
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

IBM SPSS Statistics
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (3rd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Streaming Analytics (2nd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Science Platforms category, the mindshare of IBM SPSS Statistics is 3.0%, up from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Databricks is 21.5%, up from 19.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dataiku is 12.9%, up from 6.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Science Platforms
Unique Categories:
Data Mining
Streaming Analytics
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

Sep 17, 2023

Featured Reviews

Ali Bin Tahir - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2024
Provides comprehensive data analysis and has a simple setup process
We use the product to conduct multiple and diverse statistical analyses across various datasets The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities. The product’s most valuable capability is to handle large datasets and ensure…
Jan 13, 2023
A great and easy-to-use platform for data engineers and data scientists who rely on a large dataset to do advanced analytics reporting
The initial setup was easy to complete and not complex. It may initially be challenging for a new user, but it improves over time. The CICD pipeline works well with the Microsoft Azure platform because the continuous integration, development and deployment come with the Git integration. It makes it easier for Databricks and the CICD. The deployment should be improved from the perspective of auto ML functionality, so it doesn't have intensive automation learning capability. We don't use Databricks directly because we work on a data science project. It requires an auto ML and inbuilt machine learning capability. We found capabilities like the large language model using NLP and other deep learning models that are not that intensive. It is meant for data engineering purposes rather than data science purposes. It'll be great if Databricks could be intensive for data science. We used a third-party, Dataiku platform for the deployment, where we connected to Databricks and completed the ML ops. We required about three people for deployment, and it is easy to maintain the solution.
May 17, 2024
Gives different aspects of modeling approaches and good for multiple teams' collaboration
I used DataRobot. Dataiku has a different kind of structure to it. It's not financially heavy like DataRobot, which caters more to financial companies, like banks. Dataiku doesn't have that yet. I think they are also working on that area. But yeah, there are some key differences between the two products. DataRobot has an additional feature with financial firms that it creates all these financial metrics when you run a time series analysis. Those things I have not seen in Dataiku. If any financial company is choosing between DataRobot and Dataiku, they will definitely go for DataRobot because it creates all these financial metrics. It creates deltas, time series, time difference fields, and things like that. So, that is an added feature that DataRobot has.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Capability analysis is one of the main and valuable functions. We also do some hypothesis testing in Minitab and summary stats. These are the functions that we find very useful."
"SPSS is quite robust and quicker in terms of providing you the output."
"You can find a complete algorithm in the solution and use it. You don't need to write your own algorithms for predictive analytics. That's the most valuable feature and the main one we use."
"The most valuable features are the small learning curve and its ability to hold a lot of data."
"in terms of the simplicity, I think the SPSS basic can handle it."
"The most valuable features mainly include factor analysis, correlation analysis, and geographic analysis."
"It is a modeling tool with helpful automation."
"Custom tables and macros: They allow us to create useful reports quickly for a broad audience."
"Databricks' most valuable feature is the data transformation through PySpark."
"Its lightweight and fast processing are valuable."
"The processing capacity is tremendous in the database."
"I like the ability to use workspaces with other colleagues because you can work together even without seeing the other team's job."
"Databricks is based on a Spark cluster and it is fast. Performance-wise, it is great."
"Can cut across the entire ecosystem of open source technology to give an extra level of getting the transformatory process of the data."
"I haven't heard about any major stability issues. At this time I feel like it's stable."
"Databricks is a scalable solution. It is the largest advantage of the solution."
"Cloud-based process run helps in not keeping the systems on while processes are running."
"The most valuable feature is the set of visual data preparation tools."
"The solution is quite stable."
"I like the interface, which is probably my favorite part of the solution. It is really user-friendly for an IT person."
"Extremely easy to use with its GUI-based functionality and large compatibility with various data sources. Also, maintenance processes are much more automated than ever, with fewer errors."
"Data Science Studio's data science model is very useful."
"If many teams are collaborating and sharing Jupyter notebooks, it's very useful."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is that it is one tool that can do everything, and you have the ability to very easily push your design to prediction."


"Needs more statistical modelling functions."
"The solution needs more planning tools and capabilities."
"Each algorithm could be more adaptable to some industry-specific areas, or, in some cases, adapted for maintenance."
"One of the areas that should be similar to Minitabs is the use of blogs. The Minitabs blog helps users understand the tools and gives lots of practical examples. Following the SPSS manual is cumbersome. It's a good, exhaustive manual, but it's not practical to use. With Minitabs, you can go to the blogs and find specific articles written about various components and it's very helpful. Without blogs, we find SPSS more complicated."
"The design of the experience can be improved."
"The statistics should be more self-explanatory with detailed automated reports."
"Improvements are needed in the user interface, particularly in terms of user-friendliness."
"The technical support should be improved."
"Databricks would benefit from enhanced metrics and tighter integration with Azure's diagnostics."
"The data visualization for this solution could be improved. They have started to roll out a data visualization tool inside Databricks but it is in the early stages. It's not comparable to a solution like Power BI, Luca, or Tableau."
"The solution could be improved by adding a feature that would make it more user-friendly for our team. The feature is simple, but it would be useful. Currently, our team is more familiar with the language R, but Databricks requires the use of Jupyter Notebooks which primarily supports Python. We have tried using RStudio, but it is not a fully integrated solution. To fully utilize Databricks, we have to use the Jupyter interface. One feature that would make it easier for our team to adopt the Jupyter interface would be the ability to select a specific variable or line of code and execute it within a cell. This feature is available in other Jupyter Notebooks outside of Databricks and in our own IDE, but it is not currently available within Databricks. If this feature were added, it would make the transition to using Databricks much smoother for our team."
"There would also be benefits if more options were available for workers, or the clusters of the two points."
"Databricks has a lack of debuggers, and it would be good to see more components."
"The stability of the clusters or the instances of Databricks would be better if it was a much more stable environment. We've had issues with crashes."
"Databricks may not be as easy to use as other tools, but if you simplify a tool too much, it won't have the flexibility to go in-depth. Databricks is completely in the programmer's hands. I prefer flexibility rather than simplicity."
"I would like to see the integration between Databricks and MLflow improved. It is quite hard to train multiple models in parallel in the distributed fashions. You hit rate limits on the clients very fast."
"Although known for Big Data, the processing time to process 1.8 billion records was terribly slow (five days)."
"Dataiku still needs some coding, and that could be a difference where business data scientists would go for DataRobot more than Dataiku."
"I think it would help if Data Science Studio added some more features and improved the data model."
"I find that it is a little slow during use. It takes more time than I would expect for operations to complete."
"The interface for the web app can be a bit difficult. It needs to have better capabilities, at least for developers who like to code. This is due to the fact that everything is enabled in a single window with different tabs. For them to actually develop and do the concurrent testing that needs to be done, it takes a bit of time. That is one improvement that I would like to see - from a web app developer perspective."
"There were stability issues: 1) SQL operations, such as partitioning, had bugs and showed wrong results. 2) Due to server downtime, scheduled processes used to fail. 3) Access to project folders was compromised (privacy issue) with wrong people getting access to confidential project folders."
"Server up-time needs to be improved. Also, query engines like Spark and Hive need to be more stable."
"The ability to have charts right from the explorer would be an improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It's quite expensive, but they do a special deal for universities."
"SPSS is an expensive piece of software because it's incredibly complex and has been refined over decades, but I would say it's fairly priced."
"If it requires lot of data processing, maybe switching to IBM SPSS Clementine would be better for the buyer."
"The pricing of the modeler is high and can reduce the utility of the product for those who can not afford to adopt it."
"The price of this solution is a little bit high, which was a problem for my company."
"We think that IBM SPSS is expensive for this function."
"I rate the tool's pricing a five out of ten."
"More affordable training for new staff members."
"Licensing on site I would counsel against, as on-site hardware issues tend to really delay and slow down delivery."
"There are different versions."
"The solution uses a pay-per-use model with an annual subscription fee or package. Typically this solution is used on a cloud platform, such as Azure or AWS, but more people are choosing Azure because the price is more reasonable."
"The cost is around $600,000 for 50 users."
"The product pricing is moderate."
"The licensing costs of Databricks depend on how many licenses we need, depending on which Databricks provides a lot of discounts."
"Price-wise, I would rate Databricks a three out of five."
"The price is okay. It's competitive."
"Pricing is pretty steep. Dataiku is also not that cheap."
"The annual licensing fees are approximately €20 ($22 USD) per key for the basic version and €40 ($44 USD) per key for the version with everything."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM SPSS Statistics?
The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM SPSS Statistics?
While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment. However...
What needs improvement with IBM SPSS Statistics?
In some cases, the product takes time to load a large dataset. They could improve this particular area.
Which do you prefer - Databricks or Azure Machine Learning Studio?
Databricks gives you the option of working with several different languages, such as SQL, R, Scala, Apache Spark, or ...
How would you compare Databricks vs Amazon SageMaker?
We researched AWS SageMaker, but in the end, we chose Databricks. Databricks is a Unified Analytics Platform designe...
Which would you choose - Databricks or Azure Stream Analytics?
Databricks is an easy-to-set-up and versatile tool for data management, analysis, and business analytics. For analyti...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dataiku Data Science Studio?
Pricing is pretty steep. Dataiku is also not that cheap. It depends on the client and how much they want to spend tow...
What needs improvement with Dataiku Data Science Studio?
The no-code/low-code aspect, where DataRobot doesn't need much coding at all. Dataiku still needs some coding, and th...
What is your primary use case for Dataiku Data Science Studio?
My current client has Dataiku. We do sentiment analysis and some small large language models right now. We use Dataik...

Also Known As

SPSS Statistics
Databricks Unified Analytics, Databricks Unified Analytics Platform, Redash
Dataiku DSS

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Sample Customers

LDB Group, RightShip, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Capgemini Consulting, TEAC Corporation, Ironside, nViso SA, Razorsight, Si.mobil, University Hospitals of Leicester, CROOZ Inc., GFS Fundraising Solutions, Nedbank Ltd., IDS-TILDA
Elsevier, MyFitnessPal, Sharethrough, Automatic Labs, Celtra, Radius Intelligence, Yesware
BGL BNP Paribas, Dentsu Aegis, Link Mobility Group, AramisAuto
Find out what your peers are saying about Databricks vs. Dataiku and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.