the tool needs to be made cheaper."
"Currently, the newest release is not HCI friendly."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive, but the performance and deduplication cover for the cost."
"It could be more competitively priced. Its licensing was for five years. Obviously, the support will get renewed at some stage, but that's it."
"We usually buy products at the end year, and the license is included."
"On a scale where one represents high price, and ten represents low price, I rate the solution a five, which means that the solution is of medium pricing."
"Pricing for this product could still be improved, though several years ago, its price was very high. When buying an IDPA product such as Dell EMC PowerProtect DD (Data Domain), you don't have to buy anything else, because you'll have an integrated solution: a data domain appliance plus software."
"Its price is reasonable."
"In Naira it was twenty-five or twenty-seven million (approximately $75,000 USD) for the implementation and maintenance cost for three years."
"The price may be a bit higher than other products in the market, but you will receive ten out of ten support with next-business-day delivery on parts' availability."
"When we need to implement a less expensive solution we use Huawei. NetApp FAS Series is a little bit expensive compared to the average of the market."
"It is a one-time license charge for NetApp FAS Series to run and we pay annually for upgrades and support."
"NetApp FAS Series' pricing is competitive."
"The tool is expensive."
"Low-priced product, but pricing could still be made more attractive."
"The price of the NetApp FAS Series is reasonable and it provides value for the money with the feature sets. NetApp FAS Series are competing with Huawei storage which has an office and does aggressive marketing with a discount. However, we found that if our customers do a technology refresh they are happy with the performance of the NetApp FAS Series."
"The NetApp FAS series price is very competitive compared to other solutions on the market it is a good choice."
"The only area that could be improved is to lower prices for their All Flash FAS."
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Answers from the Community

Jun 1, 2022
Jun 1, 2022
Data Domain is designed for a backup solution and it is capable of deduplication and data compression where NetApp and Pure storage arrays are used to store data. If you are looking for backup purposes you can compare with Data Domain, ExaGrid and Rubrics. This appliance is designed for a backup purpose.
2 out of 3 answers
May 31, 2022
I think they are different types of storage for different purposes. If you are looking for a storage where to put backups data you can think Data Domain is the perfect choice because it is its main use (most or all the backup softwares have plugins in ordere to manage data domains). If you are looking for a primary storage (where to put your servers' data) then you can look to Netapp FAS and Purestorage. The latter are flash natives so it's simpler to manage and configure. If you look at the Netapp FAS you can also choose storages with HDDs with less performance (and a cheaper price). 
May 31, 2022
@Dhruba Roy, your question conflates very different kinds of storage.  PowerProtect DD is Dell's latest version of Data Domain. It is ONLY useful as target storage for backups. Nothing else, not even archiving. If that is what you want, it does what it's supposed to do. Albeit, it's a bit pricey and underperforming.  There are much faster, cheaper, and more advanced backup target storage. Especially when measuring restore performance. I would suggest you take a hard look at a variety of backup target storage vendors including, Infinidat InfiniGuard, ExaGrid, Quantum, StorONE, iXsystems, and many more. Most backup target storage is all HDD although some are hybrid SSD and HDD. NetApp FAS is a general-purpose storage system for blocks and files. It can be all HDD, hybrid HDD and SSD, or all SSD (all-flash FAS or AFF). It's a solid all around storage system with NetApp pioneered capabilities, but expensive as a backup storage target.  Pure Storage FlashArray//X or //C are block all-flash storage arrays. Their FlashBlades are all flash file and object storage systems. Good performers but overkill and way too expensive for backup target storage. I think you need to define what it is you really need. Of the 3 vendors you asked about, I am going to repeat myself, PowerProtect DD is ONLY useful as a target storage for backups. The other two can do so, but are really not priced nor designed specifically for backup target storage.  If general purpose storage is what you need NetApp and PureStorage are good possibilities among many others.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC PowerProtect DD (Data Domain)?
There are many different licenses, so you pay for what you need. There are various aspects you can add on, like extra speed, or something just for reading data. There are licenses to do replication...
What needs improvement with Dell EMC PowerProtect DD (Data Domain)?
Nothing comes to mind in terms of improvement. It serves its purpose. That said, if they could develop higher algorithms to make it more efficient, that would be great. Usually, with the backup, th...
Which SAN product would you choose: IBM FlashSystem (FS9500) vs PureFlash Array/X NVMe vs PureFlash Array/XL NVMe?
Have you considered a NetApp FAS Storage for your NAS needs? I am sure it fits very well.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NetApp FAS Series?
The pricing depends on the disks we choose. We got quite a good price compared to Huawei Dorado because we compared the prices between NetApp SSD and Dorado, and the price was quite similar.

Also Known As

DataDomain, Dell EMC Data Domain, PowerProtect Data Domain
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Sample Customers

The US Army, City of Houston, Lloyds TSB, TiVo, Teck, Ingram Entertainment, The New York Mets
Children's Hospital Central California, Plex Systems, PDF PNI Digital Media, Denver Broncos, PDF KSM Legal, Clayton Companies, Virginia Community College
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) vs. NetApp FAS Series and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.