
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

IBM SPSS Statistics
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (3rd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Streaming Analytics (2nd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Data Warehouse (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Science Platforms category, the mindshare of IBM SPSS Statistics is 3.0%, up from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Databricks is 21.5%, up from 19.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dremio is 5.3%, up from 1.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Science Platforms
Unique Categories:
Data Mining
Streaming Analytics
Cloud Data Warehouse

Featured Reviews

Ali Bin Tahir - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2024
Provides comprehensive data analysis and has a simple setup process
We use the product to conduct multiple and diverse statistical analyses across various datasets The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities. The product’s most valuable capability is to handle large datasets and ensure…
DevSmita Asthana - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 11, 2023
Helps to have a good data presence but needs to incorporate learning aspects
The product has helped in data fabrication.  Databricks has helped us have a good presence in data.  The product should incorporate more learning aspects. It needs to have a free trial version that the team can practice.  I have been using the product for more than six months.  I rate…
Jan 16, 2024
A highly stable solution that works like a data warehouse on top of data lakes
Dremio's interface is good, but it has a few limitations. I cannot do a lot of things with ANSI SQL or basic SQL. I cannot use the recursive common table expression (CTE) in Dremio because the support page says it's currently unsupported. The use case I am working on requires building trees and hierarchical structures. Most of the time, it requires complex nested data structures to be made simpler for end users. It would be good if Dremio could provide a way to create trees just like Oracle does using commands like CONNECT BY and NO CYCLE. You can use a few languages to simplify complicated JSON and XML. It would be very helpful if Dremio could provide a solution to simplify building trees and building meaningful data from complex data.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution is very comprehensive, especially compared to Minitabs, which is considered more for manufacturing. However, whatever data you want to analyze can be handled with SPSS."
"You can quickly build models because it does the work for you."
"The most valuable features are the small learning curve and its ability to hold a lot of data."
"IBM SPSS Statistics depends on AI."
"Custom tables and macros: They allow us to create useful reports quickly for a broad audience."
"The solution has numerous valuable features. We particularly like custom tabs. It's very useful. We end up analyzing a lot of software data, so features related to custom tabs are really helpful."
"The most valuable feature of IBM SPSS Statistics is all the functionality it provides. Additionally, it is simple to do the five-way analysis that you can into multidimensional setup space. It's the multidimensional space facility that is most useful."
"SPSS is quite robust and quicker in terms of providing you the output."
"The ease of use and its accessibility are valuable."
"The ability to stream data and the windowing feature are valuable."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to use SQL directly with Databricks."
"The time travel feature is the solution's most valuable aspect."
"The tool helps with data processing and analytics with large-scale data or big data since it is associated with managing data at a large scale."
"We are completely satisfied with the ease of connecting to different sources of data or pocket files in the search"
"The technical support is good."
"We like that this solution can handle a wide variety and velocity of data engineering, either in batch mode or real-time."
"The most valuable feature of Dremio is it can sit on top of any other data storage, such as Amazon S3, Azure Data Factory, SGFS, or Hive. The memory competition is good. If you are running any kind of materialized view, you'd be running in memory."
"Dremio allows querying the files I have on my block storage or object storage."
"Dremio enables you to manage changes more effectively than any other data warehouse platform. There are two things that come into play. One is data lineage. If you are looking at data in Dremio, you may want to know the source and what happened to it along the way or how it may have been transformed in the data pipeline to get to the point where you're consuming it."
"Everyone uses Dremio in my company; some use it only for the analytics function."
"We primarily use Dremio to create a data framework and a data queue."
"Dremio gives you the ability to create services which do not require additional resources and sterilization."


"There is a learning curve; it's not very steep, but there is one."
"The solution needs more planning tools and capabilities."
"Perhaps in terms of visualization. It's not really easy to do some data visualization, just simple, descriptive analysis in SPSS. I think that could be an area for improvement."
"The reports could be better."
"SPSS is a tool that's been around since the late 60s, and it's the universal worldwide standard for quantitative social science data analysis. That said, it does seem a bit strange to me that the graphical output functions are so clunky after all these years. The output of charts and graphs that SPSS produces is hideous."
"The solution could improve by providing a visual network for predictions and a self-organizing map for clustering."
"The technical support should be improved."
"Improvements are needed in the user interface, particularly in terms of user-friendliness."
"There is room for improvement in visualization."
"The product could be improved by offering an expansion of their visualization capabilities, which currently assists in development in their notebook environment."
"It would be great if Databricks could integrate all the cloud platforms."
"Overall it's a good product, however, it doesn't do well against any individual best-of-breed products."
"The interface of Databricks could be easier to use when compared to other solutions. It is not easy for non-data scientists. The user interface is important before we had to write code manually and as solutions move to "No code AI" it is critical that the interface is very good."
"When I used the support, I had communication problems because of the language barrier with the agent. The accent was difficult to understand."
"Databricks may not be as easy to use as other tools, but if you simplify a tool too much, it won't have the flexibility to go in-depth. Databricks is completely in the programmer's hands. I prefer flexibility rather than simplicity."
"There could be more support for automated machine learning in the database. I would like to see more ways to do analysis so that the reporting is more understandable."
"Dremio takes a long time to execute large queries or the executing of correlated queries or nested queries. Additionally, the solution could improve if we could read data from the streaming pipelines or if it allowed us to create the ETL pipeline directly on top of it, similar to Snowflake."
"I cannot use the recursive common table expression (CTE) in Dremio because the support page says it's currently unsupported."
"Dremio doesn't support the Delta connector. Dremio writes the IT support for Delta, but the support isn't great. There is definitely room for improvement."
"It shows errors sometimes."
"We've faced a challenge with integrating Dremio and Databricks, specifically regarding authentication. It is not shaking hands very easily."
"They have an automated tool for building SQL queries, so you don't need to know SQL. That interface works, but it could be more efficient in terms of the SQL generated from those things. It's going through some growing pains. There is so much value in tools like these for people with no SQL experience. Over time, Dermio will make these capabilities more accessible to users who aren't database people."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"More affordable training for new staff members."
"We think that IBM SPSS is expensive for this function."
"If it requires lot of data processing, maybe switching to IBM SPSS Clementine would be better for the buyer."
"SPSS is an expensive piece of software because it's incredibly complex and has been refined over decades, but I would say it's fairly priced."
"The price of this solution is a little bit high, which was a problem for my company."
"I rate the tool's pricing a five out of ten."
"The pricing of the modeler is high and can reduce the utility of the product for those who can not afford to adopt it."
"It's quite expensive, but they do a special deal for universities."
"The solution is affordable."
"I would rate Databricks' pricing seven out of ten."
"Databricks is a very expensive solution. Pricing is an area that could definitely be improved. They could provide a lower end compute and probably reduce the price."
"We're charged on what the data throughput is and also what the compute time is."
"My smallest project is around a hundred euros, and my most expensive is just under a thousand euros a week. That is based on terabytes of data processed each month."
"There are different versions."
"I rate the price of Databricks as eight out of ten."
"Licensing on site I would counsel against, as on-site hardware issues tend to really delay and slow down delivery."
"Right now the cluster costs approximately $200,000 per month and is based on the volume of data we have."
"Dremio is less costly competitively to Snowflake or any other tool."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM SPSS Statistics?
The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM SPSS Statistics?
While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment. However...
What needs improvement with IBM SPSS Statistics?
In some cases, the product takes time to load a large dataset. They could improve this particular area.
Which do you prefer - Databricks or Azure Machine Learning Studio?
Databricks gives you the option of working with several different languages, such as SQL, R, Scala, Apache Spark, or ...
How would you compare Databricks vs Amazon SageMaker?
We researched AWS SageMaker, but in the end, we chose Databricks. Databricks is a Unified Analytics Platform designe...
Which would you choose - Databricks or Azure Stream Analytics?
Databricks is an easy-to-set-up and versatile tool for data management, analysis, and business analytics. For analyti...
What do you like most about Dremio?
Dremio allows querying the files I have on my block storage or object storage.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dremio?
Every tool has a value based on its visualization, and the pricing is worth its value.
What needs improvement with Dremio?
Dremio's interface is good, but it has a few limitations. I cannot do a lot of things with ANSI SQL or basic SQL. I c...

Also Known As

SPSS Statistics
Databricks Unified Analytics, Databricks Unified Analytics Platform, Redash
No data available

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Sample Customers

LDB Group, RightShip, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Capgemini Consulting, TEAC Corporation, Ironside, nViso SA, Razorsight, Si.mobil, University Hospitals of Leicester, CROOZ Inc., GFS Fundraising Solutions, Nedbank Ltd., IDS-TILDA
Elsevier, MyFitnessPal, Sharethrough, Automatic Labs, Celtra, Radius Intelligence, Yesware
UBS, TransUnion, Quantium, Daimler, OVH
Find out what your peers are saying about Databricks vs. Dremio and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.